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2006, 9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06)
This paper proposes a novel particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm using the concept of age of particles. Effective fitness of a particle depends both on its functional value and age. Age of a newly generated particle is taken as zero, and in every iteration age of each individual is increased by one. In this paper, a trapezoidal aging function is considered. The model aims to emulate natural swarm system in a more natural way. The effectiveness of this concept is demonstrated by cluster analysis. Results show that the model provides enhanced performance and maintains more diversity in the swarm and thereby allows the particles to be robust to trace the changing environment.
In recent years, clustering is still a popular analysis tool for data statistics. The data structure identifying from the large-scale data has become a very important issue in the data mining problem. In this paper, an improved particle swarm optimization based on Gauss chaotic map for clustering is proposed. Gauss chaotic map adopts a random sequence with a random starting point as a parameter, and relies on this parameter to update the positions and velocities of the particles. It provides the significant chaos distribution to balance the exploration and exploitation capability for search process. This easy and fast function generates a random seed processes, and further improve the performance of PSO due to their unpredictability. In the experiments, the eight different clustering algorithms were extensively compared on six test data. The results indicate that the performance of our proposed method is significantly better than the performance of other algorithms for data clusteri...
ArXiv, 2019
Optimization is nothing but a mathematical technique which finds maxima or minima of any function of concern in some realistic region. Different optimization techniques are proposed which are competing for the best solution. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a new, advanced, and most powerful optimization methodology that performs empirically well on several optimization problems. It is the extensively used Swarm Intelligence (SI) inspired optimization algorithm used for finding the global optimal solution in a multifaceted search region. Data clustering is one of the challenging real world applications that invite the eminent research works in variety of fields. Applicability of different PSO variants to data clustering is studied in the literature, and the analyzed research work shows that, PSO variants give poor results for multidimensional data. This paper describes the different challenges associated with multidimensional data clustering and scope of research on optimizing t...
Expert Systems with Applications, 2011
The clustering problem has been studied by many researchers using various approaches, including tabu searching, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, ant colonies, a hybridized approach, and artificial bee colonies. However, almost none of these approaches have employed the pure particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique. This study presents a new PSO approach to the clustering problem that is effective, robust, comparatively efficient, easy-to-tune and applicable when the number of clusters is either known or unknown. The algorithm was tested using two artificial and five real data sets. The results show that the algorithm can successfully solve both clustering problems with both known and unknown numbers of clusters.
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2016
Fuzzy clustering is a popular unsupervised learning method used in cluster analysis which allows a point in large data sets belongs to two or more clusters. Prior work suggests that Particle Swarm Optimization based approach could be a powerful tool for solving clustering problems. In this paper, we propose a data clustering algorithm based on modified adaptive particle swarm optimization. We choose to use artificial bee colony algorithm combined with PSO technique to modify the traditional clustering methods due to its fast convergence and the presence of adaptive mechanisms based on the evolutionary factor. On the one hand, Particle Swarm Optimization is proven to be an effective and robust technique for fuzzy clustering. On the other hand, the artificial bee colony algorithm has the capability to generate diversity within the swarm when the guide bees are in the exploration mode. Through numerical analysis and experimental simulation, we verify that our algorithm performs much better compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms. Future research schedule is also discussed in the final part.
Data clustering is an approach for automatically finding classes, concepts, or groups of patterns. It also aims at representing large datasets by a few number of prototypes or clusters. It brings simplicity in modelling data and plays an important role in the process of knowledge discovery and data mining. Data mining tasks require fast and accurate partitioning of huge datasets, which may come with a variety of attributes or features. This imposes computational requirements on the clustering techniques. Swarm Intelligence (SI) has emerged that meets these requirements and has successfully been applied to a number of real world clustering problems. This paper looks into the use of Particle Swarm Optimization for cluster analysis. The effectiveness of Fuzzy C-means clustering provides enhanced performance and maintains more diversity in the swarm and allows the particles to be robust to trace the changing environment. Data structure identifying from the large scale data has become a very important in the data mining problems. Cluster analysis identifies groups of similar data items in large datasets which is one of its recent beneficiaries. The increasing complexity and large amounts of data in the data sets that have seen data clustering emerge as a popular focus for the application of optimization based techniques. Different optimization techniques have been applied to investigate the optimal solution for clustering problems. This paper also proposes two new approaches using PSO to cluster data. It is shown how PSO can be used to find the centroids of a user specified number of clusters.
In order to overcome the shortcomings of traditional clustering algorithms such as local optima and sensitivity to initialization, a new Optimization technique, Particle Swarm Optimization is used in association with Unsupervised Clustering techniques in this paper. This new algorithm uses the capacity of global search in PSO algorithm and solves the problems associated with traditional clustering techniques. This merge avoids the local optima problem and increases the convergence speed. Parameters, time, distance and mean, are used to compare PSO based Fuzzy C-Means, PSO based Gustafson's-Kessel, PSO based Fuzzy K-Means with extragrades and PSO based K-Means are suitably plotted. Thus, Performance evaluation of Particle Swarm Optimization based Clustering techniques is achieved. Results of this PSO based clustering algorithm is used for remote image classification. Finally, accuracy of this image is computed along with its Kappa Coefficient.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2007
⎯ Inspired by the self-organized behaviour of bird flocks, a new dynamic clustering approach based on Particle Swarm Optimization is proposed. This paper introduces a novel clustering method, the PSDC, a new Particle Swarm-like agents approach for Dynamically Adaptive data clustering. Unlike other partition clustering algorithms, this technique does not require initial partitioned seeds and it can dynamically adapt to the changes in the global shape or size of the clusters. In this technique, the agents have lots of useful features such as sensing, thinking, making decisions, parallelism and moving freely in the solution space. The moving swarm-like agents are guided to move according to a specific proposed navigation rules. These rules help every agent to find its new position in its navigation process and the clustering results emerge from the collective and cooperative behaviour of these swarm agents. If the swarm performance showed gradual improvements during a predefined number of cycles, then the current population could pass useful information to the next population in order to help further generations in reaching better solutions faster and enable the learning process to be reinforced. The distributed, adaptive and cooperative behaviour of these agents was so powerful to explore the solution space effectively. Through the cooperative behaviour, the generations of agents were able to build knowledge and the whole population could pass information to the next generation. Numerous experiments have been conducted using both synthetic and real datasets to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed model. Cluster validity approaches are used to quantitatively evaluate the results of the clustering algorithm. Experimental results showed that the proposed particle swarm-like clustering algorithm reaches good clustering solutions and achieves superior performance compared to others.
Modern machine learning and data analysis hinge on sophisticated search techniques. In general, exploration in high-dimensional and multi-modal spaces is needed. Some algorithms that imitate certain natural principles, the so-called evolutionary algorithms, have been used in different aspects of Environmental Science and have found numerous applications in Environmental related problems. In this paper we apply a derivative of PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization), recently introduced by the authors to partitional clustering of a real-world data set obtained from a Water Supply Company. The PSO derivative we consider here improves several typical features of this optimization technique. For one thing, PSO is adapted to consider mixed discrete-continuous optimization since the problem we tackle here involves the use of both continuous and discrete variables. For another, one of the main drawbacks associated with PSO comes from the fact that it is difficult to keep good levels of population diversity and to balance local and global searches. This formulation is able to find optimum or near-optimum solutions much more efficiently and with considerably less computational effort because of the richer population diversity it introduces. Finally, the cumbersome aspect, common to all metaheuristics, of choosing the right parameter values is tackled through self-adaptive dynamic parameter control.
Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2017
Clustering is an unsupervised kind of grouping of data points based on the similarity that exists between them. This paper applied a combination of particle swarm optimization and K-means for data clustering. The proposed approach tries to improve the performance of traditional partition clustering techniques such as K-means by avoiding the initial requirement of number of clusters or centroids for clustering. The proposed approach is evaluated using various primary and real-world datasets. Moreover, this paper also presents a comparison of results produced by the proposed approach and by the K-means based on clustering validity measures such as inter- and intra-cluster distances, quantization error, silhouette index, and Dunn index. The comparison of results shows that as the size of the dataset increases, the proposed approach produces significant improvement over the K-means partition clustering technique.
Data Warehousing and …, 2007
This paper introduces a new approach called hybrid particle swarm optimization like algorithm (hybrid PSO) with fine tuning operators to solve optimisation problems. This method combines the merits of the parameter-free PSO (pf-PSO) and the extrapolated particle swarm optimization like algorithm (ePSO). In order to accelerate the PSO algorithms to obtain the global optimal solution, three fine tuning operators, namely mutation, cross-over and root mean square variants are introduced. The effectiveness of the fine tuning elements with various PSO algorithms is tested through three benchmark functions along with a few recently developed state-of-the-art methods and the results are compared with those obtained without the fine tuning elements. From several comparative analyses, it is clearly seen that the performance of all the three PSO algorithms (pf-PSO, ePSO, and hybrid PSO) is considerably improved with various fine tuning operators and sometimes more competitive than the recently developed PSO algorithms.
International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2004
Clustering analysis is applied generally to pattern recognition, color quantization and image classification. It can help the user to distinguish the structure of data and simplify the complexity of data from mass information. The user can understand the implied information behind extracting these data. In real case, the distribution of information can be any size and shape. A particle swarm
Particle Swarm Optimization with Applications, 2018
A Particle Swarm Optimization with a Bio-inspired Aging Model (BAM-PSO) algorithm is proposed to alleviate the premature convergence problem of other PSO algorithms. Each particle within the swarm is subjected to aging based on the age-related changes observed in immune system cells. The proposed algorithm is tested with several popular and well-established benchmark functions and its performance is compared to other evolutionary algorithms in both low and high dimensional scenarios. Simulation results reveal that at the cost of computational time, the proposed algorithm has the potential to solve the premature convergence problem that affects PSO-based algorithms; showing good results for both low and high dimensional problems. This work suggests that aging mechanisms do have further implications in computational intelligence.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
Data mining is the collection of different techniques. Clustering information into various cluster is one of the data mining technique. It is a method, in which each cluster must contain more similar data and have much dissimilarity between inter cluster data. Most of traditional clustering algorithms have disadvantages like initial centroid selection, local optima, low convergence rate etc. Clustering with swarm based algorithms is emerging as an alternative to more conventional clustering techniques. In this paper, a new hybrid sequential clustering approach is proposed, which uses PSO -a swarm based technique in sequence with Fuzzy k -means algorithm in data clustering. Experimentation was performed on standard dataset available online. From the result, the proposed approach helps to overcome limitations of both algorithms, improves quality of formed cluster and avoids being trapped in local optima.
This paper presents an efficient hybrid method, namely fuzzy particle swarm optimization (FPSO) and fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithms, to solve the fuzzy clustering problem, especially for large sizes. When the problem becomes large, the FCM algorithm may result in uneven distribution of data, making it difficult to find an optimal solution in reasonable amount of time. The PSO algorithm does find a good or near-optimal solution in reasonable time, but its performance was improved by seeding the initial swarm with the result of the c-means algorithm. The fuzzy c-means, PSO and FPSO algorithms are compared using the performance factors of object function value (OFV) and CPU execution time. It was ascertained that the computational times for the FPSO method outperforms the FCM and PSO method and had higher solution quality in terms of the objective function value (OFV).
Operational Research, 2009
This paper presents a new memetic algorithm, which is based on the concepts of genetic algorithms (GAs), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP), for optimally clustering N objects into K clusters. The proposed algorithm is a two phase algorithm which combines a memetic algorithm for the solution of the feature selection problem and a GRASP algorithm for the solution of the clustering problem. In this paper, contrary to the genetic algorithms, the evolution of each individual of the population is realized with the use of a PSO algorithm where each individual have to improve its physical movement following the basic principles of PSO until it will obtain the requirements to be selected as a parent. Its performance is compared with other popular metaheuristic methods like classic genetic algorithms, tabu search, GRASP, ant colony optimization and PSO. In order to assess the efficacy of the proposed algorithm, this methodology is evaluated on datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The high performance of the proposed algorithm is achieved Y. Marinakis (&) Á N. Matsatsinis as the algorithm gives very good results and in some instances the percentage of the corrected clustered samples is very high and is larger than 96%.
Data clustering has been a well-studied research field for a long time. One of the latest trends in this area is the application of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in clustering which has good potential for improvements. This paper presents an approach to using Particle Swarm Optimization to cluster data. It is shown how PSO can be used to find the centroids of a user specified number of clusters. Results show that PSO clustering techniques have much potential.
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2014
Optimization based pattern discovery has emerged as an important field in knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD), and has been used to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of clustering, classification, association rules and outlier detection. Cluster analysis, which identifies groups of similar data items in large datasets, is one of its recent beneficiaries. The increasing complexity and large amounts of data in the datasets have seen data clustering emerge as a popular focus for the application of optimization based techniques. Different optimization techniques have been applied to investigate the optimal solution for clustering problems. Swarm intelligence (SI) is one such optimization technique whose algorithms have successfully been demonstrated as solutions for different data clustering domains. In this paper we investigate the growth of literature in SI and its algorithms, particularly Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). This paper makes two major contributions. Firstly, it provides a thorough literature overview focusing on some of the most cited techniques that have been used for PSO-based data clustering. Secondly, we analyze the reported results and highlight the performance of different techniques against contemporary clustering techniques. We also provide an brief overview of our PSO-based hierarchical clustering approach (HPSO-clustering) and compare the results with traditional hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC), K-means, and PSO clustering.
In this paper we use exponential particle swarm optimization (EPSO) to cluster data. Then we compare between (EPSO) clustering algorithm which depends on exponential variation for the inertia weight and particle swarm optimization (PSO) clustering algorithm which depends on linear inertia weight. This comparison is evaluated on five data sets. The experimental results show that EPSO clustering algorithm increases the possibility to find the optimal positions as it decrease the number of failure. Also show that (EPSO) clustering algorithm has a smaller quantization error than (PSO) clustering algorithm, i.e. (EPSO) clustering algorithm more accurate than (PSO) clustering algorithm.
Clustering-an important data mining task, which groups the data on the basis of similarities among the data, can be divided into two broad categories, partitional clustering and hierarchal. We combine these two methods and propose a novel clustering algorithm called Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimization (HPSO) data clustering. The proposed algorithm exploits the swarm intelligence of cooperating agents in a decentralized environment. The experimental results were compared with benchmark clustering techniques, which include Kmeans, PSO clustering, Hierarchical Agglomerative clustering (HAC) and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN). The results are evidence of the effectiveness of Swarm based clustering and the capability to perform clustering in a hierarchical agglomerative manner.
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