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2019, Differentiation
20 pages
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Development of the human prepuce was studied over the course of 9-17 weeks of gestation in 30 specimens. Scanning electron microscopy revealed subtle surface features that were associated with preputial development, namely the appearance of epidermal aggregates that appeared to be associated with formation of the preputial fold. Transverse and sagittal sections revealed that the epidermis of the glans is considerably thicker than that of the penile shaft. We described a novel morphogenetic mechanism of formation of the preputial lamina, namely the splitting of the thick epidermis of the glans into the preputial lamina and the epidermis via the intrusion of mesenchyme containing red blood cells and CD31-positive blood vessels. This process begins at 10-11 weeks of gestation in the proximal aspect of the glans and extends distally. The process is likely to be androgen-dependent and mediated via androgen receptors strategically localized to the morphogenetic process, but signaling through estrogen receptor may play a role. Estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) has a very limited expression in the developing human glans and prepuce, while estrogen receptor beta (ESR2) is expressed more broadly in the developing preputial lamina, epidermis and urethra. Examination of the ontogeny of innervation of the glans penis and prepuce reveals the presence of the dorsal nerve of the penis as early as 9 weeks of gestation. Nerve fibers enter the glans penis proximally and extend distally over several weeks to eventually reach the distal aspect of the glans and prepuce by 14-16 weeks of gestation.
The urethra within the human penile shaft develops via (1) an "Opening Zipper" that facilitates distal canalization of the solid urethral plate to form a wide urethral groove and (2) a "Closing Zipper" that facilitates fusion of the epithelial surfaces of the urethral folds. Herein, we extend our knowledge by describing formation of the human urethra within the glans penis as well as development of the prepuce. Forty-eight normal human fetal penile specimens were examined using scanning electron microscopy and optical projection tomography. Serial histologic sections were evaluated for morphology and immunohistochemical localization for epithelial differentiation markers: Cytokeratins 6, 7, 10, FoxA1, uroplakin and the androgen receptor. As the closing zipper completes fusion of the urethral folds within the penile shaft to form a tubular urethra (~13 weeks), canalization of the urethral plate continues in proximal to distal fashion into the glans penis to directly form the urethra within the glans without forming an open urethral groove. Initially, the urethral plate is attached ventrally to the epidermis via an epithelial seam, which is remodeled and eliminated, thus establishing mesenchymal confluence ventral to the glanular urethra. The morphogenetic remodeling involves the strategic expression of cytokeratin 7, FoxA1 and uroplakin in endodermal epithelial cells as the tubular glanular urethra forms. The most ventral epithelial cells of the urethral plate are pinched off from the glanular urethra and are reabsorbed into the epidermis ultimately losing expression of their markers, a process undoubtedly regulated by androgens. The prepuce initially forms on the dorsal aspect of the glans at approximately 12 weeks of gestation. After sequential proximal to distal remodeling of the ventral urethral plate along the ventral aspect of glans, the prepuce of epidermal origin fuses in the ventral midline.
PloS one, 2014
The penile erectile tissue has a complex microscopic anatomy with important functions in the mechanism of penile erection. The knowledge of such structures is necessary for understanding the normal physiology of the adult penis. Therefore, it is important to know the changes of these penile structures during fetal development. This study aims to analyze the development of the main components of the erectile tissue, such as collagen, smooth muscle fibers and elastic system fibers, in human fetuses. We studied the penises of 56 human fetuses aged 13 to 36 weeks post-conception (WPC). We used histochemical and immunohistochemical staining, as well as morphometric techniques to analyze the collagen, smooth muscle fibers and elastic system fibers in the corpus cavernosum and in the corpus spongiosum. These elements were identified and quantified as percentage by using the Image J software (NIH, Bethesda, USA). From 13 to 36 WPC, in the corpus cavernosum, the amount of collagen, smooth mu...
Differentiation, 2020
To better understand how the human fetal penis and clitoris grows and remodels, we undertook an investigation to define active areas of cellular proliferation and programmed cell death spatially and temporally during development of human fetal external genitalia from the indifferent stage (8 weeks) to 18 weeks of gestation. Fifty normal human fetal penile and clitoral specimens were examined using macroscopic imaging, scanning electron microscopy and immunohistochemical localization for the cellular proliferation and apoptotic markers, Ki67 and Caspase-3. A number of hot spots of cellular proliferation characterized by Ki67 localization are present in the penis and clitoris especially early in development, most notably in the corporal body, glans, remodeling glanular urethra, the urethral plate, the roof of the urethral groove and the fully formed penile urethra. The 12-fold increase in penile length over 10 weeks of growth from 8 to 18 weeks of gestation based on Ki67 labelling appears to be driven by cellular proliferation in the corporal body and glans. Throughout all ages in both the developing penis and clitoris Ki67 labeling was consistently elevated in the ventral epidermis and ventral mesenchyme relative to the dorsal counterparts. This finding is consistent with the intense morphogenetic activity/ remodeling in the ventral half of the genital tubercle in both sexes involving formation of the urethral/vestibular plates, canalization of the urethral/vestibular plates and fusion of the urethral folds to form the penile urethra. Areas of reduced or absent Ki67 staining include the urethral fold epithelium that fuses to form the penile tubular urethra. In contrast, the urethral fold mesenchyme is positive for Ki67. Apoptosis was rarely noted in the developing penis and clitoris; the only area of minimal Caspase-3 localization was in the epithelium of the ventral epithelial glanular channel remodeling.
Differentiation, 2016
We recently described a two-step process of urethral plate canalization and urethral fold fusion to form the human penile urethra. Canalization ("opening zipper") opens the solid urethral plate into a groove, and fusion ("closing zipper") closes the urethral groove to form the penile urethra. We hypothesize that failure of canalization and/or fusion during human urethral formation can lead to hypospadias. Herein, we use scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and analysis of transverse serial sections to better characterize development of the human fetal penile urethra as contrasted to the development of the human fetal clitoris. Eighteen 7-13 week human fetal external genitalia specimens were analyzed by SEM, and fifteen additional human fetal specimens were sectioned for histologic analysis. SEM images demonstrate canalization of the urethral/vestibular plate in the developing male and female external genitalia, respectively, followed by proximal to distal fusion of the urethral folds in males only. The fusion process during penile development occurs sequentially in multiple layers and through the interlacing of epidermal "cords". Complex epithelial organization is also noted at the site of active canalization. The demarcation between the epidermis of the shaft and the glans becomes distinct during development, and the epithelial tag at the distal tip of the penile and clitoral glans regresses as development progresses. In summary, SEM analysis of human fetal specimens supports the two-zipper hypothesis of formation of the penile urethra. The opening zipper progresses from proximal to distal along the shaft of the penis and clitoris into the glans in identical fashion in both sexes. The closing zipper mechanism is active only in males and is not a single process but rather a series of layered fusion events, uniquely different from the simple fusion of two epithelial surfaces as occurs in formation of the palate and neural tube.
Knowledge of penile embryology and anatomy is essential to any pediatric urologist in order to fully understand and treat congenital anomalies. Sex differentiation of the external genitalia occurs between the 7 th and 17 th weeks of gestation. The Y chromosome initiates male differentiation through the SRY gene, which triggers testicular development. Under the influence of androgens produced by the testes, external genitalia then develop into the penis and scrotum. Dorsal nerves supply penile skin sensation and lie within Buck's fascia. These nerves are notably absent at the 12 o'clock position. Perineal nerves supply skin sensation to the ventral shaft skin and frenulum. Cavernosal nerves lie within the corpora cavernosa and are responsible for sexual function. Paired cavernosal, dorsal, and bulbourethral arteries have extensive anastomotic connections. During erection, the cavernosal artery causes engorgement of the cavernosa, while the deep dorsal artery leads to glans enlargement. The majority of venous drainage occurs through a single, deep dorsal vein into which multiple emissary veins from the corpora and circumflex veins from the spongiosum drain. The corpora cavernosa and spongiosum are all made of spongy erectile tissue. Buck's fascia circumferentially envelops all three structures, splitting into two leaves ventrally at the spongiosum. The male urethra is composed of six parts: bladder neck, prostatic, membranous, bulbous, penile, and fossa navicularis. The urethra receives its blood supply from both proximal and distal directions.
Journal of Urology, 2013
Purpose: We analyzed the development of the area of the penis and erectile structures (corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum) and the thickness of the tunica albuginea during the fetal period (13 to 36 weeks after conception) in humans to establish normative patterns of growth. Materials and Methods: We studied 56 male human fetuses at 13 to 36 weeks after conception. We used histochemical and morphometric techniques to analyze the parameters of total penile area, area of corpora cavernosa, area of corpus spongiosum, and thickness of tunica albuginea in the dorsal and ventral regions using ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland). Results: Between 13 and 36 weeks after conception the area of the penis varies from 0.95 to 24.25 mm 2. The area of the corpora cavernosa varies from 0.28 to 9.12 mm 2 , and the area of the corpus spongiosum varies from 0.14 to 3.99 mm 2. The thickness of the tunica albuginea varies from 0.029 to 0.296 mm in the dorsal region and from 0.014 to 0.113 mm in the ventral region of the corpora cavernosa. Conclusions: We found a strong correlation between the total penile area, corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum with fetal age (weeks following conception). The growth rate was more intense during the second trimester (13 to 24 weeks of gestation) compared to the third trimester (25 to 36 weeks). Tunica albuginea thickness also was strongly correlated with fetal age and this structure was thicker in the dorsal vs ventral region.
Differentiation; research in biological diversity, 2018
The human penis and clitoris develop from the ambisexual genital tubercle. To compare and contrast the development of human penis and clitoris, we used macroscopic photography, optical projection tomography, light sheet microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, histology and immunohistochemistry. The human genital tubercle differentiates into a penis under the influence of androgens forming a tubular urethra that develops by canalization of the urethral plate to form a wide diamond-shaped urethral groove (opening zipper) whose edges (urethral folds) fuse in the midline (closing zipper). In contrast, in females, without the influence of androgens, the vestibular plate (homologue of the urethral plate) undergoes canalization to form a wide vestibular groove whose edges (vestibular folds) remain unfused, ultimately forming the labia minora defining the vaginal vestibule. The neurovascular anatomy is similar in both the developing human penis and clitoris and is the key to successful su...
British Journal of Urology, 1995
Immunohistochemical methods were used to study the developing peptidergic innervation of the human fetal prostate gland in a series of specimens ranging in gestational age from 13 to 30 wk. The overall innervation of each specimen was visualised using protein gene product 9.5 (PGP), a general nerve marker. The onset and development of specific neuropeptide-containing subpopulations were investigated using antisera to neuropeptide Y (NPY), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), bombesin (BOM), somatostatin (SOM), leu-enkephalin (I-ENK) and met-enkephalin (m-ENK). In addition the occurrence and distribution of presumptive noradrenergic nerves was studied using antisera to dopamine-p-hydroxylase (DOH) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). At 13 wk numerous branching PGP-immunoreactive (-IR) nerves were observed in the capsule of the developing prostate gland and surrounding the preprostatic urethra but the remainder of the gland was devoid of nerves. The majority of nerves in the capsule contained DjH and TH and were presumed to be noradrenergic in type while other nerves (in decreasing numbers) contained NPY, I-ENK, SP and CGRP. Nerves associated with the preprostatic urethra did not contain any of the neuropeptides under investigation. At 17 wk the density of nerves in the capsule had increased and occasional m-ENK-, VIP-and BOM-IR nerve fibres were also observed. In addition PGP, DPH-, TH-, NPY-and I-ENK-IR nerves occurred in association with smooth muscle bundles which at 17 wk were present in the outer part of the gland. Occasional PGP-IR nerves were also present at the base of the epithelium forming some of the prostatic glands. At 23 wk some of the subepithelial nerves showed immunoreactivity for NPY, VIP or I-ENK. At 26 wk smooth muscle bundles occurred throughout the gland and were richly innervated by PGP, DjH and TH-IR nerves while a less dense plexus was formed by NPY-and I-ENK-IR nerves together with a few m-ENK-IR nerves. Occasional smooth muscle-associated varicose nerve fibres showed immunoreactivity for SP, CGRP, VIP or BOM although the majority of these types of nerve formed perivascular plexuses. Also at 26 wk numerous varicose nerve fibres were observed in association with the prostatic acini, the majority of such nerves containing NPY with a few showing immunoreactivity to VIP, I-ENK, SP or CGRP. The relative paucity of VIP-IR nerves from the subepithelial plexus of the fetal prostatic acini is in marked contrast to the adult gland. Furthermore, unlike the situation in adults, PGP-IR ganglion cells were not present within the substance of any of the fetal prostate specimens included in this study. Randomly scattered endocrine-paracrine epithelial cells immunoreactive for CGRP were present in the prostatic glands and prostatic urethra at 13 wk gestation. Similar cells immunoreactive for BOM were first apparent in the prostatic and urethral epithelium at 20 wk. Occasional cells immunoreactive for SOM were first observed in the urethral epithelium at 22 wk and in the prostatic acini at 30 wk.
Seminars in pediatric surgery, 2011
Faulty ventral openings of the urethra constitute a broad spectrum of malformations that are subsumed under the term "hypospadia." The normal development of the urethra and the genitals critically depends on the following events: (a) formation of the external genitalia, (b) fate of the cloacal membrane, and (c) formation of the distal urethra. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate these events using microsurgical techniques and scanning electron microscopy in staged rat embryos.
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