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2025, IOSR Journal Of Applied Physics…
28 pages
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A detailed study of light speed is presented based on Newtonian physics in which photon is treated as a particle having inertia properties in both photon generation and propagation processes. With a clear understanding of the definition of light speed and the reference of observation, on one hand, Wu's Spacetime Shrinkage Theory based on a hypothetical Yanton and Yington Theory can be applied successfully in interpretation of physical phenomena of photon associated with Absolute Light Speed observed at light source (also at stationary reference point), such as Cosmological Redshift, Gravitational Redshift, Light Deflection, Anisotropic light speed, as well as Hubble's Law and Expansion of the Universe. On the other hand, Equation of Light Speed and Equations of Doppler Shifts based on a logical analysis can also be implemented perfectly in explanation of physical phenomena of photon associated with Normal Light Speed observed at reference point, such as Axial Doppler Shift, Acceleration Doppler Shift and Transverse Doppler Shift, as well as Acceleration Doppler Effect and Event Horizon. As a result, Normal Light Speed observed at the reference point is not constant, which can change with the relative motion between light source and reference point. Even though Absolute Light Speed observed at light source is constant, it is true only if at the same gravitational field and aging of the universe.
Journal of Applied Physics , 2021
Einstein's Special Relativity is based on a postulation that the light speed in vacuum is constant no matter the light sources and observers. Because light speed is very much faster than the speed of light source, it is nearly impossible to measure the light speed on a light source moving at a comparable speed. Since there is no solid proof yet that light speed is constant, it is fair to ask what if light speed is not constant. Based on Photon Inertia Transformation and Yangton and Yington Theory, Equation of Light Speed is proposed, such that Doppler Redshift can be explained by Acceleration Doppler Effect, and Event Horizon can be interpreted by the competition between Absolute Light Speed and star acceleration speed. Both of them can also be considered as the nature proofs of that light speed is not constant. In addition, if light speed is indeed constant, then interference shall be found in Michelson Morley Experiment even Aether doesn't exist. On the contrary, if light speed is not constant, then Einstein's Special Relativity shall not be true simply because of the wrong assumption, and Velocity Time Dilation cannot be true either. Furthermore, for the same reason, relativism could be totally false and Length Contraction could be induced from human's visual memory instead of Special Relativity. After all, it is the purpose of this review to give a sound answer to the question "What if light speed is not constant".
Acceleration Doppler Effect is introduced to explain the Redshift phenomenon in Inertia Transformation process. Hubble's Law and Cosmological Redshift are interpreted by Wu's Spacetime Accelerating Shrinkage Theory. In addition, Wu's Laws of Spacetime of Wu's Pair and Photon with respect to the age of universe and the gravitational field are derived and summarized.
Equation of Light Speed C’ = C + V is proposed as a general law in physics. In which, Normal Light Speed C' – the light speed observed at the reference point (observer) is a vector summation of Absolute Light Speed C – the light speed observed at light source (3 x 108 m/s) and Inertia Light Speed V – the speed of light source observed at the reference point. Absolute Light Speed is dependent on the local gravitational field. Inertia Light Speed is dependent on the relative motion between light source and reference point. As a result, Gravitational Redshift and Deflection of Light are caused by the changes of Absolute Light Speed due to massive gravitational field. Acceleration Doppler Effect and Even Horizon are formed because of the variations of Inertia Light Speed between the light source and the reference point. Furthermore, applying a detailed analysis on Michelson Morley Experiment with Equation of Light Speed, not only that Aether doesn’t exist, but also light speed can’t be constant.
Space and Time don’t change. However the dimension and duration of an object or event can change with local gravitational field and aging of the universe of the object or event. Light speed is also dependent on the local gravitational field and aging of the universe. In addition, Light speed observed at the reference point C' is the vector summation of light speed observed at light source C (Absolute Light Speed which is a constant 3 x 108 m/s on earth) and the speed of light source (Inertia Light Speed) observed at the reference point V. This is called Equation of Light Speed C' = C + V.
Relativistic constancy of speed of light, makes lightspeed a constant for all observers stationary or moving. This is despite discoveries of Aberration of Light in 1784 and Doppler Shift in 1842, which showed relativity of lightspeed. If the speed were constant, relative to everybody, it would have been found as infinitely large. But it was measured as very high and finite. Light adjusting its speed, to be same c for every moving observer, is untenable. This paper, invoking aberration of light, shows that speed of light depends on motions of source and observer and that speed of light, relative to the source, is a constant c. It gives rise to Doppler Shift in light. Redshift of starlight is ascribed to reduction in speed of light, due to refractions in intergalactic pathlength L for reaching the Earth. Hubble-Lemaître law, in physical cosmology, is deduced without an expanding Universe.
Method given for intuitively visualizing constancy of light speed. Using mass-energy equivalence, we can show with the help of simple thought experiments, that velocity time dilation and gravitational time dilation are a necessary consequence of principle of relativity. Speed of light is discussed in the context of each kind of time dilation.
This paper studied why the speed of light is always constant regardless of the speed of the light source or the observer. I also studied that the theory of relativity can be described only with the basic properties of time and space without introducing the constancy of the speed of light as a basic principle. This logical process presupposes that the correct length change in the special theory of relativity is length expansion, not length contraction, and I have confirmed that length expansion is consistent with known relativistic experimental results.
In recent, the faster-than-light was measured and observed with different experiments. But, physicists ignored these experiments. I think, the reason to ignore these experiments is that it need reassess the whole fundamental of modern physics. In general thought, if the faster-than-light is true, the special relativity shall be invalid. Here, by outlining the development of physics in the past 100 years, it is presented that, although the relative space and time is not a developed theory of physics, a particle can be accelerated to a very large mass according to Mass-velocity equation. Therefore, whether or not the faster-than-light is true, the speed of light with Lorentz factor is significant. It is indicated that, the faster-than-light and the invariance of the speed of light are based on different fundamentals of physics respectively. In the special relativity, the high speed particle is only treated as a particle while in quantum physics a particle is always treated as the wave-particle duality, and the faster-than-light is based on the wave-particle duality.
Henok Tadesse
In this paper, a new theoretical framework for absolute motion and the speed of light is presented. The new theoretical framework consists of two parts: 1. Constancy of phase velocity of light 2. Apparent Source Theory. The theory of constancy of phase velocity of light is a consequence of non-existence of the ether. Thus the phase velocity of light in vacuum is always constant c, irrespective of absolute or relative motion of the light source, the observer and the mirror, for uniform or accelerated motions. The constancy of phase velocity of light leads to a new Exponential Doppler Effect of light: f ' = f e V/c and λ' = λe-V/c , which fulfills the constant phase velocity condition : f ' λ ' = f e V/c λe-V/c = f λ = c. The Exponential Doppler Effect theory can also explain the Ives-Stilwell experiment. The Michelson-Morley disproved the ether hypothesis but failed to detect absolute motion, which was decisively detected by the Silvertooth experiment, in combination with the NASA CMBR anisotropy experiment. Absolute motion is not motion relative to the ether. According to Apparent Source Theory, the effect of absolute motion is to create an apparent change in the point of light emissionrelative to an inertial observer, in the reference frame of an absolutely moving inertial observer. In the case of the Michelson-Morley experiment, an apparent change in point of light emission relative to the observer/detector will create only a small fringe shift for the same reason that an actual/physical change in the source position (actual change in point of light emission) will result only in a small fringe shift. This is the small fringe shift observed in the original Michelson-Morley experiment and in the Miller experiments. A profound prediction of Apparent Source Theory regarding the phenomenon of stellar aberration is that the apparent change in star position in not in the same direction as the observer's velocity, but in the opposite direction ! Thus, an observer in absolute motion needs to tilt his telescope backwards, not forward, to see star light.A formulation of Apparent Source Theory for a non-inertial observer is also presented. For a non-inertial observer/detector, the light speed experiment is analyzed based on thefollowing principle.An imaginary inertial observer is assumed who will be at the same point and moving with the same velocity as the instantaneous velocity of the real accelerating observer at the instant of light detection. In other words, the real accelerating observer and the imaginary inertial observer will detect the light at the same point in space, simultaneously, while moving with the same instantaneous velocity.This general formulation ofApparent Source Theory is applied to analyze the Sagnac effect. The Sagnac effect is shown to be an acceleration effect, not an absolute motion effect. Apparent Source Theory is also applied to static electric, magnetic and gravitational sources. A qualitative analysis of Mercury perihelion advance is presented.It is proposed that magnetic field is a form of electric field as described by Weber's formula for electrostatic force between two charges.Weber's formula, which is a modification of Coulomb's formula, is adopted and combined with Apparent Source Theory, which may explain all electromagnetic phenomenon.Analogous Weber's formula for gravitation, which is a modification of Newton's law of gravitation, might solve some of the outstanding problems in physics, such as dark matter, dark energy and Pioneer anomaly. 2
Theory of "Relativity of speed of light with rate of universe expansion" explains relation between of speed of light with rate of universe expansion. This theory provides evidences that time can not be relative as stated by the "Theory of Special Relativity" and the "Theory of General Relativity". "Theory of Special Relativity" and "Theory of General Relativity" are based on fundamental proposition of constancy of speed of light. However, postulates of these theories are not correct. Theory of "Relativity of speed of light with Rate of Universe Expansion" answers fundamental proposition of constancy of speed of light in terms of rate of universe expansion. This theory also explains the main reason behind E = mc 2 .
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Henok Tadesse, 2024
Arxiv preprint gr-qc/0406023, 2004
Light Speed Present Effect, 2022
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2019
The General Science Journal, 2023