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2015, arXiv (Cornell University)
7 pages
1 file
We discuss the possibility to implement a viscous cosmological model, attributing to the dark matter component a behaviour described by bulk viscosity. Since bulk viscosity implies negative pressure, this rises the possibility to unify the dark sector. At the same time, the presence of dissipative effects may alleviate the so called small scale problems in the $\Lambda$CDM model. While the unified viscous description for the dark sector does not lead to consistent results, the non-linear behaviour indeed improves the situation with respect to the standard cosmological model.
General Relativity and Gravitation, 2005
Singularities in the dark energy universe are discussed, assuming that there is a bulk viscosity in the cosmic fluid. In particular, it is shown how the physically natural assumption of letting the bulk viscosity be proportional to the scalar expansion in a spatially flat FRW universe can drive the fluid into the phantom region (w < −1), even if lies in the quintessence region (w > −1) in the non-viscous case.
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2011
The objective of the present work is to study a cosmological model for a spatially flat Universe whose constituents are a dark energy field and a matter field which includes baryons and dark matter. The constituents are supposed to be in interaction and irreversible processes are taken into account through the inclusion of a non-equilibrium pressure. The non-equilibrium pressure is considered to be proportional to the Hubble parameter within the framework of a first order thermodynamic theory. The dark energy and matter fields are coupled by their barotropic indexes, which are considered as functions of the ratio between their energy densities. The free parameters of the model are adjusted from the best fits of the Hubble parameter data. A comparison of the viscous model with the non-viscous one is performed. It is shown that the equality of the dark energy and matter density parameters and the decelerated-accelerated transition occur at earlier times when the irreversible processes are present. Furthermore, the density and deceleration parameters and the distance modulus have the correct behavior which is expected for a viable scenario of the present status of the Universe.
We investigate cosmological models with two interacting fluids: dark energy and dark matter in flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. The interaction between dark energy and dark matter is described in terms of the parameters present in the inhomogeneous equation of state when allowance is made for bulk viscosity, for the Little Rip, the Pseudo Rip, and the bounce universes. We obtain analytic representation for characteristic properties in these cosmological models, in particular the bulk viscosity ζ = ζ(H, t) as function of Hubble parameter and time. We discuss the corrections of thermodynamical parameters in the equations of state due coupling between the viscous fluid and dark matter. Some common properties of these corrections are elucidated.
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 2011
The Universe is modeled as consisting of pressureless baryonic matter and a bulk viscous fluid which is supposed to represent a unified description of the dark sector. In the homogeneous and isotropic background the total energy density of this mixture behaves as a generalized Chaplygin gas. The perturbations of this energy density are intrinsically nonadiabatic and source relative entropy perturbations. The resulting baryonic matter power spectrum is shown to be compatible with the 2dFGRS and SDSS (DR7) data. A joint statistical analysis, using also Hubble-function and supernovae Ia data, shows that, different from other studies, there exists a maximum in the probability distribution for a negative present value of the deceleration parameter. Moreover, the unified model presented here favors a matter content that is of the order of the baryonic matter abundance suggested by big-bang nucleosynthesis. A problem of simple bulk viscous models, however, is the behavior of the gravitatio...
Classical and Quantum Gravity
We probe into universes filled with Quark Gluon Plasma with non-zero viscosities. In particular, we study the evolution of a universe with non-zero shear viscosity motivated by the theoretical result of a non-vanishing shear viscosity in the Quark Gluon Plasma due to quantum-mechanical effects. We first review the consequences of a non-zero bulk viscosity and show explicitly the non-singular nature of the bulk-viscosity-universe by calculating the cosmological scale factor R(t) which goes to zero only asymptotically. The cosmological model with bulk viscosity is extended to include a Cosmological Constant. The previous results are contrasted with the cosmology with non-zero shear viscosity. We first clarify under which conditions shear viscosity terms are compatible with the Friedmann-Lamaître-Robertson-Walker metric. To this end we use a version of the energy-momentum tensor from the Müller-Israel-Stewart theory which leads to causal Navier-Stoke equations. We then derive the corresponding Friedmann equations and show under which conditions the universe emerges to be non-singular.
Physical Review D, 2010
We investigate the cosmological perturbation dynamics for a universe consisting of pressureless baryonic matter and a viscous fluid, the latter representing a unified model of the dark sector. In the homogeneous and isotropic background the total energy density of this mixture behaves as a generalized Chaplygin gas. The perturbations of this energy density are intrinsically non-adiabatic and source relative entropy perturbations. The resulting baryonic matter power spectrum is shown to be compatible with the 2dFGRS and SDSS (DR7) data. A joint statistical analysis, using also Hubble-function and supernovae Ia data, shows that, different from other studies, there exists a maximum in the probability distribution for a negative present value q 0 ≈ −0.53 of the deceleration parameter. Moreover, while previous descriptions on the basis of generalized Chaplygin gas models were incompatible with the matter power spectrum data since they required a much too large amount of pressureless matter, the unified model presented here favors a matter content that is of the order of the baryonic matter abundance suggested by big-bang nucleosynthesis. *
Physical Review D, 1996
The full causal Müller-Israel-Stewart (MIS) theory of dissipative processes in relativistic fluids is applied to a flat, homogeneous and isotropic universe with bulk viscosity. It is clarified in which sense the so called truncated version is a reasonable limiting case of the full theory. The possibility of bulk viscosity driven inflationary solutions of the full theory is discussed. As long as the particle number is conserved almost all these solutions exhibit an exponential increase of the temperature. Assuming that the bulk viscous pressure of the MIS theory may also be interpreted as an effective description for particle production processes, the thermodynamical behaviour of the Universe changes considerably. In the latter case the temperature increases at a lower rate or may remain constant during a hypothetical de Sitter stage, accompanied by a substantial growth of the comoving entropy.
The European Physical Journal C, 2008
The analytic properties of the energy density ρ(t) of the cosmic fluid, and the Hubble parameter H(t), are investigated near to the future singularity t = t s assuming different forms for the equation of state. First, it is shown that the inclusion of quantum effects coming from the conformal anomaly modifies the singularity. Thereafter, we consider the effect coming from a bulk viscosity in the fluid. The viscosity tends to reduce the magnitude of t s , but does not alter the singularity itself (the exponent). Main emphasis is laid on the simple case when the equation of state is p = wρ, with w a constant.
International Journal of Modern Physics D
From a hydrodynamicist’s point of view the inclusion of viscosity concepts in the macroscopic theory of the cosmic fluid would appear most natural, as an ideal fluid is after all an abstraction (exluding special cases such as superconductivity). Making use of modern observational results for the Hubble parameter plus standard Friedmann formalism, we may extrapolate the description of the universe back in time up to the inflationary era, or we may go to the opposite extreme and analyze the probable ultimate fate of the universe. In this review, we discuss a variety of topics in cosmology when it is enlarged in order to contain a bulk viscosity. Various forms of this viscosity, when expressed in terms of the fluid density or the Hubble parameter, are discussed. Furthermore, we consider homogeneous as well as inhomogeneous equations of state. We investigate viscous cosmology in the early universe, examining the viscosity effects on the various inflationary observables. Additionally, we...
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arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
Modern Physics Letters A
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2011
Physical Review D, 2013
Journal of Cosmology and …, 2011
Il Nuovo Cimento B, 1994
General Relativity and Gravitation
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1996