Generic left-separated spaces and calibers

2002, arXiv (Cornell University)

In this paper we use a natural forcing to construct a left-separated topology on an arbitrary cardinal κ. The resulting left-separated space X κ is also 0-dimensional T 2 , hereditarily Lindelöf, and countably tight. Moreover if κ is regular then d(X κ ) = κ, hence κ is not a caliber of X κ , while all other uncountable regular cardinals are. This implies that some results of [A] and [JSz] are, consistently, sharp. We also prove it consistent that for every countable set A of uncountable regular cardinals there is a hereditarily Lindelöf T 3 space X such that ̺ = cf (̺) > ω is a caliber of X exactly if ̺ ∈ A.