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1998, Iaie Pan Sygn P 244
46 pages
1 file
Iaie Pan Sygn P 244, 1998
Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2017
the subject of this article is the history of studies on the polish-early rus' borderland, mainly so-called cherven' towns, i.e. the strongholds of czermno and gródek in eastern poland. i focus on the post-war period (until 1956), but in order to present the events of that time in the proper context it is necessary to briefly go back in time to the second republic of poland and the years 1939-1945. the origins of interest in a systematic analysis of the cherven' towns region can be tracked back to lwów/l'viv in the 1930s. world war ii thwarted the plans and goals made at that time. after 1945, studies on the gords in czermno and gródek were restarted and from 1952 excavations on this territory were carried out -officially -as part of polish-soviet cooperation. the excavations were abandoned in rather unclear circumstances. the article shows how the dramatic changes in europe in the mid-20 th century influenced the attitudes of scholars, including archaeologists, at that time. keY words: archaeology, middle ages, poland, kiev rus', ukraine, russia, soviet union, cherven' towns, czermno, gródek, history of archaeology
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Jednym ze skutków przegranej przez Rosję wojny krymskiej (1853–1856) było widoczne w Królestwie Polskim ożywienie polityczne. Liczne na początku lat sześćdziesiątych XIX w. demonstracje patriotyczno-religijne zmusiły władze rosyjskie do szukania sposobów powstrzymania polskich aspiracji politycznych, np. poprzez zaprowadzenie rządów wojskowo-policyjnych. Pierwsze przymiarki do wprowadzenia stanu wojennego w Królestwie Polskim i stanu oblężenia w Warszawie podjął w marcu 1861 r. namiestnik Michaił Gorczakow.
Przegląd Geologiczny, 2019
The landslide on the northern slopes of Magura Witowska is an example of a consequent-structural type of landslide. It has been developed due to several favorable conditions like: monoclinal layer deposition where the dip angle and direction of collapsing layers are close to those of slope exposition. Moreover, shale packages are commonly present in the bedrock. In the lower part of the landslide an elongated basin filled with peat sediments is situated. The 8-m long profile was recovered with an Instorf sampler for 14 C dating and pollen analysis purposes. The results of radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis point to Subboreal and Subatlantic age of these sediments. Undisturbed biogenic sedimentation, lack of minerogenic intercalations together with the unbroken course of pollen succession suggest that the studied landslide has not undergone any significant active events since its formation.
Przegląd Historyczno-Wojskowy, 2021
Like many of his contemporaries, Erazm Rozwadowski, who served as an officer in the 5th Mounted Riflemen Regiment of the Royal Polish Guard, left behind an account of his service career. Importantly, Rozwadowski only presented what he witnessed himself, in the way he remembered the event. Rozwadowski’s account includes personal details, such as his view of the uprising as seen through the eyes of a student at the Riding Cadet School, his stay at the camp of Grand Duke Konstantin near Wierzbno, and the financial difficulties he faced in order to properly equip himself upon becoming an officer.
Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego
This study contains information about flint materials discovered at the site 1 in Wysoka, Łańcut commune. This inventory consists of 57 items. Most of them were discovered in the context of features of the Mierzanowice culture. They are made mainly of Świeciechów flint, and they are of typical Early Bronze Age flintwork nature (half-products of bifacial axes, backed blade knife). In addition, not numerous Neolithic artefacts of the Malice culture were discovered there.
W artykule przedstawiono dotychczasowe polskie dooewiadczenia w opracowaniu g³ównych za³o¿eñ optymalnego funkcjonowania sieci monitoringowej wód podziemnych w rejonie poszukiwania z³ó¿ wêglowodorów z formacji ³upkowych. Projektowanie w³aoeciwego zasiêgu, czêstotliwooeci i zakresu badañ omówiono w powi¹zaniu z rozwi¹zaniami i metodami opróbowania hydrogeochemicznego w rejonie ju¿ udostêpnionych z³ó¿ typu shale gas w USA i Kanadzie oraz uwzglêdniaj¹c europejskie i krajowe wytyczne w zakresie ochrony wód, wynikaj¹ce z obowi¹zuj¹cych dyrektyw i rozporz¹dzeñ. S³owa kluczowe: system monitoringu wód podziemnych, gaz z formacji ³upkowych.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania, 2017
The article covers the issue of the initiative of organising care for small children at care homes in Krakow in the first half of the 19th century. Krakow’s civic-minded townspeople, referring to examples from all over Europe and facilities organised in Warsaw, implemented a project setting up a care shelter in Krakow. The analysis of archive material indicates that towards the end of the 1830s and the beginning of the 1840s, in Krakow, one could speak of the beginnings of a movement aimed at extending care over children of working families, including helping to feed them, morally educate them and provide for them with a basic education. Members of Krakow’s Charity Society actively participated in this work, recruiting people interested in creating care shelters, and drawing up projects for such institutions. In the end, care shelters were established and operated in the second half of the 19th century on the initiative of the private individuals who founded the Committee for Shelte...
Slags containing both copper and iron were found during several seasons of field research in the old mines in the area of Lubietowa, near Banska Bystrzyca. Their presence proves that both copper and iron smelting functioned in the region in the past. Testing of the slags was carried out in order to determine their mineral composition, and indirectly also to learn about the conditions of melting for both metals. Further search for places of iron and copper smelting in the region is expected.
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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 1985
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego, 2016
Archeologia Polski, 2023
Iaie Pan Sygn P 244, 1999
Prace Historyczne, 2021
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 2019
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 2019
Studia Norwidiana, 1984
Wydawnictwo Neriton eBooks, 2020
Iaie Pan Sygn P 244, 1998
Konteksty Kultury, 2012
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Slavia Antiqua. Rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim, 2019
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