Elastic waves in complex radially symmetric media

1996, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1996

The generalized reflection and transmission coefficient method with modal expansion is developed to calculate the elastic wave field for the acoustic logging simulation and the crosswell seismic simulation in complex radially symmetric media. Our model consists of an arbitrary number of cylindrical layers and each cylindrical layer has arbitrary layers in the z-direction. This model can be used to simulate a variety of borehole geophysics problems: borehole casing with perforations, faults, source array, open and cased boreholes embedded in layered media, The simulation based on this method gives direct waves, reflections, transmissions, tube waves, tube wave conversions generated at casing perforations and horizontal interfaces, and the radiation pattern for a complicated borehole-formation structure. A general configuration of the problem considered in this study is shown in Figure , where the formation consists of several vertically heterogeneous cylinders, the source is located inside the borehole, while receivers are located either inside or outside the borehole. Although this model looks complicated, it still exhibits nice axial symmetric property. Taking the advantage of this symmetry we can derive a set of formulas to simulate the elastic wave propagation in this complex boreholeformation model. Since the model is radially symmetric, i.e., independent of in cylindrical coordinates, we can write the displacement for the jth cylindrical layer as