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2024, UNILORIN Journal of Lifelong Education (UJLLE)
Thc paper imestigated the perception of lnformation and Conmunication Technology uilibas yewisiadeniyi'4«ulco) by Basic Science and Technology teachers in Karu, Nasarawa State. The study sample consi st ed of 10$ Basic Science and Technology teachers purposefully selected from public owned mid and supportive school culture.
In the world today, technology has been a powerful tool for growth, and the basis for numerous economic and social transformations. New technologies, if properly harnessed by exploiting the positive opportunities provided, is capable of bridging the development and educational divides among and within educational sector in any nation. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is one of such new technologies that have brought about digital revolution. This paper is focused on the impact of ICT on secondary school teachers in Kebbi State with Birnin kebbi as the case study. A research has been conducted making use of structured questionnaires to get the views of the teachers. A sample of eight hundred and fifty (850) questionnaires was distributed to selected secondary school teachers, out of which six hundred and eighty-five (685) copies of the questionnaires were completed and returned by the respondents. The responses from the questionnaires have been analyzed and interpreted. The findings from the result show that ICT has contributed immensely towards teaching-learning process amongst secondary school teachers in Kebbi State. Also, there is need for training and retraining of teachers, proper supervision of teachers to enhance full utilization of ICT facilities available in schools. Constant power supply should be made available to schools to further enhance steady use of the facilities.
Lafia Journal of Education, 2020
The study assessed the ability of secondary school teachers to utilize ICT in the teaching and learning process in Nasarawa State. The study adopted a descriptive survey research approach. The proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to obtain 160 respondents from public secondary schools in Lafia, Akwanga and Keffiareas of the State. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha reliability test, and a value of 0.84 obtained. The data collected were analyzed using inferential statistics. Three research questions guided the study. Theresults of the findingsrevealed that, ICT ability of secondary school teachers in Nasarawa State is very low. It is within the average percentage of 27.8% which falls within levels 0 and 1of the Personal Capability Maturity Model (PCMM). Level 0 means that, majority of the teachers do not know at all and do not care about the importance of ICT while Level 1 means that, some of the teachers have had one or two experiences, where information is an important component for achieving their desires and solving problems, and have involved information technology to look for it. The study also revealed that, there was a significant difference between the ICT ability of male and female teachers. The male teachers were discovered to be more open and enthusiastic towards new media than the female teachers. Also, based on age, the ICT ability of the teachers was inversely proportional to their age. The older the age of the teacher, the lower his ability inICT, and the younger the age of the teacher, the higher his ability in ICT. The study recommends that, Nasarawa State Government should regularly organize in-service ICT training for all secondary school teachers; the Government and all agencies responsible for teachers' recruitment should include ICT literacy skills as one of the cardinal requirements for employments; ICT equipment should be provided in all secondary schools in the state to facilitate ICT integration into the teaching and learning process; teachers who are older in ageand cannot cope with the dynamic nature of the 21 st century education should retire compulsorily; secondary school teachers in the state should strive to go global, collaborate, get smarter and learn new educational technologies so as to keep abreast with the 21 st century global education objectives and finally, there should proper sensitization for the female teachers on importance of emerging technologies in education. They should be encouraged to understand that, technology does not know gender and so, they should be open and positive towards new media.
University of Namibia , 2019
Information Communication Technology plays a bigger role and used in all aspect of our lives today. The objective of this research study was to understand teachers' perceptions of the use of information communication technology in the classroom at Katima Mulilo Combined School in the Zambezi region, Katima Circuit. This study follows the qualitative research design
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is information carriers designed specially to fulfil objectives in teaching-learning situation. Teacher's perception of ICT resources in school environment plays a critical role in determining students' disposition to ICT use. Previous studies carried out largely focused on the use of ICT resources in teaching and learning, with a few addressing teachers involved and how they perceived the use of ICTs resources. In view of this, the study investigated teachers' perception and pupils' attitude to use of ICT resources in Ibadan North local government area. Survey research design was adopted. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 186 pupils and 27 teachers in 14 primary schools in Ibadan North LGA. Teachers' Perception Questionnaire (TPQ) (r=.65), Pupil's Attitude to ICT Use Questionnaire (PAICTUQ) (r=.58), Effect of ICT Use Questionnaire (EICTUQ) (r=.78) and Constraints to Effective Use of ICT Questionnaire (CEUICTQ)(r=.0.72), were used for data collection. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics and simple linear regression at .05 level of significant. There is a significant relationship between teachers perception to ICT resources and pupils attitude to ICTs (R 2adj =.372, F (1,25) =16.371), and teachers perception to ICT resources (β=.629, t=-4.046), significantly predicted pupils attitude. Majority of the teachers (100%) agree that the period of teaching with ICT facilities is inadequate and it makes transferring of information to learners' easier. Non-exposure of teachers in the use of ICT resources is a constraint militating against ICT use. Teacher perception to ICTs has a significant influence on pupils' attitude to ICT use and period of teaching the subject is inadequate. It is recommended that teachers should improve on their awareness to ICT use and adequate attention be given to the period of teaching the subject in schools.
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 2014
This study examined Kwara State secondary school science teachers’ perception of ICT for instruction based on their area of specialization. Participants were 630 science teachers of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics from both public and private senior secondary schools in 12 Local Government Areas in Kwara State. The data collected through questionnaires tagged Science Teachers Information and Communication Technology Perception Questionnaire (STICOTEPQ) were analysed using frequency count, mean, chi-square and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistics. Findings revealed that (i) the science teachers’ perception of ICT was generally positively low and (ii) there was significant difference in the secondary school science teachers’ perception of ICT for instruction based on their area of specialization{F(3,252) = 50.323, p<0.05}with the Biology teachers having the highest level of perception while the Mathematics teachers had the lowest perception. The implication of this s...
The role of information and communication technology (ICT) in language learning has been acknowledged globally such that the use of ICT in English language teaching has become imperative in today's teaching and learning environment. This is because of the fundamental role it plays in the advancement of the frontiers of knowledge in English language teaching and learning. ICTs play vital roles in facilitating teaching and learning as it has made teaching and learning of English language interactive and collaborative instead of the traditional teaching and learning process where the teacher is the only embodiment of knowledge. This study investigated the availability of ICTs in senior secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State as well as the rate at which teachers' employ ICT in executing their lessons in the classroom. Teachers' level of proficiency in operating ICT resources such as computers, multimedia system, language laboratory and the internet was also examined.
International Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, 2020
The relationship between learning and technology integration hold the promise of revolutionizing education because the core purpose is to facilitate knowledge management by providing a structured environment that equips learners with the skills to promote learning, especially as the world grows increasingly digitalised. The objectives of the study were: to investigate the integration of ICT in teaching and learning methods, to analyse the integration of ICT in teaching and learning materials and to examine the integration of ICT in the assessment of early learning. The study was guided by Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework (TPACK). The study population included Early Childhood Development (ECD) teachers, education officers in charge of ECD in the county and public primary school head teachers. Simple random sampling was used to obtain 177 ECD teachers that is 10% of 1,768 ECD teachers from 884 public primary schools in Bungoma County. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Questionnaire and interview schedules were the main primary data tools for data collection. The findings showed that teacher's underutilization of ICT in the classroom and their resistance to embedding ICT across the curriculum can be detrimental to attempts to introduce new teaching and learning technologies in education. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor teacher's ICT utilization and examine factors that contribute to their sceptical practices of teaching with technology. The results indicated that ICT devices can be used for improving the assessment outcomes and thus improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. The study also found out that several challenges have impeded the integration of ICT into early and this includes power supply, inadequate ICT training and an insufficient number of ICT devices in schools for successful integration. The study recommends that the government improves the numbers of ICT devices in school to improve on the ratio of the ICT devices per pupil, facilitate ICT training for teachers.
Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, 2017
The purpose of this study is to find out student’s perception on learning technology and its impact on students’ academic achievement. The population of this study comprised of the entire private and public senior secondary school students of Kano Municipal. A questionnaire titled “Assessment of Students Perception on Learning Technology” as well as Academic Achievement Test designed by the Researchers for data collection. Descriptive statistic and T test were used to analyze the data. The result of the analyses indicated that there is a significance difference in awareness level of learning technology between private school and public secondary school students of Kano Municipal. The differences paved the way for influencing significantly the academic achievement of private students’ compared to their counterpart in public schools. The study further showed gender variation in the level of learning technology between male and female students. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers recommended the strategies to adopt in order to make learning technology more effective so as to improve the academic achievement of learners more especially in public schools.
The study investigated the Challenges of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in secondary schools in Ondo state. It sought to find out the level of access to ICT among secondary school teachers and students. Also the study investigated the level of utilization of ICT for instructional purposes and the attitude of teachers and students towards ICT utilization of ICT in secondary schools. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The sample for the study consisted of 450 teachers randomly selected from two hundred and ninety six (296) secondary schools in the eighteen Local Government Areas of Ondo State. A combination of multistage, stratified and simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the sample. A questionnaire titled "Challenges of information and communication technology for secondary schools teachers (CICTSST)" was designed and validated. The data obtained were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and bar chart. The result of the findings showed that: ICT facilities are not available in schools. Majority of the teachers and students do not have access to ICT. There are significant factors affecting the utilization of ICT for instructional purposes. The study also revealed that teachers show positive attitude toward utilization of ICT in teaching and learning.
The study investigated the effects of ICT secondary school teachers and students perspectives in Epe Local Government Area of Lagos State. All junior secondary schools teachers and students were randomly selected as sample for the study. In all a total of 14369 junior Secondary School Teachers and Students participated in this study. The instruments used for data collection are Teachers Attitude towards ICT Questionnaire (TAQ) and Teachers-Students ICT perception and usage Questionnaire (TSIPUQ). The data obtained for the study were analyzed using T-test statistical analysis to test the four (4) hypotheses generated for the study at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that; there is a significant difference between teachers attitude and the level of ICT usage in teaching and learning process, there is a significant difference between male and female teachers attitude towards the use of ICT in teaching and learning process, there is a significant difference between the level of ICT usage between Rural and Urban teachers in teaching and learning process. Based on the findings, the following recommendations are made for effective teaching and learning among junior secondary schools: That schools should facilitate greater access to ICT and its related components by students and teachers, Train schools’ principals, teachers and ICT support staff on proper use of the ICTs and its related technologies, and its applications government should continuosly organize seminars and workshop for science teachers for the promotion and the application of computer gadget approach to classroom instructional process in junior secondary schools.
The study was set out to examine the perception of teachers toward the integration of Information and Communication Technology into the education of students with impairments in special primary and secondary schools in Kwara State. This study employed a descriptive research of the survey design to gather accurate information on the perception of teachers towards integrating ICT into the education of students with. The following are the objectives of this research: 1. Determine the perception of teachers on integrating ICT into the education of students with special needs. 2. Investigate the influence of gender of teachers toward integrating ICT in the education of students with the special needs. 3. Examine teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for teaching students with special needs. 4. Determine challenges faced by the teachers in the utilization of ICT in the teaching process. The findings of the study revealed that: 1. Teachers have positive attitude towards using ICT in teaching because they agreed that ICT enhance teaching and learning, useful in passing information, they do not mind that ICT is as important as they are to take a job that force them to use ICT. 2. Also, it was revealed that the teachers do not use ICT for teaching due to the school shortcoming such as lack of training, access and no much importance attached to ICT integration into the teaching and learning process. Hypotheses showed that there was significant difference between male and female teachers perception towards ICT for teaching, there was no significant difference between male and female teachers, competence in the use of ICT in teaching and there was significant difference between the attitude of male and female teachers in the use of ICT in the education of students with impairment. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government, UNESCO, school board of directors and other stakeholders and policy makers should make efforts on ways to improve positive attitude and ensure high competency standard as well as provision for trainings, seminar and conferences for teachers at the primary and secondary school level.
This study attempts to assess information communication technology as pedagogy for teaching in some selected secondary schools in Edo State, Nigeria. The study employed a descriptive survey method and questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The total population for the study is one hundred and twenty nine (129) secondary school teachers in four selected secondary schools in Etsako west local government area of Edo state. The population of this study is not too large and as such the entire population was taken as representative sample using purposeful sampling technique. It was revealed from the study that ICT is not employed as pedagogy for teaching by majority of the teachers in the secondary schools studied, most teachers have negative attitude towards the use of ICT, a majority of the secondary school teachers studied have positive perception of perceived ease of teaching and learning with ICT and Lack of ICT facilities in secondary schools, lack of commitment from government and school management, lack of motivation and training, lack of ICT policies in secondary schools, lack of technical support from government and private sector, lack of qualified teachers to teach ICT and Teachers' anxiety over being replaced by technology are the major factors militating against teachers readiness and effective use of ICT in secondary schools in Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo state. The study recommends that Government should be committed to full implementation of ICT in secondary schools by way of formulating policies and implementing the existing one if any with all sincerity.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how A-level teachers in selected Gweru urban schools were using ICT in their teaching. The objectives of the study were: To establish computer hardware and software resources that were available in high schools in Gweru urban that offer Advanced level classes and how are they being used? To determine the extent of teacher readiness among Advanced level teachers in using the available resources in Gweru urban high schools? To determine the perceptions of Advanced level teachers on the role of ICT in teaching and learning in Gweru urban? Results show that Government schools were not well resourced in terms of ICT hardware equipment as well as software irrespective of location while the private school was better resourced. Advanced level teachers in Gweru urban are generally not ready to use the available ICT resources beyond the most basic applications. All sampled teachers believed that computers and other ICT equipment were important in t...
BSU Journal of Science, Mathematics and Computer Education (BSU-JSMCE), 2020
The purpose of this study was to assess information and communication technology (ICT) literacy levels of Basic Science teachers and students in Upper Basic schools in Benue State. The study also examined the mean differences in literacy level between male and female teachers and students in public and private schools across location. Seven research questions and seven hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted Ex-post facto research design. Population of the study was 69,798 respondents (teachers and students) in 1,389 Upper Basic schools both public and private out of which 398 respondents in twelve Upper Basic schools (four public, four private, four urban and four rural schools) were sampled in Benue State, Nigeria for the study. The instrument for data collection was Basic Science ICT Literacy Test (BSICTLT). The data generated were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. Independent t-test was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that there was no significant difference in the mean literacy levels in ICT between teachers and students in Basic Science in Upper Basic schools in Benue State but there was significant difference in the mean literacy levels in ICT between male and female students in Basic II Science in Upper Basic schools in Benue State; and no significant difference in the mean literacy levels in ICT between male and female teachers in Basic Science in Upper Basic schools in Benue State, among others. Based on the findings of this study it was recommended that teachers should be sensitised through seminars and symposia on the need to update themselves through in-service training or on-the-job training in ICT literacy among others.
Journal of Education and Practice, 2012
In this era of globalization, the world at large are looking towards integrating information and communication technologies into the education sector to promote economic and technological advancements and make education available to all. It is against this backdrop this study examines Basic Technology Teachers' awareness and attitude towards ICT. The data for the study were collected through questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings showed that Basic Technology Teachers' have the right attitude towards ICT but lack adequate information integration methodologies.
This study investigated the perceived influence of information and communication technology on students" academic performance in University of Ilorin, Kwara State. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design method. The target population for this study consisted of University of Ilorin undergraduate students in Kwara State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select two hundred respondents from the State. The questionnaire form titled "Perceived Influence of Information and Communication Technology on Students" Academic Performance Questionnaire" (PIICTSAPQ) was administered to the respondents. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the data analysis. The findings revealed that there were no significant differences in the perceived influence of information and communication technology on students" academic performance in University of Ilorin, Kwara State based on gender and age. Findings revealed that the perceived influence of information and communication technology on students" academic performance in University of Ilorin is high. There is also no significant difference in perceived influence of information and communication technology on students" academic performance in University of Ilorin based on gender and age. To this end, it is recommended that government at all levels should support the educational sector by establishing infrastructures that will enhance adequate learning in the school system. Some of these infrastructures to be provided are: e-library, steady electricity supply, good internet signal, provision of computers, external storage devices among others.
In this era of globalization, the world at large are looking towards integrating information and communication technologies into the education sector to promote economic and technological advancements and make education available to all. It is against this backdrop this study examines Basic Technology Teachers ’ awareness and attitude towards ICT. The data for the study were collected through questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings showed that Basic Technology Teachers ’ have the right attitude towards ICT but lack adequate information integration methodologies.
Journal of Information Engineering and Applications, 2016
The study sought to assess concerns of teachers regarding the implementation of ICT curriculum in basic schools in Kumasi metropolis. It also examined the relationship between gender and teachers’ stages of concerns. A multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted in selecting the sample for the study. The Stages of Concern Questionnaire was modified and used to gather data from 181 male and 165 female ICT teachers. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in analysing the data. Results showed that teachers generally had high consequence and informational concerns and low concern at awareness stage. This indicates that teachers were more bothered on the impact of the ICT curriculum on their students and also lacked requisite knowledge and skills in implementing the curriculum. Moreover, the independent sample t-test conducted revealed statistically significant relationship between gender and informational, management, consequence, collaboration and refocusing concerns. It ...
As technology continues to advance into every aspect of our lives, some have pondered the effect it has on how students learn. The phrase “Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants” has emerged to describe the difference between young people who have spent their lives in a digital world and past generations who have incrementally adjusted to the proliferation of technology in society. Throughout the world, technologies are been integrated into the teaching-learning process. These technologies include but not limited to smart phones, personal digital assistants, tablets, iPods, computers, radios, television, network communication devices, satellite systems, gaming devices, hardware as well as other different services and applications. The use of these technologies has become a necessity for quality in teaching-learning. In this light, Ghana had made efforts to catch up with these global trends by supplying computer hardware & software resources to schools. The use of such technologies in schools has therefore become a very essential area that must be investigated. Under this work, thirty (30) public basic school teachers were sampled across fifteen (15) schools to respond to a survey questionnaire. Unstructured interviews were first used to gather preliminary information that aided the structuring of the survey. All thirty (30) participants responded to the survey in its entirety. It has been realized that teachers have a low self-efficacy perception on their capacity to use technology in the classroom. As high as 63% of participants accepted that they do not use computer daily for instructional purposes as much as other teaching resources such as books. Technologies frequently used in classrooms were found to be mobile phones and computers; mostly used to conduct practical demonstrations and reading activities. The problem of accessibility to hard & software resources remains a major barrier to the use of technologies in most schools. Participants agreed that investments in the provision of technological infrastructure in schools could encourage the use of technology among teachers and students. It can therefore be concluded that, much more need to be done to propel a technological catch up.
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