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2024, Contemporary Studies and Theories in Tourism
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Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 2023
Bu çalışma, Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde uygulanan beş yıllık kalkınma planlarının Türkiye'deki turizm sektörü üzerindeki etkisinin kapsamlı bir analizini sunmaktadır. Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde uygulanan beş yıllık kalkınma planlarında turizm gelirleri ve turist sayısı sürekli bir artış eğiliminde olmasına rağmen, Türkiye beş yıllık kalkınma planlarında belirlenen hedeflere tam olarak ulaşamamıştır. Bu makalenin temel amacı, Türkiye'nin Cumhuriyet Dönemi kalkınma planlarını analiz etmek ve sıklıkla vurgulanan ve yeterince vurgulanmayan hedefleri belirlemektir. Bu çalışmada karma bir metodoloji kullanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında resmî kurumlardan ikincil veriler toplanmıştır. Bu veriler trend analizine tabi tutularak her beş yıllık kalkınma planı dönemi için ortalama turist sayısı ve turizm gelirleri hesaplanmıştır. Araştırmanın ikinci aşamasında kalkınma planları içerik analizi ile incelenmiş ve temalar belirlenmiştir. Bu kapsamda ağ haritası ve kelime bulutu oluşturulmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Türkiye'nin beş yıllık kalkınma planlarında en çok "sürdürülebilirlik" konusuna vurgu yaptığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra altyapı, ulaşım ve turizm olanaklarının çeşitlendirilmesi beş yıllık kalkınma planlarında vurgulanan diğer temalar olarak tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak, bir yapay zekâ modelleme sistemi olan Chat GPT'ye Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde turizm sektörünün geleceği hakkında bir soru sorulmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlar teknoloji, dijitalleşme, yapay zekâ, istatistik, veri toplama, bilimsel çalışmalar, iklim değişikliği, sürdürülebilirlik, istihdam, eğitim ve kriz yönetimi gibi konulara kalkınma planlarında daha çok vurgu yapılması gerektiği tespit edildi.
This paper reviews the various aspects of international tourism development in Turkey. In this regard, it begins with a general profile of Turkey including its location, geographical regions, climate, population, political system and administration, and its international relations. Then, it examines economic policies and the recent socioeconomic indicators of the country. Subsequently, the paper deals with the development and the importance of tourism in the Turkish economy. It looks at the demand and supply aspects of tourism in Turkey. It also considers public policies and institutions that have been coping with international tourism in Turkey. Consequently, it ends with a general examination of the problems of the Turkish tourism development and makes a few recommendation in order to develop more stable international tourism. Keywords: Tourism; development; developing countries; impacts; Turkey.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the tourism policies of Turkey in the period of planned development which started in 1963. It is a descriptive study in terms of purpose and a qualitative study in terms of data. The data were obtained from secondary sources and analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. According to the five-year development plans and the Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023 document, Turkey's tourism policies have been created economically. In particular, the first four plans have often emphasized the economic orientation of tourism and mass tourism. The fifth plan highlighted the diversification of tourism, while the sixth plan highlighted the participation of the local community in tourism. The seventh plan aims to meet the expectations of local people and tourists with a competitive and productive tourism economy. The eighth, ninth and tenth plans have emphasized that the investments paying attention to physical and cultural environment should be supported for spread of tourism all over the country and year. Moreover, in the last three development plans and Tourism Strategy of Turkey-2023 document, the participation of different stakeholders in decision mechanisms and focusing on the tourism types generating more tourism revenue policies have been adopted.
Chinese Business Review, 2016
As a result of the fact that the stabilization program put into force in 1978 and 1979 in the Economy of Turkey could not be efficiently implemented due to the political instability and weak governments, a need to draft a new stabilization program emerged. The stabilization program of January 24th, 1980 was prepared in this environment. This is a program which includes the structural transformations in the long term as well as the aims foreseen to be realized in the short term. The program adopted the implementation of significant changes in the structure of the economy and the price mechanism in the market which becomes the only guide as the basic principle. The difference from the previous programs is an economic development program intending to provide a very permanent and structural change in the economy rather than to realize the short-term goals. With the decisions, a large devaluation was implemented, the exchange rate policy and importation were liberated, foreign capital and exportation were encouraged, the subsidies with the exception of energy, fertilizer, and transportation were removed, restrictions were imposed on the support purchases in agricultural products, and the overseas contracting services were supported. There are two structural objectives desired to be performed in the long term, shrinking the public sector and removing the intervention in the markets. The basic philosophy is to decrease the state intervention to the minimum level in the economy and to bring functionality to the market economy and to validate the price mechanism. In this paper, the stabilization decisions in the economy of Turkey belonging to pre-and early post-January 24th period will be comparatively analysed.
This article reviews some of the developments which, since 1980, have taken place in the tourism industry of Turkey. Also possible future state of Turkey tourism were discussed. The topics are placed in their political, economic and institutional context. The focus is on foreign visitors. Visitor characteristics, popular destinations and the problems facing the tourism industry are discussed. Tourism, particularly in developing countries, can provide important contributions to economic and social development. In Turkey, tourism has made a great contribution to economic and social development, since 1980s. However, in Turkey the development of tourism in the form of mass tourism has led to a variety of environmental problems. For this reason, recent times changes have occurred in the country's tourism policy and strategy. The future, for the increase social, economic and environmental positive aspects of the Turkey tourism, constituted to various attempts. Accordingly visitor profile of Turkey is likely to increase rather specialized interest groups. Such developments increases the tourism market of alternative destinations such as mountainous and cultural-heritage and pilgrimage areas. This is also encourage domestic tourism. Also various tourism policies are needed to improve tourism infrastructure, promote the integration of tourist services, maintain visitor numbers and encourage guests to stay longer, visit 816 Ayşe OKUYUCU additional locations and increase tourists spending. This is carried out by the joint of efforts particularly the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other stakeholders.
Five-year development plans prepared by the Ministry of Development, formerly known as State Planning Organization (SPO), are the main policy documents indicating the growth Turkey will realize in economic, social and cultural fields in the long-term. Tourism is one of the elements to be considered in the development of a country. A country’s tourism policy is first prepared in the development plans. While preparing the tourism policy, precautions towards all kinds of tourism activities are referred. The existing state of the tourism and the state it should be are given. Tourism activities are continuously diversifying. The purpose of this study is to reveal the tourism policies in the development plans, to determine the existing state of the tourism sector and the targets for future. Also, another purpose is to emphasize the problems the sector faces as well as possible problems that could arise in the future. Suggestions are given towards these problems.
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2015
In this chapter, the reflections of the recent global crisis on the tourism sector have been studied. In the first part of the chapter, the effects of the global crisis on the tourism sector in the world and Turkey are examined. The latter parts of the research constitute of the evaluations regarding the effects of the global crisis on the Fairy Chimneys Area in the Cappadocia Tourism Region, and the hotels, motels, and souvenir shops there. Cappadocia was chosen as the research area since it is an important tourism attraction at both national and international level. Therefore, a survey has been conducted at the work places in Avanos, Urgüp, Göreme, and Nevsehir City Center in Cappadocia Tourism Region. The data obtained through the survey has been analized by SPSS 17 programs. At the end of the research, it was determined that the effects causing concern in the tourism sector started to be seen on the tourism region as well, although the economic crisis started in the USA and the European Countries.
In today’s global information society, an outcome cannot be related to just one variable. Being one of the most popular economic activities in the world, development of tourism has to be evaluated along with the economical, political, socio-cultural, safety environment. Tourism demand is accepted to be highly affected by both consumer’s economic situation and the host country’s political and security status. As travel is not in the first two stages of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, it is not among the compulsory consumption expenditures and holiday plans are one of the first to be changed or cancelled in case of any threat against the tourist’s “biological and physiological” or “safety needs”. Likewise, as tourists need to relax in a safe environment, they will choose a country or region without any terror incidents or does not have any political problems with their own country. The aim of this study is to determine the degree and direction of the effects of national and global crises on tourism movements to Turkey since the beginning of new millennium. In order to reach the aim, the developments in Turkish inbound tourism will be examined within the conditions of the neighbor economies, Europe and the whole world. A comparison of global incoming and outgoing tourist numbers will be made between time periods before, during and after these crises, considering some other effects. Figures will be reflected in relation with important incidents gone through; any national, regional or global economic, political crisis or health, social, safety problem.
People's material and spiritual progress in terms of living qualities and increase of social welfare by the development of economic, social, educational and political structures, depends on a country's development. While financial development influence tourism, the advances in tourism also affect the financial progress. Today, tourism is considered to be significant at the development plans due to its contributions to the rural development, its warning influence on investments, providing employment and income in Turkey. Every five years in Turkey development plans prepared since 1963 and these plans comprises mandatory targets for public investment and guiding objectives for private investments. The expected objectives were not achieved in the five-year development plan between 1963-1983 due to political and economic instability in Turkey. But between the years 1983-2012, some positive developments have been occured in the tourism of Turkey. With the increase of tourism investments in Turkey after 1983, the number of tourists and tourism income have increased significantly. While Turkey was 20th in the world in terms of number of tourists in 2000 and 14th in terms of tourism revenues, It has become one of the world's most preferred destinations rising to 10th place in terms of tourism revenues, and 6th in the number of tourists in 2012. The contribution of the five-year plans in this development is important.
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