Challenging the idea of the student as a Victim


This paper has the objective of evidencing a problem that goes around picturing the student as a victim of the educational system. Through recurrent themes in discussions that blame the failure of the educational process only to the structure and/or to the qualification and capability of the teacher, this analysis aims at making visible an obscure aspect in which the student, as part of this dynamic, has an overriding role in the failure or success in the classroom. Through a theoretical discussion, initially, over discussed themes are put in the spotlight as means to introduce in this discussion context a new possibility. In this Picture the objective is to understand how strong the role of the student is, since, as the teacher, the student is the protagonist of countless actions inside the classroom. In this sense, this paper aims at emphasizing the relationships configured in the classroom by students and teachers recognized as “power relations”, that direct the pace of a lesson in its positive or negative aspect. Finally, this paper will focus on answering two questions: Do student-teachers recognize they do not have enough knowledge to teach? And do student-teachers acknowledge the power students have over the teaching process?