The Oxford handbook of interdisciplinarity

2011, Choice Reviews Online

T his volume is a mammoth undertaking, nearly ten years in the making and uniting some eighty contributors. It off ers a broad-based (indeed, astonishingly so) introduction to the fi eld of interdisciplinarity, or knowledge production that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries. Th e Handbook is divided into fi ve sections: "Th e Terrain of Knowledge," which introduces interdisciplinarity (ID) and the study of "knowledge formations"; "Interdisciplinarity in the Disciplines," short case studies of broad disciplinary areas and the means by which they can (or should) put interdisciplinarity into practice; "Knowledge Interdisciplined," profi ling the emergence of new knowledge formations through interdisciplinarity; "Institutionalizing Interdisciplinarity," examining the issues with interdisciplinarity and academic processes such as pedagogy, peer review, and the evaluation of research; and "Knowledge Transdisciplined," partly a challenging, theoretically focused series of essays and partly a small set of case studies that point towards new methods of performing research, primarily in the biological and health sciences. (Trans-disciplinary research here is specifi cally defi ned as addressing problems such as disease, pollution, and social issues.) Th e thoughtful organization makes the book easy to navigate for people with diff erent interests.