Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Vierendeel Trusses

Kufa Journal of Engineering


This paper considers the practical application of nonlinear models in the analysis of Vierendeel truss. Results of some analyses performed using the reinforced concrete model of the general purpose finite element code ANSYS which had been obtained from previous works are presented and discussed. An incremental loading procedure is adopted following step by step nonlinear response. ANSYS program has the ability to use conventional Newton-Raphson (N-R), full (N-R) and modified (N-R) Procedure to perform the analysis process. The defaulted choice (program chosen) is used in this work which allows for automatically chosen of the most suitable method. Number of sub-steps for each case was changed until converged solution and full load deflection curve were obtained. Good agreement with the experimental tests of some previous studies was obtained using ANSYS solution. The maximum difference with the experimental test is found to be less than 10%.  The effect of shear transfer coefficients...