2025, International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR)


Sheehan syndrome or postpartum hypopituitarism is a condition characterized by necrosis of the pituitary gland leading to hormones deficiency. Severe postpartum haemorrhage is the most common cause for the development of Sheehan syndrome. Pituitary gland enlargement, small sella turcica size, vasospasm, thrombosis, and coagulation abnormalities are among predisposing factors for restricted pituitary blood supply. The diagnosis of Sheehan syndrome is not always apparent in immediate postpartum.Symptoms may not present until months to years after delivery. The first and most common symptom of Sheehan syndrome is agalactorrhea with hyponatraemia being the most observedelectrolyte abnormality. Pituitary MRI is the imaging of choice for differential diagnosis. A partially or completely empty sella turcica point out the diagnosis of Sheehan syndrome. Management is based on lifelong hormone replacement therapy.