The First Urban Churches: Introduction

2015, The First Urban Churches. Volume 1: Methodological Foundations


In the introduction to the SBL Press First Urban Churches Vols 1-9 series, co-edited with L. L. Welborn, James R. Harrison introduces the rationale of the series, discusses the methodological issues in defining the ‘polis,’ and evaluates modern scholarly discussions of the ancient city. Harrison proceeds to discuss the archaeological, epigraphic, and numismatic evidence for the major biblical cities of the New Testament era: (a) Jerusalem and Caesarea Maritima, and the cities of ancient Palestine, (b) Pisidian Antioch, Ankara, and other first-century Galatian cities, (c) Philippi, (d) Thessalonica and Athens, (e) Corinth, Isthmia, and Cenchreae, (f) Ephesus, (g) Colossae, Hierapolis, and Laodicea, and (h) Rome and Ostia. Harrison concludes that the time has come for New Testament exegetes to listen more closely than they have ever before to the early Christian writings in their first-century urban context, while also taking into account the village networks attached to each city. The exegetical dividends will be rich and unexpected.