Semiclassical way to quantum mechanics

2013, 1. Drčar, Tomislav: O naravi svetlobe, Ljubljana, 2013 / ISBN 978-961-276-893-5 / 270566912 / CIP 539.122 / 535


The law on the quantization of effect is introduced and applied for the consistent derivation and classical reinterpretation of Heisenberg's uncertainty relation, the de Broglie wavelength, photon, Planck's relation, Einstein's mass-energy equivalence relation, the spin, and for calculating the potential step, potential barrier, the one-dimensional infinite potential well, linear harmonic oscillator, rigid rotor, and the hydrogen atom. New electrodynamics and an explanation of Young's experiment and Bragg scattering with matter particles are proposed. A new perspective on quantum mechanics is open, new potential opportunities are revealed, and new questions are raised. This method can be adapted into a high school logical and consistent course of the basics of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics.