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The 2 nd Annual Meeting and International Conference of the Consortium for Research in Political Theory (CRIPT) , 2018
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Conference Papers Nicos Poulantzas Institute Crisis, State and Democracy. Working with Nicos Poulantzas' theory to confront authoritarian capitalism Athens, Greece 12-13 December 2014 Nicos Poulantzas has been one of the most important scholars in the field of theory development in the areas of the state and its development. His contribution linked in a creative way different strands from the Marxist discourse. Being a passionate activist, his contribution is especially meaningful as he aimed on making theoretical reflections relevant for the further development for emancipatory politics. Nevertheless, his work has been underexposed in the context of debates on European (dis-)integration. In the light of the crisis and the process of increasingly authoritarian politics it is even more important to utilise this pool of knowledge, in order to better understand the contradictory character of the process and to elaborate alternatives that opens perspectives towards a radical socialist transformation to a democratic society.
In recent years, political crisis has aggravated especially in post-Soviet countries. One of the most important tasks in curbing this situation is by finding the appropriate tools for describing and explaining it. The main aim of this paper is to provide an approach to the political crisis in the light of the coexistence of different types of dimensions of the political. The methodological base of research in this context is the post-marxist theory of rupture (S. Zizek, A.Badiou A., J. Ahambnen), hegemony (A. Gramsci) and ahonizm (C. Mouffe), sociology of everyday life and frame analysis, discourse analysis, and the theory of linguistic determinism. In general, this analysis focuses on anthropological dimension (near the spatial and temporal). This is especially based on the the political subjectification, which forms three basic types of correlation of the political. Every type of correlation forms the symbolic and semantic field simultaneously. Thus, such an approach expands the model of interpretation of the political crisis. In addition, it also expands the political phenomenon particularly. It can be interpreted as a multivariance in the context of three types of dimensions of the political.
Socijalne studije, 2021
Shortly after the begin of the global pandemic of the Corona virus, numerous leading social and humanistic intellectuals attempted to respond to the situation we all found ourselves in. Two years later, the "new normal" has, almost imperceptibly, blended into the "normal". Wearing protective masks is understood, physical distance is upheld, the sight of hugging and crowds from past concerts or movie screenings cause discomfort, while new regulations, from traveling to public assembly and events, are undoubtedly becoming a part of our reality. The paradoxical situation in which isolation and social (conscious rather than physical) distance have become an act of collective engagement and solidarity, places fear and safety above freedom, and common good behind individual responsibility. Thus, it seems that the issue of returning to a previous normalcy has been wrongly set from the beginningneither is the post-pandemic society going to appear after the virus vanishes, nor did the crisis begin only with the pandemic. Portraying the way the pandemic undoubtedly influenced all aspects of sociability, the author uses a panoramic overview of the most recent theoretical reviews from the past two years, to identify three important topics which arose in these circumstances: the issue of social control, the role of modern technology and social networks, and the issue of social distribution and the anticipation of new possible forms of sociability. Connecting practical action with theory, disruptive processes prove to be of immense importance in desacralizing the foundations from which we were taught to look at and interpret the world, regardless of the outcome.
В статье рассмотрены результаты инаугурационной конференции «За пределами кризиса: предвидение для новых гуманитарных наук», организованной Центром гуманитарных инноваций университета Дарема (Великобритания) в 2014 году. В ней последовательно: а) раскрыта актуальность жанра манифеста для развития гуманитарных наук в контексте био- техно- и постсекулярного общества; б) дан краткий реферативный обзор творческих рефлексий интеллектуалов по актуальным аспектам состояния гуманитарно-социальных наук; в) представлен авторский постфактум-манифест с фокусом размышлений о развитии политических наук. ---- Article reviews results of the inaugural conference «Beyond Crisis: Visions for the New Humanities», organized by Centre for Humanities Innovation (CHI), Durham University, UK at 2014. Design of the article is the following: a) considered the question how genre of Manifesto suit for development of new humanities in the context of bio-, techno- and post-secular society; b) provided short summaries of intellectuals’ creative reflections on actual aspects of social and humanitarian disciplines; c) presented author’ post-scriptum manifesto, focused on conditions and perspectives for political science development.
Trajectories, Newsletter of the ASA Comparative and Historical Sociology Section, 2018
Perspectives from the Post1945 Era to Contemporary Turkey by Aslı Iğsız, New York University "Targeting the production and the dissemination of knowledge, along with the academic cadres who carry this task, also implies a struggle to secure a particular régime of truth...
The region of South and Central Europe and Middle East of the International Society for Cultural-Historical and Activity Research (ISCAR) (, the Department of Early Childhood Education of the School of Education of the University of Ioannina and the Department of Psychology of the School of Social Sciences of the University of Crete, are happy to announce the organization of the International conference “Crisis in Contexts”. The conference will be held at the University of Ioannina in Greece (, from the 19th to the 24th of March 2019. The conference theme invokes the study of crisis in the past, present and future through the prism of cultural-historical activity and research. Challenging issues and practices, new ideas at different levels of human development at different parts of the world have raised deep conversations as well as new era in the socio-cultural field of research. The conference aims to promote dialogue as well as discussions about crisis in different contexts and to explore questions, problems, methodologies and practices in the traditions of cultural-historical activity theory.
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Human Arenas, 2021
Marxism & Sciences: A Journal of Nature, Culture, Human and Society Radical Science Movements: Past, Present and Future , 2023
Call for Papers XII ICCE, 2024, Ankara, 2024
SSRN Electronic Journal
Perspective Politice, 2023
KULT_online, 2021
Science & Society, 2010
Policy Networks as an approach of Public Policy: The case of Epistemic Communities , 2020