Epilogue: Contradictions Between Irreconciliable Manifestos

2024, Pavón-Cuéllar, D. (2024). Epilogue: Contradictions Between Irreconciliable Manifestos. En N. A. Barria-Asenjo, B. Willems & S. Zizek (Eds), Global Manifestos for the Twenty-first Century: Rethinking Culture, Common Struggles, and Future Change (pp. 284-291). Routledge.

In a sense, this set of manifestos is more communist than the Manifesto of the Communist Party. It is more communist, at the level of enunciation, for being collective, for giving voice to the common with some of the differences and contradictions that constitute it, for including non-Europeans and not only Europeans, women and not only men, young and not just adults. Yet, in another sense, obviously, this set of manifestos is less communist, not only because it does not completely aspire to the communist horizon that some of us aspire to, but because it sometimes wants to flee from it and orient itself in the opposite direction, as we have seen. Furthermore, however many voices there are in this book, they are the voices of intellectuals who speak from their favoured position in an intellectual/manual division of labour correlative to the class division.