Dominio o ciudadanía.

2025, Dominio o ciudadanía


"Dominio o ciudadanía. Politicas de la razón". The book aims to defend the exercise of reason in the public sphere, as it is key to the strength and legitimacy of democratic systems. However, in the last decade successive crises - as well as how they have been managed - have thoroughly eroded the public sphere, distancing citizens from public issues, as they reach the agenda of parties and governments. Is democracy at risk? Is it a sunken city? The image of an “underwater city” best conveys the current situation since the decline would not affect institutions, processes, and agents equally or simultaneously. “Politics” is said, then, in several ways. It has three levels, it resembles a triangle. It is also a public matter and, at the same time, very personal. It has been demonstrated in 2020 by the public health policy, deepening the usual gender gap. For years now, asylum and refugee policies inside and outside Europe have continued to prove that the dilemma between dominance and citizenship has irreversible consequences.