Hybrid Vehicle: A Study on Technology

With the advancement in 21st Century, there has been increase in usage of Oil and Gas leading to problems like Global Warming, climate change, shortage of crude oil, etc. Due to these reasons Automobile Companies have started doing research for making Hybrid Techonolgy usable into the daily life. The Paper starts from brief history about Hybrid Technology and also some brief introduction on it. Paper will also discuss the technologies used in the making of Hybrid Cars such as "Hybrid Solar Vehicle", "Hybrid Electric Vehicle" and "Plug In hybrid electric vehicles". Our Paper is based on the explanation of such technologies, their function, drawback of this technology, efficiency of Hybrid Cars, Case studies on the present commercial hybrid cars such as Toyota Prius series, Astrolab etc and the fuels and raw materials used in the Hybrid Cars. Paper concludes on the advantages and dis-advantages of Hybrid Cars and how this technology will take over the world in future and would become the alternative for Petrol and Diesel Cars.