Enfermedad de Castleman de localización peripancreática

2017, Anales Médicos de la Asociación Médica del Centro Médico ABC


Castleman disease is a rare linphoproliferative disorder characterized by growth of lymphatic tissue tumors. Most frequently, the Castleman disease is found in the mediastinum, stomach and neck. There are four histological types: vascular hyaline type, plasmatic cell type, and recently discovered multicentric type not otherwise specified and Castleman desease associated to herpes virus 8. Clinical case: 38 years old woman arrives to our hospital with epigastralgia which has been present for a year. Abdominal computeraized tomography: pancreatic head with pseudonodular formation, and prominent adenopathies at retroperitoneal, mesenteric and pelvic zone. Magnetic resonance imaging: pancreatic tumor of approximately 4 cm, adjacent to the duodenal knee with different diagnostic possibilities. The surgery was performed by right subcostal laparotomy, in which the tumoration adjacent to pancreatic tissue was completely removed. Patient evolved favorably, and at the monitoring stayed asymptomatic. Transoperatory biopsy of the pathological anatomy and of the surgical piece showed pancreatic tissue in continuity with lymphoid issue with Castleman disease, vascular hyaline type. Discussion: According to the consulted bibliography and our case the only curative treatment in vascular hyaline type of Castleman disease is surgical removal of the lesion and its adenopathies.