The main goal of the article is presentation of the empirical characteristics of future teacher-tutor and the moral correlates of these approaches. The research was conducted from December 2017 to February 2018 amongst a group of 227 students of the Pedagogical Faculty of Szczecin University. The following research thesis was constructed: is there a relation between the approach towards work and moral values as well as moral feelings of Pedagogy students? The hypothesis was adopted that there is statistically significant relation between the approach towards work and moral values and moral feelings of the examined participants. The statistical calculations were conducted in correlation model. The examined students' approach towards work mainly featured self-fulfillment, although less as an indication of social prestige and necessity. They were characterized with rather high knowledge and cognition values recognition, as well as helpfulness towards other people, often with beauty, harmony and creation desire. Moreover, they valued consuming goods, life comfort only as average and they had a lower need to dominate and possess power over other people. In moral feelings measurement, the positive values connected with the realization of moral norms dominated. The correlation analysis revealed a range of connections between the examined features. The persons who presented the most beneficial moral values and moral feelings were those who perceived their work as a tool for self-fulfillment. The positive layout of the examined variables presented Żyjemy w trudnych czasach. W życiu wewnętrznym człowieka, podobnie jak w życiu zbiorowym, wzrasta chaos. [...] Jeśli jednak nie mamy zwątpić w człowieka i w sens życia w ogóle, musimy szukać dróg wyjścia, zarówno z chaosu, jak i z zaślepień 2 . 1