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2001, Vision Research
An unresolved question is how much information can be remembered from visual scenes when they are inspected by saccadic eye movements. Subjects used saccadic eye movements to scan a computer-generated scene, and afterwards, recalled as many objects as they could. Scene memory was quite good: it improved with display duration, it persisted over time long after the display was removed, and it continued to accumulate with additional viewings of the same display The persistance of memory for scenes. Nature 412, 401). The occurrence of saccadic eye movements was important to ensure good recall performance, even though subjects often recalled non-fixated objects. Inter-saccadic intervals increased with display duration, showing an influence of duration on global scanning strategy. The choice of saccadic target was predicted by a Random Selection with Distance Weighting (RSDW) model, in which the target for each saccade is selected at random from all available objects, weighted according to distance from fixation, regardless of which objects had previously been fixated. The results show that the visual memory that was reflected in the recall reports was not utilized for the immediate decision about where to look in the scene. Visual memory can be excellent, but it is not always reflected in oculomotor measures, perhaps because the cost of rapid on-line memory retrieval is too great.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2000
Scanning of the visual scene is an important selective process in visual perception. In this article we argue that eye-movement data provide an excellent on-line indication of the cognitive processes underlying visual search and reading. We outline some recent advances from physiological investigations of saccadic eye-movement control before focusing on eye-movement behaviour in visual search and reading studies. We consider factors that can affect the duration of fixations and the choice of saccade targets, emphasising continuities between biological and cognitive descriptions. We discuss different ways of measuring cognitive processing time from an eye-movement record and the relationship between attention and eye movements. tel: ϩ44 191 374 2603 fax: ϩ44 191 374 7474 e-mail: s.p.liversedge@, j.m.findlay@durham. L i v e r s e d g e a n d F i n d l a y -E y e m o v e m e n t s a n d c o g n i t i o n References a Bergen J.R. and Julesz, B. (1983) Parallel versus serial visual processing in rapid pattern discrimination. Nature 343, 696-698 b Treisman, A. and Gelade, G. (1980) A feature integration theory of attention. Cognit. Psychol. 12, 97-136 c Duncan J. et al. (1994) Direct measurement of attention dwell time in human vision. Nature 369, 313-315 d Sperling G.S. and Weichselgartner, E. (1995) Episodic theory of the dynamics of spatial attention. Psychol. Rev. 102, 503-532 e Theeuwes J. et al. (1998) Our eyes do not always go where we want them to go. Psychol. Sci. 9, 379-385 f Deubel, H. and Schneider, W.X. (1996) Saccade target selection and object recognition: evidence for a common attentional mechanism. Manipulation of stimulus onset delay in reading: evidence for parallel programming of saccades. J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform. 10, 667-682 i Rayner, K. (1986) Eye movements and the perceptual span in beginning and skilled readers. J. Exp. Child Psychol. 41, 211-236 j Henderson, J.M. and Ferreira, F. (1990) Effects of foveal processing difficulty on the perceptual span in reading: implications for attention and eye movement control. J. Exp. Psychol. Learn. Mem. Cognit. 16, 417-429 k Rayner, K. et al. The effect of clause wrap-up on eye movements during reading. Q. J. Exp. Psychol. (in press) l Reichle, E.D. et al. (1998) Toward a model of eye movement control in reading. Psychol. Rev. 105, 125-157 Box 1. Eye movements and attention 14 Review 1364-6613/00/$ -see front matter
Journal of Vision, 2005
Previous work on transaccadic memory and change blindness suggests that only a small part of the information in the visual scene is retained following a change in eye position. However some visual representation across different fixation positions seems necessary to guide body movements. In order to understand what information is retained across gaze positions it seems necessary to consider the functional demands of vision in ordinary behavior. We therefore examined eye and hand movements in a naturalistic task, where subjects copied a toy model in a virtual environment. Saccadic targeting performance was examined to see if subjects took advantage of regularities in the environment. During the first trials the spatial arrangement of the pieces used to copy the model was kept stable. In subsequent trials this arrangement was changed randomly every time the subject looked away. Results showed that about 20% of saccades went either directly to the location of the next component to be copied, or to its old location before the change. There was also a significant increase in the total number of fixations required to locate a piece after a change, which could be accounted for by the corrective movements required after fixating the (incorrect) old location. These results support the idea that a detailed representation of the spatial structure of the environment is typically retained across fixations and used to guide eye movements.
Perception and Psychophysics, 1995
Visual Cognition, 2009
Journal of …, 2003
Vision research, 1995
Accurate saccadic programming in natural visual scenes requires a signal designating which of the many potential targets is to be the goal of the saccade. Is this signal controlled by the allocation of perceptual attention, or do saccades have their own independent selective filter? We found evidence for the involvement of perceptual attention, namely: (1) summoning perceptual attention to a target also facilitated saccades; (2) perceptual identification was better at the saccadic goal than elsewhere; and (3) attempts to dissociate the locus of attention from the saccadic goal were unsuccessful, i.e. it was not possible to prepare to look quickly and accurately at one target while at the same time making highly accurate perceptual judgements about targets elsewhere. We also studied the trade-off between saccadic and perceptual performance by means of a novel application of the "attentional operating characteristic" (AOC) to oculomotor performance. This analysis revealed th...
Scientific Reports
Microsaccades that occur during fixation were studied extensively in response to transient stimuli, showing a typical inhibition (Oculomotor Inhibition, OMI), and a later release with a latency that depends on stimulus saliency, attention, and expectations. Here, we investigated the hypothesis that in free viewing every saccade provides a new transient stimulation that should result in a stimulus-dependent OMI like a flashed presentation during fixation. Participants (N = 16) freely inspected static displays of randomly oriented Gabor texture images, with varied contrast and spatial frequency (SF) for periods of 10 s each. Eye tracking recordings were divided into epochs triggered by saccade landing (> 1 dva), and microsaccade latency relative to fixation onset was computed (msRT). We found that the msRT in free viewing was shorter for more salient stimuli (higher contrast or lower SF), as previously found for flashed stimuli. It increased with saccade size and decreased across s...
Cognitive Psychology, 1991
The visual world contains more isolation than can be perceived in a single glance. Consequently, one's perceptual representation of the environment is built up via the integration of information across saccadic eye movements. The properties of transsaccadic integration were investigated in six experiments. Subjects viewed a random-dot pattern in one fixation, then judged whether a second dot pattern viewed in a subsequent tixation was identical to or different from the first. Interpattern interval, pattern complexity, and pattern displacement were varied in order to determine the duration, capacity, and representational format of transsaccadic memory. The experimental results indicated that transsaccadic memory is an undetailed, limited-capacity, long-lasting memory that is not strictly tied to absolute spatial position. In all these respects it is similar to, and perhaps identical with, visual short-term memory. The implications of these results for theories of perceptual stability across saccades are discussed. ~1 19% Academic press, inc.
Perception & Psychophysics, 2005
Because visual perception has temporal extent, temporally discontinuous input must be linked in memory. Recent research has suggested that this may be accomplished by integrating the active contents of visual short-term memory (VSTM) with subsequently perceived information. In the present experiments, we explored the relationship between VSTM consolidation and maintenance and eye movements, in order to discover how attention selects the information that is to be integrated. Specifically, we addressed whether stimuli needed to be overtly attended in order to be included in the memory representation or whether covert attention was sufficient. Results demonstrated that in static displays in which the to-be-integrated information was presented in the same spatial location, VSTM consolidation proceeded independently of the eyes, since subjects made few eye movements. In dynamic displays, however, in which the to-be-integrated information was presented in different spatial locations, eye movements were directly related to task performance. We conclude that these differences are related to different encoding strategies. In the static display case, VSTM was maintained in the same spatial location as that in which it was generated. This could apparently be accomplished with covert deployments of attention. In the dynamic case, however, VSTM was generated in a location that did not overlap with one of the to-be-integrated percepts. In order to "move" the memory trace, overt shifts of attention were required.
Journal of Vision, 2010
Recent work indicates that covert visual attention and eye movements on the one hand, and covert visual attention and visual working memory on the other hand are closely interrelated. Two experiments address the question whether all three processes draw on the same spatial representations. Participants had to memorize a target location for a subsequent memory-guided saccade. During the memory interval, task-irrelevant distractors were briefly flashed on some trials either near or remote to the memory target. Results showed that the previously flashed distractors attract the saccade's landing position. However, attraction was only found, if the distractor was presented within a sector of T20-around the target axis, but not if the distractor was presented outside this sector. This effect strongly resembles the global effect in which saccades are directed to intermediate locations between a target and a simultaneously presented neighboring distractor stimulus. It is argued that covert visual attention, eye movements, and visual working memory recruit the same spatial mechanisms that can probably be ascribed to attentional priority maps.
Psychological research, 2013
We investigated eye movements during long-term pictorial recall. Participants performed a perceptual encoding task, in which they memorized 16 stimuli that were displayed in different areas on a computer screen. After the encoding phase the participants had to recall and visualize the images and answer to specific questions about visual details of the stimuli. One week later the participants repeated the pictorial recall task. Interestingly, not only in the immediate recall task but also 1 week later participants looked longer at the areas where the stimuli were encoded. The major contribution of this study is that memory for pictorial objects, including their spatial location, is stable and robust over time.
Experimental brain research, 2017
Visuospatial working memory (VSWM) is a set of cognitive processes used to encode, maintain and manipulate spatial information. One important feature of VSWM is that it has a limited capacity such that only few items can be actively stored and manipulated simultaneously. Given the limited capacity, it is important to determine the conditions that affect memory performance as this will improve our understanding of the architecture and function of VSWM. Previous studies have shown that VSWM is disrupted when task-irrelevant eye movements are performed during the maintenance phase; however, relatively fewer studies examined the role of eye movements performed during the encoding phase. On one hand, performing eye movements during the encoding phase could result in a stronger memory trace because the memory formation is reinforced by the activation of the motor system. On the other hand, performing eye movements to each target could disrupt the configural processing of the spatial array...
Vision Research, 2001
This paper reports an analysis of saccades made during a task of visual search for a colour shape conjunction. The analysis concentrates on the saccade following the first saccade, thus complementing an earlier paper where the first saccades were analysed. The further analysis addresses the issue of what information might be held in trans-saccadic memory. As with the first saccade, incorrect second saccades tend to fall on distractors sharing one feature with the target. The proximity of the target to the fixation location immediately prior to the saccade is a very significant determinant of whether the saccade will reach the target. The results lead to the conclusion that in the majority of cases, choice of saccade destination is made afresh during each fixation with no carry-over from the previous fixation. However, in a small number of cases, second saccades are made after extremely brief fixation intervals. Although these saccades show a similar probability of reaching the target as those following longer fixations, it is argued that this sub-set of saccades are pre-programmed at the time of the preceding saccade.
Vision research, 1994
We studied the effects of varying delay interval on the accuracy and velocity of saccades to the remembered locations of visual targets. Remembered saccades were less accurate than control saccades. Both systematic and variable errors contributed to the loss of accuracy. Systematic errors were similar in size for delay intervals ranging from 400 msec to 5.6 sec, but variable errors increased monotonically as delay intervals were lengthened. Compared to control saccades, remembered saccades were slower and the peak velocities were more variable. However, neither peak velocity nor variability in peak velocity was related to the duration of the delay interval. Our findings indicate that a memory-related process is not the major source of the systematic errors observed on memory trials.
Acta Psychologica, 1995
Saccadic eye movements are made at least 100,000 times each day. It is wel1 known that sensitivity to visual input is suppressed during saccades; recent evidente suggests that some kinds of information processing are suppressed as well. Suppression during saccades implies that processing occurs discretely (during eye fixations only), rather than continuously (during both fixations and saccades). We examined this issue in the context of the Posner and Snyder (1975) primed letter-matching task. We found that a prime viewed in one fixation had a larger influence on targets viewed in a second fixation when a long rather than a short saccade separated the two fixations. This result demonstrates that at least some information processing occurs during saccades. Tel.: + 1 217 333-7746.
Saccadic latency is reduced by a temporal gap between fixation point and target, by identification of a target feature, and by movement in a new direction (inhibition of saccadic return, ISR). A simple additive model was compared with a shared resources model that predicts a three-way interaction. Twenty naive participants made horizontal saccades to targets left and right of fixation in a randomised block design. There was a significant three-way interaction among the factors on saccade latency. This was revealed in a two-way interaction between feature identification and the gap versus no gap factor which was only apparent when the saccade was in the same direction as the previous saccade. No interaction was apparent when the saccade was in the opposite direction. This result supports an attentional inhibitory effect that is present during ISR to a previous location which is only partly released by the facilitative effect of feature identification and gap. Together, anticipatory error data and saccade latency interactions suggest a source of ISR at a higher level of attention, possibly localised in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and involving tonic activation.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2007
have challenged the view that serial visual search involves memory processes that keep track of already inspected locations. The present study used a search paradigm similar to Horowitz and Wolfe's (1998), comparing a standard static search condition with a dynamic condition in which display elements changed locations randomly every 111 ms. In addition to measuring search reaction times, observers' eye movements were recorded. For target-present trials, the search rates were near-identical in the two search conditions, replicating Horowitz and Wolfe's findings. However, the number of fixations and saccade amplitude were larger in the static than in the dynamic condition, whereas fixation duration and the latency of the first saccade were longer in the dynamic condition. These results indicate that an active, memory-guided search strategy was adopted in the static condition, and a passive "sit-and-wait" strategy in the dynamic condition.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2015
In two experiments, we examined the influence of visual working memory (VWM) on oculomotor selection, testing whether the landing positions of rapidly generated saccades are biased toward the region of an object that matches a feature held in VWM. Participants executed a saccade to the center of a single saccade target, divided into two colored regions and presented on the horizontal midline. Concurrently, participants maintained a color in VWM for an unrelated memory task. This color either matched one of the two regions or neither of the regions. Relative to the no-match baseline, the landing positions of rapidly generated saccades (mean latency < 150 ms) were biased toward the region that matched the remembered color. The results support the hypothesis that VWM modulates early, spatially organized sensory representations to bias selection toward locations with features that match VWM content. In addition, the results demonstrate that saccades to spatially extended objects are sensitive to within-object differences in salience.
Consciousness and Cognition, 2010
The aim of the present study was to investigate how saccadic selection relates to people's awareness of the saliency and identity of a saccade goal. Observers were instructed to make an eye movement to either the most salient line segment (Experiment 1) or the only righttilted element (Experiment 2) in a visual search display. The display was masked contingent on the first eye movement and after each trial observers indicated whether or not they had correctly selected the target. Whereas people's awareness concerning the saliency of the saccade goal was generally low, their awareness concerning the identity was high. Observers' awareness of the saccade goal was not related to saccadic performance. Whereas saccadic selection consistently varied as a function of saccade latency, people's awareness concerning the saliency or identity of the saccade goal did not. The results suggest that saccadic selection is primarily driven by subconscious processes.
Vision Research, 2007
Target detection during active visual search was examined. The chance corrected spatial distribution of target detection was found to be symmetrically distributed around the point of fixation and, unexpectedly, was independent of the proximity of fixations to the display boundaries. Memory was found to play a very limited role in target detection, but a significant role in the guidance of eye movements. A model of covert shifts was used to estimate the number and spatial distribution of shifts required to explain observed performance. An increase from one to five shifts per fixation across increasing array set size as estimated by two different methods was inconsistent with unchanging fixation durations, suggesting that multiple covert shifts are not occurring during the fixations in active search.