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2012, The Journal of Korea Navigation Institute
Digital signage provides flight and airport information to the airport visitors and passengers. However, the digital signage has efficiency problem by displaying one type of advertisement to every customers regardless of their personality. We may solvel the inefficiency problem by using a smart digital signage which can recognize the characteristics of the customer We presents a smart digital signage with sex recognition function. The smart digital signage can recognize the sex of the customer to display the custom-made advertisement in realtime so that we can increase the satisfaction level of the airport passengers and visitors.
Journal of the Korea Society of Systems Engineering, 2013
The aim of this study is to propose the design process suitable for developing the cognitive interface considering system engineering process (SEP) models. Due to the cognitive workload in an operation of HMS, some cognitive interfaces have been developed. It is somehow difficult to use the developed cognitive interface in real working environment since they often showed a conflict to stereotyped interface. So it is necessary to develop the design process suitable for the more operator-specific interface. Various SEP models were reviewed for selecting the suitable design process which might resolve the problem from design-specific interface. The suitable process for designing cognitive interface was proposed considering currently usable SEP models. The findings from the study may be helpful for systematic approach to designing cognitive interface in digitalized environment. The proposed design process would be applied for easily employing the cognitive interface in digitalized working environment such as main control room in nuclear power plant.
The Journal of Korea Navigation Institute, 2015
This paper introduces development of the MATLAB GUI based software for generating GPS RINEX observation file. The purpose of this software is to generate GPS measurements of reference station or dynamic user, which are similar to the real GPS receiver data, accurately and efficiently. This software includes two data generation modes. One is Precision mode which generates GPS measurements as accurate as possible using post-processing data. The other is Real-time mode which generates GPS measurements using GPS error modeling technique. GPS error sources are calculated on the basis of each data generation mode, and L1/L2 pseudorange, L1/L2 carrier phase, and Doppler measurements are produced. These generated GPS measurements are recorded in the RINEX observation version 3.0 file. Using received GPS data at real reference station, we analyzed three items to verify software reliability; measurement bias, rate of change, and noise level. Consequently, RMS error of measurement bias is about 0.7 m, and this verification results demonstrate that our software can generate relatively exact GPS measurements.
The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2010
The purpose of this paper is to suggest one of effective online questionnaire methods by using web based games. The research examines the interrelation between space design element and emotion language in the background actually used in the web games, and suggests new questionnaire methods to overcome the problems of the insincere answers which is the limitation of online questionnaire methods. The paper is to examine the related references, and compare the merits and demerits between printed and online text based questionnaires. Then it suggests the on-line questionnaire methods based web games which can improve errors of the demerits. The emotional words and phrases database is embodied by the interrelation between the emotional words and four spaces such as a dwelling, a tradition, a commerce and a fantasy based on the position decision value of Gaussian distribution. The paper suggests to be utilized for a population calculability system such as a consumers preference test.
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, 2008
The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2014
The purpose of this study was to extract accurate parameters of facial movement features using 3-D motion capture system in speech recognition technology through lip-reading. Instead of using the features obtained through traditional camera image, the 3-D motion system was used to obtain quantitative data for actual facial movements, and to analyze 11 variables that exhibit particular patterns such as nose, lip, jaw and cheek movements in monosyllable vocalizations. Fourteen subjects, all in 20s of age, were asked to vocalize 11 types of Korean vowel monosyllables for three times with 36 reflective markers on their faces. The obtained facial movement data were then calculated into 11 parameters and presented as patterns for each monosyllable vocalization. The parameter patterns were performed through learning and recognizing process for each monosyllable with speech recognition algorithms with Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Viterbi algorithm. The accuracy rate of 11 monosyllables recognition was 97.2%, which suggests the possibility of voice recognition of Korean language through quantitative facial movement analysis.
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2012
The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2011
20 fossil sites of numerous fossil sites in Korea have been designated as Natural Monument for protection and conservation. Many of the sites which is located at the coastal area have been gradually disfigured by natural weathering, erosion and human activity. Thus the conservation of the original form and the documentation for the original figure are necessary. In this study, we applied 3D digital documentation to Natural Monument No. 394, Haenam Uhangri dinosaur, pterosaur, and bird footprint fossil site, for maintaining the original form of the dinosaur footprints. We were able to obtain the 3D digital data on two dinosaur footprint sites, a high resolution distributional map, and more accurate digital data of the dinosaur footprints applied the rendering method by ambient occlusion. 3D digital data on the dinosaur footprints is worth for the conservation and research data, moreover content for applying to the various fields such as to make 3D brochure, interactive contents, and so on.
Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 2009
Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is a multi-functional enzyme with a central role in the synthesis of long-chain fatty acid and has been considered as a positional candidate gene for BTA 19 quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting milk-fat content and fatty acid composition. In this study, we sequenced the FASN gene in several cattle breeds including Hanwoo and imported beef cattle, and identified novel DNA polymorphisms and their linkage relationship in Hanwoo. We found a significant frequency difference of the FASN (AF285607) g.17924 A→G polymorphism between Hanwoo (70%) and other breeds and this polymorphism has been known for an association with fatty acid composition in Angus. Furthermore, by direct DNA sequencing in 18 unrelated Hanwoo, we identified 27 SNPs including nine novel variations in the FASN gene. Among 27 SNPs identified in the FASN gene, four SNPs were further genotyped in 100 Hanwoo and 96 imported beef cattle, and analyzed for haplotype construction and association with beef quality traits. We performed haplotype block and linkage disequilibrium studies using four selected SNPs. Two different haplotype blocks (block A: g.10568 C→T and g.11280 G→ A; block B: g.13125 C→T and g.17924 G→A) were constructed and the block A in particular had a very high r2 (0.936), which indicated a nearly complete linkage disequilibrium existed between the g.10568 C→T and g.11280 G→A polymorphisms. A total of four major haplotypes (frequency > 0.05) were identified with the four polymorphisms including TATG (0.36), CGCG (0.31), CGTA (0.19) and TACG (0.06). Statistical association analysis revealed that the g.10568 C→T and g.11280 G→A polymorphisms in the FASN were significantly associated with meat color (P=0.004) and texture (P=0.0114). The g.13125 C→T and g.17924 G→A polymorphisms in the FASN were also significantly associated with back-fat thickness and quantity index (P=0.0179 and 0.0495, respectively). Our findings suggested that the FASN gene polymorphisms may be used for determining the (unsaturated) fatty acid contents and carcass trait in the Hanwoo beef.
Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 2017
This paper employs entitymetrics analysis on the research works of Dong-ju Yun. He was a Korean poet who was studied by many researchers on his works, religion and life. We collected 1,076 papers about Dong-ju Yun and conducted various approaches including co-author citation analysis, topic modeling analysis to identify the topic trend in the study of Dong-ju Yun. Also we extracted entities like person's name and literature's title from abstract to examine the relationship among them. The result of this paper enables us to objectively identify the topic trend and infer implicit relationships between key concept associated with Dong-ju Yun based on text data. Moreover, we observed sub-research topics such as life, poem, aesthetic existence, comparative literature, literary translation, and religious beliefs. This paper shows how entitymetrics can be utilized to study intellectual structures in the humanities.
Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2015
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to review previous clinical studies on underlying mechanisms of sleep-related type-specific pathophysiological symptoms among the Sasang types. Methods and Procedure: We reviewed seven research databases from December 2003 to August 2015 with the keywords Sasang typology, constitution and sleep. The Sasang type-specific sleep-related symptoms were analyzed based on seven categories, including subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleep medications and daytime dysfunction. Results: Total of twelve studies were included in the analysis. The Tae-Yang type showed low subjective sleep quality, long sleep latency and frequent awakening, and the So-Yang type showed long sleep latency. The Tae-Eum type presented high subjective sleep quality, short sleep duration, frequent snore, toss and turn during the sleep, and insomnia and low frequency of dream. The So-Eum type showed long sleep latency in male and high frequency of dream. The Eum type combining Tae-Eum and So-Eum types had higher subjective sleep quality, longer sleep duration and higher frequency of dream than the Yang type combining Tae-Yang and So-Yang types. Conclusions: This study reviewed type-specific sleep-related characteristics and discussed possible pathophysiological mechanisms involved. Differences in sleep characteristics among the Sasang types might stem from type-specific temperaments and require further study.
Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information System, 2012
The method regarding obtaining various kinds of attribute data of spatial information, including that of digital map, is normally restricted to Geographic survey that deals with in-field surveys. Geographic surveying for drawing digital map, however, require much effort due to the fact that a surveyor has to characterize geographic features individually in the field. Not only does the Geographic survey cover large area, but also its need for manual drawing and surveying using Draft map makes it more expensive and time-consuming. Though some recent Geographic surveys take advantage of MMS(Mobile Mapping System) to collect computerized information, there are inevitable limits in creating digital map with such data. This research will analyze the problems in current Geographic surveys and suggest adequate methods and standards for Geographic surveys by researching the methods of domestic/international service organizations that deal with establishing spatial information. This study therefore will aim to enhance the efficiency of creating digital map and Geographic survey, which would ultimately maximize the applicability of pan-national digital map by improving reliability of digital map and upgrading the utilizability of Geographic survey data.
The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies, 2011
Objective: The aim of this study is to propose the design process suitable for developing the cognitive interface considering system engineering process (SEP) models. Background: Due to the cognitive workload in an operation of HMS, some cognitive interfaces have been developed. It is somehow difficult to use the developed cognitive interface in real working environment since they often showed a conflict to stereotyped interface. So it is necessary to develop the design process suitable for the more operator-specific interface. Method: Various SEP models were reviewed for selecting the suitable design process which might resolve the problem from design-specific interface. Results: The suitable process for designing cognitive interface was proposed considering currently usable SEP models. Conclusion: The findings from the study may be helpful for systematic approach to designing cognitive interface in digitalized environment, Application: The proposed design process would be applied ...
Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education, 2015
In this study, we investigated the effects of individualized learning adapted to students' conceptions using smart devices in science instruction upon students' conceptual understanding, the retention of conception, achievement, learning motivation, enjoyment of science lessons, and perception about individualized learning using smart devices. Four seventh-grade classes at a coed middle school in Seoul were assigned to a control group and a treatment group. Students were taught about molecular motions for seven class periods. Two-way ANCOVA results revealed that the scores of a conception test, the retention of the conception test, a learning motivation test, and an enjoyment of science lessons test for the treatment group were significantly higher than those for the control group. Although the score of the treatment group was higher than that of the control group in the achievement test, the difference was not statistically significant. Students' perceptions about individualized learning using smart devices were also found to be positive.
Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, 2013
We propose adaptive detection algorithm to reduce a false alarm by considering the characteristics of the random noise on the detection system based on a seismic sensor. The proposed algorithm consists of the first step detection using kernel function and the second step detection using detection classes. Kernel function of the first step detection is obtained from the threshold of the Neyman-Pearon decision criterion using the probability density functions varied along the noise from the measured signal. The second step detector consists of 4 step detection class by calculating the occupancy time of the footstep using the frist detected samples. In order to verify performance of the proposed algorithm, the detection of the footsteps using measured signal of targets (walking and running) are performed experimentally. The detection results are compared with a fixed threshold detector. The frist step detection result has the high detection performance of 95% up to 10m area. Also, the false alarm probability is decreased from 40% to 20% when it is compared with the fixed threshold detector. By applying the detection class(second step detector), it is greatly reduced to less than 4%.
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2015
In recent years, ear has emerged as a new biometric trait, because it has advantage of higher user acceptance than fingerprint and can be captured at remote distance in an indoor or outdoor environment. This paper proposes an individual identification method using ear region based on SIFT(shift invariant feature transform). Unlike most of the previous studies using rectangle shape for extracting a region of interest(ROI), this study sets an ROI as a flexible expanded region including ear. It also presents an effective extraction and matching method for SIFT keypoints. Experiments for evaluating the performance of the proposed method were performed on IITD public database. It showed correct identification rate of 98.89%, and it showed 98.44% with a deformed dataset of 20% occlusion. These results show that the proposed method is effective in ear recognition and robust to occlusion.
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2013
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 2012
In this paper, a Bayesian classifier based on PCA (principle component analysis) is proposed to classify underwater transient signals using 16 th order LPC (linear predictive coding) coefficients as feature vector. The proposed classifier is composed of two steps. The mechanical signals were separated from biological signals in the first step, and then each type of the mechanical signal was recognized in the second step. Three biological transient signals and two mechanical signals were used to conduct experiments. The classification ratios for the feature vectors of biological signals and mechanical signals were 94.75% and 97.23%, respectively, when all 16 order LPC vector were used. In order to determine the effect of underwater noise on the classification performance, underwater ambient noise was added to the test signals and the classification ratio according to SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) was compared by changing dimension of feature vector using PCA. The classification ratios of the biological and mechanical signals under ocean ambient noise at 10dB SNR, were 0.51% and 100% respectively. However, the ratios were changed to 53.07% and 83.14% when the dimension of feature vector was converted to three by applying PCA. For correct, classification, it is required SNR over 10 dB for three dimension feature vector and over 30dB SNR for seven dimension feature vector under ocean ambient noise environment.
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