Flow and Transport Properties of Unconventional Reservoirs 2018



Advances in Geo-Energy Research and serves as an Associate/Guest Editor for other international journals. Dr. Cai focuses on the petrophysical characterization and micro-transport phenomena in porous media, as well as fractal theory and its application. He has published more than 110 peer-refereed journal articles, three books, and numerous book chapters. Zhien Zhang is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the William G. Lowrie Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Ohio State University. His research interests include advanced processes and materials (i.e., membranes) for CO2 capture, CCUS processes, gas separation, and gas hydrates. Dr. Zhang has published 80+ journal papers and 10+ editorials in high-impact journals, including Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. He has written three Hot Papers (top 0.1%) and 10 Highly Cited Papers (top 1%). He also serves as an Editor or Guest Editor for several international journals, including Applied Energy, Fuel, and Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. He currently works as a Visiting Professor at the University of Cincinnati. Qinjun Kang is a senior scientist at the Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). His current research focuses on the modeling and simulation of transport and interfacial processes in porous media at the pore (nano/meso) scale, and on multiscale models bridging different scales. His work is applied to problems in a broad range of engineering and science disciplines, including the geologic storage of carbon dioxide and nuclear waste, conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon exploration and production, the fate and transport of underground contaminants, and the engineering of energy storage and conversion devices (e.g., fuel cells and batteries). Dr. Kang has coauthored more than 100 publications, which have been cited nearly 6000 times. He has been invited to give 20+ talks at various international and national conferences, universities, national laboratories, and industries, and has organized/chaired sessions at numerous conferences. He is currently a member of the Editorial Board or an Associate Editor for multiple journals, and has served as a reviewer for over 50 journals and numerous funding agencies, including DOE and NSF. Dr. Kang has been a top publisher in the EES Division at LANL since 2010.