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2010, DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
6 pages
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The thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of spatial planning systems aimed at establishing a mass valuation system for real estate in Croatian islands. Key components include the modeling of spatial data and an automated test system for real estate comparison, emphasizing the relationship between littoralization processes and water resources. The study asserts that understanding these dynamics contributes to the sustainable development concept for vulnerable island regions.
There are about 160 to 170 autochthonous medicinal and aromatic plants that are either collected or produced in Croatia. In all parts of Croatia natural geographic conditions, namely climatic, pedological and hydrographical conditions are suitable for organic production of medicinal plants. In this work the authors give the most relevant information on chamomile (Matricaria chamomile) and lavender (Lavandula anustifolia) production. These two plants had the biggest share in medicinal plants production before war in the 1990s. Until then Croatia was one of the leading producers of chamomile and lavender in the world.
The area of Vrgorac is defined by a contrast between the high mountainous zones in the southwest and the low karst poljes in the southeastern part of the municipality. It is a relatively small area which includes a wide range of different natural-geographic and socio-geographic elements usually featured in karst zones with limestone basis. Considering the above mentioned features, the area of Vrgorac can be divided into several spatial zones. Specific natural geographic conditions have resulted in landscapes of distinctive Dinaric socio-geographical area which are still typical in some zones of Vrgorac, representing the dominant feature in the area in spite of the ever-increasing process of modernization and globalization with their impact on human activities and the environment.
Geodetski vestnik, 2017
Revenue from the charge for the use of building ground as a type of tax is one of the most important sources of tax revenue for local communities in Slovenia. The system of charge for the use of building ground is greatly lacking in uniformity among municipalities in terms of all tax elements. In this paper, municipal ordinances on charges for the use of building ground in 211 municipalities are analysed to identify and empirically examine statutory factors and factors arbitrarily laid down by municipalities that impact tax yield from the charge for the use of building ground. The methods of multiple regression and geographically weighted regression were used to analyse the impact of the selected factors at the national level or the level of local communities. The results of the first study of this kind provide support to local communities, planners and decision-makers in the sphere of tax policy. The results of the study presented in this paper are also shown on thematic maps, by means of which we analyse the spatial distribution of the factors that impact the tax yield from the charge for the use of building ground. Access to data and a suitable method of representing spatial and other data are two things that greatly influence effective and correct decision-making and communication with stakeholders in the sphere of property taxation. Key words: IZVLEČEK property taxation, charge for the use of building ground, multiple regression, geographically weighted regression, thematic maps SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Izvleček Prihodki od nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča, kot oblike davka na stavbna zemljišča, so eden najpomembnejših davčnih prihodkov lokalnih skupnosti v Sloveniji. Za sistem nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča velja, da je zelo neenoten med občinami po vseh davčnih elementih. V članku na podlagi analize odlokov o nadomestilu za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča 211 občin identificiramo ter empirično preverjamo zakonsko in od občin arbitrarno določene dejavnike vpliva na davčni izplen nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča. Z metodo multiple regresije in geografske obtežene regresije analiziramo vpliv izbranih dejavnikov na nacionalni ravni oziroma na ravni lokalnih skupnosti. Rezultati prve tovrstne raziskave so v podporo lokalnim skupnostim, načrtovalcem in odločevalcem na področju davčne politike. Rezultate v članku predstavljene raziskave prikazujemo tudi na tematskih kartah, s katerimi analiziramo prostorsko porazdelitev obravnavanih dejavnikov vpliva na davčni izplen nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča. Prav dostop do podatkov ter ustrezne metode prikaza prostorskih in drugih podatkov namreč pomembno vplivajo na učinkovitost in pravilnost odločitev ter komunikacijo z deležniki na področju obdavčitve nepremičnin. Ključne besede obdavčitev nepremičnin, nadomestilo za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča, multipla regresija, geografska obtežena regresija, tematske karte
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2016
Suvremeni županijski ustroj Republike Hrvatske kao i strateško autocestovno povezivanje hrvatskih regija, posebice srednjeg i južnog dijela jadranskog priobalja kroz lički prostor, određuju nove funkcionalne poveznice središnjeg dijela Jadranske Hrvatske. Nasuprot recidivima nekadašnjih podjela i razgraničenja hrvatskoga prostora od Osmanskog Carstva, Habsburške Monarhije i Mletačke Republike, kraj 20. i početak 21. stoljeća označili su obnovljene procese prometnog, gospodarskog i funkcionalnog povezivanja suvremenoga ličkog i sjevernodalmatinskog prostora, slične nekadašnjim procesima u antici i u razdobljima afirmacije prvotne hrvatske državne jezgre. Izgradnja autoceste unutar Jadransko-jonskog koridora, usmjerenost na najbliže priobalno pročelje sa zračnom i pomorskim lukama, povezivanje turističkih kompleksa na potezu Novalja / Karlobag-Nin-Zadar-Biograd-Vodice-Šibenik-Primošten-Rogoznica s plitvičkim turističkim kompleksom, veći broj nacionalnih parkova i parkova prirode, potiču kroz neposredne i lako uočljive društvenogeografske procese novo, pojačano povezivanje. Tome pridonosi i razmjerno jednostavno i spontano prožimanje u sferi trgovine, prometa, bankarstva, uprave, školstva, sudstva, sigurnosti itd., što omogućuje, unatoč pojedinim, politički usmjeravanim ili naslijeđenim rješenjima te lokalnim prijeporima uvjetovanim razlikama i preklapanjima interesnih grupa, svrsishodno i učinkovito suvremeno životno povezivanje u gravitacijski jedinstveni i funkcionalan regionalni kompleks. Značenje postojećih i afirmiranih gravitacijskih središta, među kojima se Zadar kao staro razvojno žarište i čvorište na jadranskom hrvatskom pročelju ističe, od prvorazrednog je značenja, posebice u razdoblju demografske recesije ne samo manjih i ruralnih, nego i većih gradskih središta i ovoga regionalnog kompleksa, ali i čitave Hrvatske. Znanstveno i multidisciplinarno prepoznavanje suvremenih procesa razvitka i prostornih odrednica kod odabira suvremenoga regionalnog ustroja Republike Hrvatske povezano je i sa suvremenim upravnoteritorijalnim, dakle naslijeđenim i tradicionalnim županijskim ustrojem. Jednako je poželjno uskladiti ih i s NUTS regionalizacijom (posebice NUTS-3 razine) Europske unije, što je zahtjevan, ali i neodgodiv zadatak radi ravnomjerne raspodjele egzistencijalnih dobara i uravnoteženog, decentraliziranog i što kvalitetnijeg razvitka ličkog i sjevernodalmatinskog prostora, kao i Hrvatske u cjelini, u budućnosti.
In this work the starting point of the author is as more qualitative and functional territorial organisation of Croatia, especially its littoral area. Adriatic Croatia, as well as Eastern (Pannonian) and North-Western Croatia, has been one of three defined (future) Euroregions NUTS II in Croatia. In its recent territorial coverage it was suggested by the Republic of Croatia and accepted by Eurostat in 2007. It includes all littoral counties (županija) (7) of Croatia, covering 24.7 thousand square km with 1.4 million inhabitants (2011). The paper discusses a possible differentiation of this strategic littoral Adriatic area on three functional (gravitation) regions, of the third level (NUTS III) according to the Croatian Government criteria on efficacious decentralization and new regionalization of Croatia. Namely, some littoral counties do not satisfy European demographic criteria for statistical NUTS III region (150-800 thousand inhabitants) although in general, Croatian counties satisfy this criterion. That is why the author, applying demographic, geographic, economic, administrative and other criteria stresses the need of defining, harmonized as much as possible, three nodal-functional, i.e. gravitational regions with their centers in Rijeka, Zadar and Split. So, the Rijeka region would potentially cover Istria, Kvarner and Gorski Kotar areas with 505 000 inhabitants (2011), Zadar region would cover North Dalmatian and Lika areas with 330.000 inhabitants, and Split region would include Middle Dalmatian and Dubrovnik (South Dalmatian) areas with 578 000 residents. The Lika area is functionally and economically most optimally oriented towards Zadar, with regard to new processes of the highway linking and recently fast development of Zadar. U ovom članku autorovo polazište je što kvalitetniji i funcionalniji teritorijalni ustroj Hrvatske, posebice njezina primorskog prostora. Jadranska Hrvatska, uz Istočnu (Panonsku) i Sjeverozapadnu Hrvatsku, jedna je od triju definiranih (budućih) euroregija NUTS II. u Hrvatskoj. U današnjem teritorijalnom obuhvatu je predložena od strane Republike Hrvatske i 2007. godine prihvaćena od Eurostata. Obuhvaća sve primorske županije (7) Hrvatske, ukupne površine 26, 7 tisuća km2 i 1, 4 milijuna stanovnika (2011.). Rad razmatra moguću diferencijaciju ovog strateškog litoralnog prostora Jadrana na tri funkcionalne (gravitacijske) regije trećeg reda (NUTS III.), u skladu s kriterijima Vlade Republike Hrvatske za učinkovitu decentralizaciju i novu regionalizaciju Hrvatske. Naime, pojedine priobalne županije ne zadovoljavaju europski demografski kriterij za statističku NUTS III. regiju (150-800 tisuća stanovnika), premda u cjelosti hrvatske županije prosječno zadovoljavaju taj kriterij. Stoga, primjenom demografskih, geografskih, gospodarskih, administrativnih i drugih kriterija, autor naglašava potrebu određivanja demografski u najvećoj mjeri usklađenih triju nodalno-funkcionalnih, odnosno gravitacijskih regija sa središtima u Rijeci, Zadru i Splitu. Tako bi u Jadranskoj Hrvatskoj riječka regija potencijalno obuhvatila Istru, Kvarner, i goranski prostor s 505.000 st. (2011.), zadarska bi obuhvatila Sjevernu Dalmaciju i Liku s 330 000 st., a splitska bi obuhvatila Srednju Dalmaciju i Dubrovnik (Južna Dalmacija) s 578.000 st. Prostor Like se funkcionalno i gospodarski najoptimalnije usmjerava na Zadar, s obzirom na nove procese povezivanja autocestom i brz noviji razvoj Zadra.
In the last five years is on the Slovenian real estate market observed highly trend in market volatility in property prices. Developments in the housing mar‐ ket have drastically changed and also represent an important indicator of overall economic trends. There is a lot of factors that affect the market price of real estate. With research we were focus on the prob‐ lem of the impact of economic growth in the market value of real estate in Slovenia. We were present trend of economic growth in the last decade and its impact on growth or decline in real estate transac‐ tions. We were also established if declining real es‐ tate transactions affect the provision of more and bigger discounts on the sale of real estate.Among the research parameters, we were presented as well as their interdependence. With constant monitoring of parameters and statistical methods, we were collect data on the impact of economic growth and offered discounts on the real estate market prices, for future periods. The aim of the research is to define those factors that need to be considered for the analytical prediction of the trend of market prices and selling real estate in the future.The results obtained will help real estate valuers in the drawing up of reports assessing the value of real estate. Sažetak U posljednjih pet godina je na slovenskom tržištu nekretnina promatrati izuzetno volatilnost u kreta‐ nju tržišnih cijena nekretnina. Kretanja na stambe‐ nom tržištu drastično su se promijenila i također važan su pokazatelj ukupnih gospodarskih kretanja. Čimbenika koji utječu na tržišnu cijenu nekretnine je puno. Istraživanje je usmjereno na problem utjecanja gospodarskog rasta na tržišne vrijednosti nekretnina, u Sloveniji. Predstavili smo trend gospodarskog rasta u posljednjem desetljeću i njegov utjecaj na rast ili pad u prometu nekretnina. Također smo promat‐ rali ili padanje prometa nekretnina utjeca na davanje velikih popusta na prodaju nekretnina. Tijekom is‐ traživačkih parametara, mi smo također prezentirali njihovu korelaciju. Uz stalno praćenje parametara i statističkih metoda, prikupili smo podatke o utjecaju gospodarskog rasta i ponuđenih popusta, na tržišne cijene nekretnine, za buduća razdoblja. Cilj istraži‐ vanja je definiranje tih faktora koje treba uzeti u ob‐ zir za analitičko predviđanje trenda kretanja tržišnih cijena i prodaje nekretnina u budućnosti. Dobiveni rezultati pomoći će ocjenjivačima nekretnina pri sastavljanju izvješća procjene vrijednosti nekretnina.
Geodetski List, 2009
This paper provides an overview development and the real estate cadastre maintenance in the Republic of Serbia. The State has recognized that an effective national property rights system is prerequisite for economic growth and broadening economic prosperity through the land and housing development, wise stewardship of national resources, increased use of property, increased property tax collection and efficient land markets. The State and International Development Association concluded the Development Credit for the Real Estate Cadastre and Registration Project in Serbia signing it in 2004. This paper also provides an overview of the existing records of real estates. It points out the advantages of the Real Estate Cadastre as the unified records of real estates and presents the current situation in the creation of the Real Estate Cadastre in Serbia.
Urbanism and economy in the Balkans have a long and strong relationship. The customary law, which has shaped settlements in the Balkans for centuries, had one of its main backbones in the economy. All customary measures were aimed at preserving the economic value of buildings and settlements, in addition to preserving the human values of space. During the last 30 years there have been a number of changes that have brought to the fore all positive principles on settlement regulation. The phenomena caused by the disruptive transformation of the society changed the character of the settlement, jeopardized the public spaces, brought into question the street value and disrupted the rights and obligations of the landowners. Individual activities intensively endanger the values of community property and neighbors. This paper analyzes contemporary processes in urban planning regulations, the design of settlements, the way of using public space and street, as well as the behavior of plot users. The aim of the paper is to identify the interaction of urban planning and economics.
The paper analyses the transformation of rural settlements in the area of the City of Mostar. It covers all 56 settlements that are grouped according to the criteria of distance from the central urban settlement and the altitude at which they are located. Eight spatial regions of various sizes and characteristics are identified accordingly. Economic, socio-cultural, infrastructural and demographic criteria are included in further analysis. Economic and social structure of individual settlements is also established. Considering that the second half of the twentieth century was the period of industrial development and urbanisation, and thereby intensive processes of depopulation and deagrarisation of rural areas, the authors believe that it was during this period that the transformation was most intense. Keywords: transformation, rural settlements, City of Mostar, socio-geographic processes Ovaj rad proučava preobrazbu ruralnih naselja na području Grada Mostara. Uključuje svih 56 naselja koja su grupirana prema kriteriju udaljenosti od središnjeg gradskog naselja i nadmorske visine na kojoj su smještena. Prema tome, ustanovljeno je osam prostornih područja različite veličine i obilježja. U daljnju analizu uključeni su ekonomski, društveno-kulturni, infrastrukturni i demografski kriteriji. Također je ustanovljena ekonomska i društvena struktura pojedinih naselja. S obzirom na to da je druga polovica dvadesetog stoljeća bila razdoblje industrijskog razvoja i urbanizacije, a time i intenzivnih procesa depopulacije i deagrarizacije ruralnih područja, autori smatraju da je u tom razdoblju preobrazba bila najintenzivnija. Ključne riječi: preobrazba, ruralna naselja, Grad Mostar, društveno-geografski procesi
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Pregled literature iz oblasti geografije naselja, urbane i ruralne geografije/Review of literature from the area of Geography of Settlements, Urban and Rural Geography (part of the book). , 2022
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