Żydzi w dyskursie Kościoła katolickiego

2016, Studia Litteraria et Historica


Jews in the discourse of the Catholic ChurchThe article describes the most important changes which appeared after the Second Vatican Council in the discourse of the Catholic Church in reference to its attitude to confessors of Judaism. The change is the difference between the state of texts in two different moments, which is why the first part of the article is dedicated to the characteristics of pre-Council (and mostly pre-war) discourse about Jews, and the second part to main directions of the changes caused by the realization of the Council postulates. The third part shows indications of the continuation of old, deep-rooted schemes. The analysis partly concerns texts of the Church worldwide, and partly texts of the Church in Poland. Polish pre-Council discourse on Jews was characterized by exceptional negativism. Catholic liturgy shows them as those who tortured and killed Jesus (the myth of deicides). In the sermons, pastoral letters and the Catholic press, Jews were presented a...