2022, Guitarra campesina y guitarrón chileno: propuesta de un nuevo toquío a partir de modelos rítmicos del guitarrón chileno y una profundización armónica de las guitarras transpuestas.
This research aims to propose a methodological approach for developing compositional resources based on Chilean traditional music, focusing on transposed guitars and the guitarrón chileno. The study respects the intrinsic logic of these instruments while critically questioning the academic tools traditionally used for analysis. This idea stems from the limited musical information available on these elements. While the rural world has been extensively documented through musicological research—collecting interviews, experiences, and traditions—such studies often fail to capture or represent the musical richness of these instruments accurately. The main challenge lies in transcribing orally transmitted music, which does not conform to Western academic music logic. To address this, we propose a paradigmatic analysis framework inspired by structural linguistics to study the heterometry of canto a lo humano y lo divino. This method overcomes the typical transcription barriers associated with the interpretive variability of orally transmitted music. The approach is complemented by Carlos Vega's phraseological analysis (1941), which critiques conventional notions of meter and proposes alternative methodologies for musical notation. Regarding transposed guitars, the study builds on the foundational work of Raúl Díaz (1997) and Patricia Chavarría (2015), who documented various tunings across Chile. Using Pedro Bellora's harmonic-tonal study (2022) as a reference, we proposed new approaches to expand the harmonic possibilities of selected tunings. As a result, we extracted rhythmic models from canto a lo humano y lo divino, established a metric system aligned with the style's logic, proposed harmonic expansions for transposed guitars, and demonstrated how these resources can be effectively utilized. Keywords: Guitarrón chileno, Rural guitar, Paradigmatic analysis, Meter, Rhythm, Compass, Transposition, Finares, Toquíos, Melodic patterns, Folklore, Tradition, Chile