Small drift limit theorems for random walks

2017, Journal of Applied Probability

We show analogs of the classical arcsine theorem for the occupation time of a random walk in (−∞,0) in the case of a small positive drift. To study the asymptotic behavior of the total time spent in (−∞,0) we consider parametrized classes of random walks, where the convergence of the parameter to 0 implies the convergence of the drift to 0. We begin with shift families, generated by a centered random walk by adding to each step a shift constant a>0 and then letting a tend to 0. Then we study families of associated distributions. In all cases we arrive at the same limiting distribution, which is the distribution of the time spent below 0 of a standard Brownian motion with drift 1. For shift families this is explained by a functional limit theorem. Using fluctuation-theoretic formulae we derive the generating function of the occupation time in closed form, which provides an alternative approach. We also present a new form of the first arcsine law for the Brownian motion with drift.