Stability and decay of the Dirac vacuum in external gauge fields

1982, Physics Reports

Introduction 53 6. External torsion fields 95 1.1. Historical development of vacuum concepts 53 6.1 Dirac equation in a simple torsion model 95 1.2. The vacuum in strong external fields 55 6.2. Statistical treatment of the vacuum with spin 97 1.3. Organization of this article 59 7. Dirac particles in Rindler space 99 1.4. Conventions and constants 60 7.1. Uniformly accelerated observer and Rindler space 2. The Dirac action coupled to gauge fields 61 7.2. Solution of Dirac's equation in the four sectors of 2.1. The free Dirac action 61 Minkowski space 2.2. The principle of minimal coupling 62 7.3. Breakdown of the energy gap for the accelerated 3. Rumpf's definition of particle and antiparticle states 66 observer 4. External electromagnetic fields 72 7.4. Construction of a quantum field theory by means of 4.1. The Dirac equation in strong electrostatic fields 73 Rindler modes 4.2. Pair creation in slowly time-varying electromagnetic 8. Uniformly accelerated observer and instantons fields 75 9. Accelerated observer and conformal mappings Ill 4.3. Dirac particles in pure magnetic ficlds 77 9.1. Accelerated systems of coordinates and conformal 5. External gravitational fields 77 mappings Ill 5.1. Einstein-Cartan (ECSK) theory 78 9.2. Differential winding number and temperature 5.2. Dirac equation in Einstein fields 82 9.3. Entropy, Euler characteristics and Hawking tern-5.3. Static, spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat perature manifolds with global time coordinate 84 10. External Yang-Mills fields 5.4. The Newtonian limit 86 10.1. Classical Yang-Mills fields 5.5. The Dirac equation in the field of a gravitating mass 10.2. Overcritical colour vacuum shell 87 10.3. Vacuum stability in constant SU(2)-gauge fields and 5.6. Dirac particles in the Schwarzschild geometry 89 Wu-Yang ambiguity 5.7. Limiting charge of black holes 91 II. Concluding remarks References