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2025, List of publications
1 file
Roman Amphora Contents. Reflecting on the Maritime Trade of Foodstuffs in Antiquity. RLAMP 17, Archaeopress, Oxford: 307-354., 2021
This paper offers an overview of the supply of olive oil to the provinces of the Roman and early Byzantine East (1st to 7th centuries) and the possible western and eastern amphorae and other containers (e.g. dolia, other large jars, glass vessels, barrels) that may have carried this prime commodity. Whereas mainland Greece and the Aegean Islands were prominent producers and suppliers in the early and late Empire for local consumption and export in specific amphorae (Dressel 24 and related forms, Dressel 25, Agora M 235, LRA 2 and successors), other regions produced oil for local needs (Egypt, Lebanon, NW Syria), whereas other regions (the Lower Danube, Crimea) were unable to grow olives for climatic reasons. The role and mechanisms of the State, the Army and the annona in the supply of oil here and in other regions (e.g. Egypt, Syria) are discussed. In the course of this typological revision, other amphorae and possible contents (e.g. wine, fish products, dried fruit) are also discussed and illustrated. New data on amphora contents based on organic residues analyses are noted.
LRCW 4, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean, Archaeology and archaeometry (Thessaloniki April 2011), BAR International Series 2616: 451-467, 2014
J. Mitchell, J. Mooreland and B. Leal (eds). Encounters, Excavations and Argosies. Essays for Richard Hodges. Archaeopress, Oxford: 262-274., 2017
En el marco conmemorativo de los 50 años de la revista Pyrenae, el equipo editorial ha considerado oportuno dedicar este volumen a sintetizar la investigación del Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología de la Universitat de Barcelona. Para ello se ha solicitado a cada uno de los grupos de investigación que lo conforman una síntesis de su labor investigadora. A los actos conmemorativos de la revista Pyrenae, cabe añadir otra efeméride importante como es el centenario de la lección inaugural de Pere Bosch Gimpera en la Universitat de Barcelona que se celebrará en 2016. Resulta paradójico, sin embargo, que en un momento con motivos para celebraciones, la sensación sea más bien de desazón. La Universitat de Barcelona se encuentra sumida en un proceso de reforma de sus estructuras que significará la desaparición del citado Departamento, y conllevará un futuro incierto para la arqueología. Los arqueólogos de esta universidad tenemos, por tanto, poco que celebrar, pero ...
D. Dixneuf, LRCW 5. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and Archaeometry (Études Alexandrines 43), Alexandria , 2017
This paper aims to present a general assessment of the Late Roman amphorae from Apamea in Syria and, most specifically, the amphorae from the excavations undertaken by the Belgian mission at Apamea between 2000 and 2010 in the north-eastern quarter of the city.
This paper presents an overview of ceramics, economy, and trade in North Africa from the Vandal to the early Arab periods (up to the early eleventh century), tackling both the transition from the Byzantine to Arab occupation and the first centuries of Arab rule. Whereas the excavations at Bir Ftouha (Carthage) and at Ṣabra al Mansūriyya provide fairly solid insight into the late tenth and eleventh centuries, and the fifth to seventh centuries have considerable archaeological documentation with respect to North Africa and its economic connections with the rest of the Mediterranean and beyond, it was clear from the outset that bridging the eighth to mid-tenth centuries is problematic. This essay will demonstrate that part of the difficulty is a lack of coherent excavation strategies and an overly synthetic, selective publication of the ceramics and it will outline some of the themes that would be fruitful to investigate in the future. Continuities and discontinuities within Africa-Ifrīqiya of ceramic production, diet, cuisine, and culinary practices are explored here, the last illustrated by the distinctive ceramics repertoires necessary for the processing and cooking of food; so are possible links between contemporary Arab cultures manifest in Ifrīqiya, al-Andalus, and Sicily, across the water. It is with the mapping of culinary culture and its accessories that I believe we shall best be able to understand the Arab (and Berber) communities of North Africa, with respect to their origins, development, and interaction across the Maghreb and the Islamic West.
Archeologia Medievale 45: 91-110, 2018
Uscita prevista entro gennaio 2019, prezzo di copertina € 62.-carta € 50;-carta + ebook € 65;-ebook su range IP € 180;-carta + ebook su range IP € 230;-ebook arretrati su range IP € 1.400. Per gli invii in contrassegno o all'estero saranno addebitate le spese postali. Ebook, tutti i volumi (dal 1974) sono disponibili tramite Torrossa (libri completi e singoli capitoli), disponibile anche con accesso su range IP. Google Books, Google Play (libri completi). Traduzione dei riassunti dall'italiano all'inglese a cura di Anna Moore Valeri. In copertina: immagine rielaborata dal logo del Convegno I contenitori da trasporto alto-medievali e medievali (VIII-XII secolo), École française de Rome.
ISAW Papers, 2015
LRCW 6: Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry - Land and sea: pottery routes, 2023
SPAL. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2017
L’Illyrie méridionale et l’épire dans l’Antiquité. Actes du VIe colloque international de Tirana (20-30 mai 2015), 2018
Hispania and the Roman Mediterranean, AD 100-700, 2010
Las ánforas tardoantiguas de San Martiño de Bueu (MR 7). El primer centro de producción de ánforas del noroeste de Hispania. In Delphine Dixneuf (ed.). LRCW 5-1. , 2017
Dixneuf, Delphine (edited by), LRCW5 Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and archaeometry, Études Alexandrines 43,, 2017
LRFW 1. Late Roman Fine Wares. Solving Problems of Typology and Chronology. Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 1 (RLAMP 1)y, 2011
I.L. Hansen, R. Hodges and S. Leppard (eds), Butrint 4. The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town, Oxford 2012, 213-243.
(pp. 226-234), in A. Sebastiani et al. ‘The Medieval church and cemetery at the Well of Julia Rufina’. In Butrint 4: The Archaeologies and Histories of an Ionian town, Oxbow, Oxford: 215-244., 2013
In B. Fischer-Genz, Y. Gerber and H. Hamel (eds.), Roman pottery in the Levant. Local production and regional trade. Proceedings of the round table held in Berlin, 19-20 February 2010, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 3: 53-65. , 2014
LRCW 5 : late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry Volume 2.P. 651-670, 2017