
Initial reflections on the geomorphological characteristics of coastal environ- ments and the literary memories associated with these places are followed by the ses- sion devoted to the archaeology of Adriatic landscapes. Archaeology is a fundamen- tal method of analyzing landscapes that are, as is well known, the result of the interaction between nature and culture: the very materiality of the signs and remains left by man on the ground makes these places immediately recognizable as contai- ners of past histories and memories. Due to human intervention that modifies the land, stories and memories take on substance and a continuous and complex process is activated in which places are charged with new and different meanings and the landscape becomes ‘historical’. This is a complex system that is constantly evolving, especially in the case of coastal landscapes, which are ceaselessly in the process of be- coming not only because of human activities, but especially because of the cyclical action of water, which continually transforms their forms and appearance.