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13 pages
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The paper presents biographic data of persons, after whom new primary minerals discovered at Jáchymov were named (K. Sternberg, W. H. Miller, G. A. Krutov), as well as the recently discovered secondary minerals (J. Vajdák, J. Èejka, J. venek). Biographies of scientists who described new minerals from Jáchymov are given in the following part (F. E. Brückmann, I. Born, A. G. Werner, H. Dauber, G. A. Kenngott, W. Sartorius v. Waltershausen, F. Sandberger, R. Nováèek, R. A. Vinogradova). Biographies of persons who significantly contributed to mineralogy of the Jáchymov ore district are presented in the last section (F. Babánek, J. tìp, R. Zückert, R. P. Dubinkina, R. V. Geceva, F. Mròa, M. Komárek, D. Pavlù). This contribution is a continuation of the 1997 article Who was who? In names of secondary minerals discovered in Jáchymov [561] dealing exclusively with secondary minerals.
Journal of the Czech …, 1997
Jáchymov is type locality for 22 minerals, including 17 secondary minerals. Data on history of discovery and description of new minerals was extracted by search in old literature. Minerals are arranged in the chronological sequence of discovery. Explanation of names of discredited or redefined minerals and some historical names is included at the end of this paper.
Journal of Geosciences, 2003
Jáchymov is the type locality for the following primary minerals: argentopyrite, krutovite, millerite, sternbergite, and uraninite. The history of their discovery is described in this contribution. The paper sums up the history of discovery of other type minerals at Jáchymov [560].
Journal of Geosciences, 2003
One hundred and seventeen primary mineral species are described and/or referenced. Approximately seventy primary minerals were known from the district before the present study. All known reliable data on the individual minerals from Jáchymov are presented. New and more complete X-ray powder diffraction data for argentopyrite, sternbergite, and an unusual (Co,Fe)-rammelsbergite are presented. The following chapters describe some unknown minerals, erroneously quoted minerals and imperfectly identified minerals. The present work increases the number of all identified, described and/or referenced minerals in the Jáchymov ore district to 384.
Journal of Geosciences, 1997
Introduction Torbern Olof Bergman was born in Katrineberg, Sweden, the son of Barthold Bergman, sheriff on the royal estate at Katrineberg. Bergman studied mathematics, philosophy, physics and astronomy at the University of Uppsala, graduating in 1756. He later joined the faculty of the University, teaching physics and mathematics, and succeeded to Wallerius chair as Professor of chemistry in 1767. He developed a growing interest in chemistry, mineralogy and crystallography when demonstrated how the stacking of rhombohedral units could produce a scalenohedron. (Haüy later proposed the same thing but denied having known on Bergman's theories.) [217]. Jáchymov is type locality for 17 secondary minerals. Ten of these minerals were named after persons, including some prominent mineralogists of the 19th century. Interesting biographical data on these personalities were assembled during work on the projects of study of the secondary minerals in the Jáchymov ore district (Grant Agency ...
Journal of Geosciences, 1997
Two hundred and seven secondary mineral species are described and/or referenced. Approximately seventy secondary minerals were known from the district before the present study. All known reliable data on the individual secondary minerals from Jáchymov are presented. New and more complete X-ray powder diffraction data for compreignacite, irhtemite, lavendulan, lindackerite, masuyite, mcnearite, metaschoepite, mottramite, rabbittite, rabejacite, richetite, sodium-zippeite, voglite, zellerite, zippeite, and zýkaite are presented. A list of secondary minerals arranged according to chemical composition and list of "non-secondary" minerals are included at the end of this paper.
Journal of Geosciences, 1997
This paper presents information on relations between physical-chemical properties and genetic features for two hundred and seven secondary minerals and thirty natural phases newly discovered in the Jáchymov ore district. Eight distinct paragenetic groups are described and discussed with respect to formation conditions of the secondary minerals in the Jáchymov ore district.
Journal of the Czech …, 2003
Ore-forming processes and mineral parageneses of the Jáchymov ore district Rudotvorné procesy a minerální pragenze jáchymovského rudního okrsku
Journal of Geosciences, 1997
Jáchymov was founded in 1516 in place of the former abandoned village Konradsgrün, following discovery of a rich silver deposit. During the first twenty years, the town witnessed a remarkable boom, becoming in 1534 the second largest town in Bohemia, second only to Prague. Jáchymov became an important cultural centre, hosting Agricola, Mathesius and many outstanding personalities of the time. Latin school was founded in Jáchymov; a major part of library assembled in this school was preserved till present. The coins minted in Jáchymov were named after the German name of the town "Thaler", later "tolar", the name which during time was adopted as the name of the USA currency. A mining school was founded in Jáchymov in 1716. The history of the town witnessed periods of expansion and episodes of decline due to wars, fires, plague epidemic waves, and economic problems. The original interest in silver was substituted by mining of cobalt and nickel, later on, uranium was used for production of uranium colours and separation of radium compounds for medical application. The last major mining expansion took place after the Second World War, with extensive mining and ore dressing of uraninite and its exports to USSR. The ore district was exhausted and mining terminated by 1964. Springs of radioactive water taped in the mines are used since 1906 for curative application in local spa.
Journal of Geosciences, 2003
Geology and hydrothermal vein system of the Jáchymov (Joachimsthal) ore district Geologie a hydrotermální ilný systém jáchymovského rudního okrsku (26 figs, 1 tab) This contribution provides a brief review of geology of the Kruné hory Mts. (Erzgebirge) and specifically of the Jáchymov (Joachimsthal) deposit. Main types of rocks in the Jáchymov ore district and the role of tectonic processes are described. The position of the ore district is defined much like its tectonic borders. Geological factors controlling the mineralization (especially the so-called five-element mineralization) are summarized. Hydrothermal veins are divided into Morning and Midnight veins according to the classical historical speak of miners, and all vein clusters are listed. Vein hydrothermal five-element mineralization is chronologically divided into separate mineralization stages and their age is estimated.
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Journal of Geosciences, 1997
Journal of GEOsciences, 2012
Publishing House “St. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, 72 p., 2020
IOP conference series, 2019
Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2019
Journal of GEOsciences, 2012