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Please cite the published version 1st ed. 2018, XVI, 665 p. 277 illus., 118 illus. in color.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
This paper lists the Preface, Table of Contents, Index of Python Programs and the book Index.
Abstract These are easy-to-read lecture notes for a short first-year Ph. D. student course on Applied Dynamical Systems, given at the London Taught Course Centre in Spring 2008, 2009 and 2010. The full course consists of two parts, covering four and six hours of lectures, respectively. The first part taught by Wolfram Just is on Basic Dynamical Systems. The present notes cover only the second part, which leads From Deterministic Chaos to Deterministic Diffusion.
International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 2012
Dynamical system is a young and vigorously growing area of research which promises enormous potential and opportunities. This paper aims to introduce some of the preliminary concepts of dynamical systems. Many application sides of the subject are noted to encourage the reader for future developments. Resources are supplied in the references for further reading.
Bifurcations and Periodic Orbits of Vector Fields, 1993
We present several topics involving the computation of dynamical systems. The emphasis is on work in progress and the presentation is informal-there are many technical details which are not fully discussed. The topics are chosen to demonstrate the various interactions between numerical computation and mathematical theory in the area of dynamical systems. We present an algorithm for the computation of stable manifolds of equilibrium points, describe the computation of Hopf bifurcations for equilibria in parametrized families of vector fields, survey the results of studies of codimension two global bifurcations, discuss a numerical analysis of the Hodgkin and Huxley equations, and describe some of the effects of symmetry on local bifurcation.
Dynamical systems theory is an area of mathematics used to describe the behavior of complex dynamical systems, usually by employing differential equations or difference equations. When differential equations are employed, the theory is called continuous dynamical systems. When difference equations are employed, the theory is called discrete dynamical systems. When the time variable runs over a set that is discrete over some intervals and continuous over other intervals or is any arbitrary time-set such as a cantor set-one gets dynamic equations on time scales. Some situations may also be modeled by mixed operators, such as differential-difference equations.
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2005
In this short note, we discuss the basic approach to computational modeling of dynamical systems. If a dynamical system contains multiple time scales, ranging from very fast to slow, computational solution of the dynamical system can be very costly. By resolving the fast time scales in a short time simulation, a model for the effect of the small time scale variation on large time scales can be determined, making solution possible on a long time interval. This process of computational modeling can be completely automated. Two examples are presented, including a simple model problem oscillating at a time scale of 10–9 computed over the time interval [0,100], and a lattice consisting of large and small point masses.
This thesis was prepared at The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (formerly the Department of Mathematics), in partial fulfilment of the requirements for acquiring the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics. The scholarship was granted by the former Department of Mathematics. The main supervisor was Associate Professor Jens Starke from the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (DTU), and the two co-supervisors were Associate Professor Anton Evgrafov from the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (DTU) and Associate Professor Jon J. Thomsen from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DTU). The thesis deals with modelling and dimension reduction of dynamical systems. One part is on the derivation of a low-dimensional model of a vibro-impacting mechanical system, numerical bifurcation analysis and comparison with an experiment. The other part is devoted to dimension reduction via the approximation of k-dimensional attracting invariant submanifolds of high-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems, with an example application from mechanics. The thesis consists of an introduction to the applied mathematical methods and theory and three papers of which Paper A and Paper C are active parts of the thesis. Paper B is not discussed except for the part of the experimental results that were found due to the mathematical modelling found in this thesis. Paper A is introduced in Chapter 2 where it is to be read before Section 2.2; likewise Paper C is to be read before Section 3.3. Lyngby, November 2013 Michael Elmegård vi To My Mother and Father I am also grateful for the collaborations I had with Emil Bureau, Frank Schilder, Ilmar Santos and Viktor Avrutin on the vibro-impacting beam. In particular, I am grateful for the discussions about the experiment and the experimental data with Emil Bureau and Frank Schilder. In addition, I am also grateful to Frank Schilder for his support in the continuation software CoCo and for the many discussions of the related mathematical theory. During my years as a Ph.D. student at the Technical University of Denmark I have met many interesting and great people. I enjoyed my time at the former Department of Mathematics where I had many good colleagues. The same goes for my new colleagues in the Section of Dynamical Systems. Furthermore, I am very grateful to Christian Marschler for all the mathematical discussions and the many helpful remarks on the manuscript of my thesis. I am also grateful to Irene Heilmann and Søren Vedel for reviewing parts of my thesis. I am also grateful for the collaboration with my hosts Professor Bernd Krauskopf and Professor Hinke Osinga during my research stay at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Auckland. It was a great learning experience both viii mathematically and personally. Furthermore, I am grateful for the way I was included in the Ph.D. group in Auckland, I got some good friends there and I have already been visited in Copenhagen by one of them and look forward to host more of such visits.
Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2018
In this paper, we discuss some applications of exciting fields like Mathematics, Statistics, Medical, Biological Sciences, Engineering, Economics etc. We show their real-life applications both theoretically and analytically considering some phenomena of the nature. We mainly focused on some applications of dynamical system in real life cases known as chaos, iteration, fractal geometry, Mandelbrot and Julia sets. We derive some mathematical formula concerning dynamical systems. Necessary programs are considered for all cases. We use Mathematica and MATLAB to perform programming.
The aim of this paper is to give an account of some problems considered in past years in the setting of Dynamical Systems, some new research directions and also state some open problems
An introduction to dynamical systems
, except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.
One approach starts from time-continuous differential equations and leads to time-discrete maps, which are obtained from them by a suitable discretization of time. This path is pursued, eg, in the book by Strogatz [Str94]. 1 The other approach starts from the study of time-discrete maps and then gradually builds up to time-continuous differential equations, see, eg,[Ott93, All97, Dev89, Has03, Rob95].
1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Computational Cybernetics and Simulation, 1997
C o 1x1 p u t at i o ii by D y ii alii i c a1 S y s t e 111 s
This is an english version of the notes written for my lectures on "Tópicos de Sistemas Dinâmicos" for the "Licenciatura em Matemática" of the University of Minho, during the last decade (available at my page ). Emphasis is on examples, and on the interplay between different areas of mathematics. Some very important parts of the modern theory of dynamical systems, as hyperbolic theory, hamiltonian systems, or the qualitative theory of differential equations, are almost completely missing. Other interesting results or directions are only sketched. Main references and sources are [KH95, HK03], others are suggested along the text. e.g. means exempli gratia, that is, "for example", and is used to introduce important or interesting examples. ex: means "exercise", to be solved at home or in the classroom. indicates the end of a proof. Pictures were made with Grapher on my MacBook, or taken from Wikipedia, or produced with my own Java codes, like the one below.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, 2017
Ordinary differential equations arise in a variety of applications, including e.g. climate systems, and can exhibit complicated dynamical behaviour. Complete Lyapunov functions can capture this behaviour by dividing the phase space into the chain-recurrent set, determining the long-time behaviour, and the transient part, where solutions pass through. In this paper, we present an algorithm to construct complete Lyapunov functions. It is based on mesh-free numerical approximation and uses the failure of convergence in certain areas to determine the chain-recurrent set. The algorithm is applied to three examples and is able to determine attractors and repellers, including periodic orbits and homoclinic orbits.
It is in principle possible to develop the full theory of both from either perspective, but for the bulk of this course, we shall follow the latter route. This allows a generally more simple way of introducing the important concepts, which can usually be carried over to a more complex and physically realistic context.
Akademos : Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă, 2022
State university of Moldova sistemele dinamice neautonome şi aPlicațiile lor rezumat. Articolul reprezintă o scurtă trecere în revistă a cercetărilor efectuate de autor în ultimii 10-15 ani privind sistemele dinamice neautonome și aplicațiile acestora. Sistemele dinamice neautonome constituie un nou domeniu ce contribuie la dezvoltarea rapidă a matematicii (teoria sistemelor dinamice). Mii de articole, inclusiv zeci de articole de sinteză și un șir de monografii despre sistemele dinamice neautonome au fost publicate în ultimele decenii, iar problematica respectivă a făcut cap de afiș la conferințele internaționale. Autorul a publicat trei monografii pe problema sistemelor dinamice neautonome. În acest articol este oferită o prezentare generală a rezultatelor obținute. Cuvinte-cheie: soluții periodice, soluții cvasi-periodice, soluții aproape periodice Bohr/Levitan, soluții Bohr aproape automorfe, soluții recurente Birkhoff, soluții stabile Lagrange, soluții aproape recurente, soluții stabile Poisson, stabilitate Lyapunov, stabilitate asimptotică, atractori globali. summary. This article is devoted to a brief overview of the author's works over the past 10-15 years on non-autonomous dynamic systems and their applications. Non-autonomous dynamical systems are a new and rapidly developing field of mathematics (theory of dynamical systems). Thousands of articles, dozens of reviews and a number of monographs on non-autonomous dynamic systems and their applications have been published over the past 10-15 years. Special international conferences and scientific journals are dedicated to them. My results on non-autonomous dynamical systems and their applications are published in three monographs. In this article, we provide an overview of these results.
Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 2017
Control of chaos teaches that control theory can tame the complex, random-like behaviour of chaotic systems. This alliance between control methods and physics-cybernetical physics-opens the door to many applications, including dynamics-based computing. In this article, we introduce nonlinear dynamics and its rich, sometimes chaotic behaviour as an engine of computation. We review our work that has demonstrated how to compute using nonlinear dynamics. Furthermore, we investigate the interrelationship between invariant measures of a dynamical system and its computing power to strengthen the bridge between physics and computation.This article is part of the themed issue 'Horizons of cybernetical physics'.
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