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2024, Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology
The present study describes a 120 Hours School-Based mental Health Program for that helps in addressing mental health issues in high-school students. During the course of designing a 120 Hours School-Based mental Health Program, Investigator explored multiple activities and practices. MANODAY, an outcome of this comprehensive analysis, based on two major constructs i.e. 1. Character Strengths Development, and 2) Panchkosh Vikas. Investigator extracted various intervention activities from pool of resources studied. Manoday covers key components like Physical Exercise, Mindfulness -Meditation -Art & Music Activities, Parental Engagement, Learning from Real-Life Idols, Group Discussion. It is further divided into 03 segments Personal routine Activities, Weekly Activities, and Sessions at Schools. This Intervention program is feasible for implementation and practically can be adaptable into academic calendar of the school, which makes it more viable and efficient.
The 21st century is marked as the peak of invention and scientific development for mankind and their well being. But the million dollar question is, how much are we well with this arena of development? In search of more happiness people of this world has actually moved away from real happiness, i.e. towards the materialistic perspective, even at the cost of their mental health. With this backdrop, the school students are also not an exception to this sorrowful situation. School life is the period of joy and happiness. However, the actual scenario is quite different because school student hood is under crisis due to unhealthy competition and commercialization of attitude. The ultimate aim of education has become not just to be a good human being but to be a good earner. In such a situation, human value is measured commercially rather than ethically and morally. Commercial attitude towards life is gaining momentum which is resulting in various undesirable and shocking incidents of committing crimes by the school going students. Frequent incidents such as murders, kidnapping, robbery, addicted to substance use, etc., have been surfaced. Studies of such dreadful incidents reveal that the students associated with such crimes are mentally unstable and unhealthy. The main reason of their unstable mind is excessive pressure on them of various kinds especially to adjust with the transitional phase of the society and to be successful in their life.The Indian Philosophy of Education suggests us that without value, ethics and morality in life, mental peace and happiness is hard to achieve. In the light of this circumstance, the school students’ mental health is an important issue of concern. This discourse is a little attempt to discuss about mental health of school going students and suggest various measures to be a mentally healthy person of the society even in their newly confronted hardships.
It is common knowledge that there is an increase in cases and records of psychological problems in all age groups in society, from childhood to old age. These problems can be, for example: depression, excessive anxiety, attention deficit disorders and bipolarity. With this in mind, within the practical scenario of the Extension Curricularization Activities (ACEX's), a Basic Health Unit in Curitiba was visited in order to learn about the environment that serves as an entry point for the SUS user, which was reported to be searching for health service by students from a school in the catchment area, after suicide attempts or reporting other psychological difficulties. Therefore, the need to work on mental health with adolescents at this school was noted, aiming to clarify some basic concepts and present the ways they can seek to resolve such situations before they are irreversible. To serve as many children as possible, within an hour available for work, between 1 and 2 medical students were assigned to work simultaneously in all classes, serving 150 students in total, as the objective was to address all medical classes. 6th to 9th year in the afternoon with a focus on a quality of mental health without bringing possible triggers for teenagers, it was chosen to present the most well-known emotions of everyday life in a playful way, for this the film “Inside Out” served as instrument to introduce emotions such as sadness, anger, joy, disgust and fear, which are common to feel, which for a teenager aged 11 to 17 can be interpreted as a burden beyond the ordinary, without mentioning the hormonal action in them gift. It is known that in this age range individuals go from children to actual teenagers, thus making it necessary to adapt the approach for each class, being a little subtler with the 6th and 7th year classes, and even subtly, but more realistic with 8th and 9th grade. The intervention consisted of a slide presentation with an excerpt from the film representing emotions and a series of activities focusing on them, in addition to providing clarifications about such emotions. After that, a space was opened for direct questions on the topic and then a question and answer game so that students could establish the concepts and solutions presented. Although the work did not present a consistent result at the time, the school's response during the completion of the project and the students' opinions after the presentation showed a positive opinion, which will indeed be notable upon return to UBS Ipiranga and the school itself. Although the results are more evident in the long term, even before the implementation, we obtained a practical situation to be commented on. During the visit to carry out the project, there was a teenager suffering from a serious anxiety attack during class time, unable to keep up with her classmates. However, she was able to be reassured by a member of the group and soon returned to the classroom with her colleagues and even participated in the presentation, showing how such support can and could be effective from start to finish, with results still to come.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 2016
Mental health is a state of wellbeing in which a person can use his or her own abilities and cope with the normal stresses of life. This study aimed to assess the effect of mental health promotion program for secondary school students on their psychosocial adjustment patterns. This study design was a quasi-experimental, conducted at El Mostakbal Integrated Experimental Language School. The study involved 60 secondary school students, divided into two groups each group consisted of 30 secondary school students. Tools of the study involved, 1) An interview questionnaire to assess socio-demographic characteristics, student's knowledge regarding mental health, students` perception about healthy living and their psychosocial adjustment patterns in their daily life, 2) Tennessee of Adolescents' Scale to measure the level of student's self-concept, 3) Self-Consciousness Scale to measure the level of student's self awareness and 4) Anger Scale to measure anger state and an...
MENTAL HEALTH IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Extension activities (Atena Editora), 2024
PROBLEM CHARACTERIZATION: It is common knowledge that there is an increase in cases and records of psychological problems in all age groups in society, from childhood to old age. These problems can be, for example, depression, excessive anxiety, attention deficit disorders and bipolarity. With this in mind, within the practical scenario of the Extension Curricularization Activities (ACEX's), the Ipiranga Basic Health Unit in Curitiba was visited in order to learn about the environment that serves as an entry point for the SUS user, to which the search was reported of the health service by students at the João Mazzarotto state school, which is located opposite the aforementioned UBS, after suicide attempts or reporting other psychological difficulties. Therefore, the need to work on mental health with adolescents at this school was noted, aiming to clarify some basic concepts and present the ways they can seek to resolve such situations before they are irreversible. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIENCE: to serve as many students as possible within one hour available for work, with the focus being on covering all classes from 6th to 9th grade in the afternoon. Between 1 and 2 students in the group were separated so that we could work simultaneously in all classes, serving 150 students in total. Aiming to focus on a quality of mental health without bringing possible mental triggers to teenagers, it was chosen to present the most well-known emotions of everyday life, for this the film “Inside Out” served as an initial instrument to introduce emotions such as sadness, anger, joy, disgust and fear, which are common to exist and feel, which for a teenager aged 11 to 17 can be interpreted as a burden beyond the ordinary, without mentioning the hormonal action present in them. It is known that in this age range, teenagers go from being a child to a real teenager, which made it necessary for us to adapt the presentation for each class, being a little subtler with the 6th and 7th year classes, and even more subtly, more realistic with 8th and 9th grade. The presentation consisted of a slideshow with an excerpt from the film presenting emotions and a teaching about them, in addition to presenting ways to deal with such emotions. After that, a space was opened for direct questions on the topic and then a game of questions with bullets so that students could establish the concepts and solutions presented there. RESULTS ACHIEVED: certainly, a work on mental health involving adolescents does not present a consistent result on the spot, however the school's response to the work and the quick reaction of the students after the presentation showed a positive opinion that will indeed be notable upon returning to UBS Ipiranga and also to the João Mazzarotto school itself. Although the results are sought after the work, even before carrying it out, we obtained a clear answer to be commented on: There was a teenager in a serious anxiety attack during class time, unable to keep up with her classmates, but she was able to be reassured by a member of the group and then return to the classroom with her classmates and still participate in the presentation, showing how Support can and could be effective from start to finish, with results still to come. RECOMMENDATION: Extension Curricularization Activities (ACEX's) are open doors for academics from the beginning to the end of the course, which allow access to experiences that can form the character of the professional that is being built throughout the course, experiences that cannot be learned in the classroom only in theories. As future health agents, this contact with situations that can contribute to collective health is essential, in addition to being the first step towards acting as health agents and seeing results, in this case for the next professionals, fathers and mothers who will graduate, teenagers of the state education network. Some situations may seem insignificant in light of all the current public health problems, but saving one of these teenagers, or perhaps all of them, from irreversible problems is transformative.
KnE Life Sciences, 2019
Mental health is important factor for health adolescent future. Mental and emotional problems of the teenager is a specific health problem, and recently not threaten adequate especially in Bandung District. The main causes of mental-emotional problems in a teenager are school environment. Screening of mental-emotional problems is very important to prevents further noticeable behavior problem.The aim of the study was to describe mental-emotional problems in Junior High School students in Bandung District. This study uses a survey with the SDQ-strengths and difficulties questionnaire, interview and Focus Group Discussion. The sample of this population is the 8th-grade students in junior high school as much as 4650 students from 10 junior high schools. The results showed that student with normal mental-emotional status as much as 85.1% and borderlines mental-emotional status as much as 11.8% and abnormal mental emotional status as much as 1.9%. The student with the emotional disorder includes anxiety and depression; hyperactivity problems such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and peer problems such as bullying. Mentalemotional problems of the student should be adequate intervention. Suggested the need to conduct education, curricula modification, promote school healthcare, childparent communication, psychotherapy, and training to improve life skill competencies.
International Journal of Group Tensions, 2002
International Journal of Research, 2018
In recent era maintaining mental health in our students has become one of the major concerns in our society. They are facing lots of stress and anxiety from many sides in our rapidly and dynamic changing world and they do not know how to face these stresses. Mental health is the health of the personality as a whole and the most important function of education and school is to secure the mental health of boys and girls. Physical fitness is not only sufficient, but is a means of promoting the mental and moral health of a child. Mental health improves quality of one's life and makes one free of depression, anxiety, excessive stress, worry, addictions and other psychological problems. School is an important location for mental health promotion, early intervention and identification. So school provides healthy and peaceful environment to all the children/student where they would be developed physically, socially, culturally, mentally as well as intellectually. In this paper mental he...
International Journal of Group Tensions
EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
This research purely spotlight on the notion of mental health and psychological wellbeing among the school going adolescents. The concept of being healthy is not only the proper functioning of the body rather it means the body and mind working together efficiently and smoothly. Mental health is a factor that contributes to the maintenance of physical health as well as social effectiveness with integrated personality. The aim of the present study is to explore the mental health among school going adolescents. Data of 483 adolescents ranging in the age of 14 to 18 years (216 males & 267 females) was collected from the Government model senior secondary schools, Chandigarh. Subjects filled the mental health inventory developed by Jagdish and Srivastava (1983). All the dimensions of mental health (positive self evaluation, perception of reality, integration of personality, autonomy, group oriented attitude, environmental mastery) were taken into consideration and descriptive statistics was calculated gender wise with the help of SPSS version 25. Results revealed that adolescents were low on positive self evaluation, perception of reality, group oriented attitude, environmental mastery, integration of personality and overall mental health. Both the genders showed similar mental health and minor differences were revealed.
STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 2020
Student at Islamic boarding schools have a lot of activities, are required to set rules with fixed targets at the boarding school. Living and stay at boarding school environment requires to approach the environment in the boarding school well. Because of the demands or burdens of some complain of dizziness, fear of not being able to memorize according to the target, difficulty sleeping, unable to concentrate which is a sign and symptom of stressfull. Research purposes to find out the relationship between life style management of ' mental health and stress levels. This study uses Cross Sectional Design, the sample was boarding school consist of 153 , using simple random sampling. The independent variable was mental health life style management and the dependent variable was the level of stress of. The instrument uses a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed with the Spearman's Rho correlation test Spearman's Rho statistical test results with a significance level of p <0.05 obtained p = 0,000, which means there was a relationship between life style management of ' mental health with stress levels. Life style management it needs to be applied by in carrying out their lives in Islamic boarding schools in order to increase their productivity and minimize the risk of illness and stay mentally healthy.
The Research Voyage: An International Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Online), 2023
Good health is the first step towards well-being, as described by the World Health Organization. Mental health encompasses a person's mental condition and a healthy state of mind. It encompasses prevention, treatment, and resettlement of individuals affected by mental disorders, promoting complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Adolescence marks a period of physical, hormonal, and biochemical changes, leading to secondary sexual traits, hormonal and biochemical shifts, and adult sexual functioning. Adolescents adjust their opinions and social connections, often rebelling against parental control. Despite being chaotic, adolescents search for their unique identity. Promoting mental health in India is crucial for students, especially in schools. Improving school infrastructure and personal background can enhance mental health. Mental health counseling and proper measures should be integrated into general healthcare services. Awareness campaigns, camps, and psychotherapy services in rural areas are necessary. Educating people about counseling and psychotherapy is essential, and arranging for mental health services is necessary. More manpower and training in mental health services through civil society can help make decisions and promote mental health in a healthy India.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: Mental health services for school-aged children can help prevent the emergence of more severe problems. AIM: This study aims to create a mental health program for school-aged children. METHODS: An action design was used, and the implementation procedure consisted of four stages, namely reconnaissance, planning, acting, and reflecting. Furthermore, the respondents were 12 teachers, and the samples for the program were 73 students. In the reconnaissance stage, data were recorded and documented in transcript form. RESULT: At the planning stage, the instrument of mental health status, workbooks, and modules were developed. Meanwhile, in the acting stage, psychosocial intervention was conducted, and in the reflecting stage, the child mental health status before and after were measured using a dependent t-test. Furthermore, Focus Group Discussion activity in the Development of School-based Mental Health Program has 6 themes. The analysis results showed significant changes, mea...
Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 2019
Bullying behavior among school students known as school bullying is rapidly increasing. Generally, children who are victims of bullying will feel unhappiness, especially when they are in an environment where they are being bullied. This study aims to obtain factual data about the bullying behavior at elementary school children located in East Bandung area. This is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. The number of sample used in this study was 494 children aged between 10-12 years who attend elementary school in East Bandung area. The instruments used in this study are a modified questionnaire from The Children's Happiness Scale and the Illinois Bully Scale. The data obtained then presented in the form of tables and graphs. The results showed that students had been victims of bullying and/or had done bullying in various types and levels. In general, verbal psychological bullying forms are ranked top for both boys and girls, followed by non-verbal psychological bullying and the last is physical bullying.
International Journal of Nursing Education, 2016
Today's children are tomorrow's responsible citizens of the world. The future of our country depends on the mental health of our young ones. Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of mental health programme on mental health characteristics among adolescents in PSG schools. Settings and Design: PSG schools, Coimbatore, The research design selected for this study is one group pretest-posttest design. Material and Method: The Investigator selected using stratified random sampling 30 students from school as per the inclusion criteria for the Pilot study. The mental health programme was implemented and post test was done. The gathered pilot study data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics Results: The effectiveness of the mental health programme by comparing the pre and post test mental health characteristics score. The overall mental health dimensions of adolescents mean improvement was 9.03 with a S.D of .85. The calculated't' value was t=13.51. This showed a high statistical significant difference at p<0.001 level. The reliability score obtained was r = 0.9. Conclusions: The pilot study revealed no ambiguity, and the adolescents were able to cooperate with the time schedule. The findings of the pilot study revealed that the tool was feasible to conduct the main study.
International Education Studies, 2016
Present-day curricular designs have to take the pupils' psychological needs in account, thus becoming melodies of mental health and happiness for the next generation. Emphasizing the findings from previous investigations using the research synthesis methodology, the present study has been conducted aiming at achieving some integrative knowledge under the inclusive title of "Mental Health Improvement-based Curricular Content." Goal-oriented homogeneous sampling method was applied in order to select 100 research papers from Iranian scholars on the subject of pupils' mental health improvement using accredited databases between 2005 and 2016. Data analysis using open subject coding encompassing three stages, namely open, axial, and selective coding, indicated that a curriculum with contents in two overall categories of mental health literacy (optimism and positive thinking; socialization; monotheistic life; happiness; self-efficacy; self-awareness and self-actualization & …) and mental health skills (emotions management, interpersonal communication, critical thinking, adaptability, tolerance, and finally & ...) has to be designed in order to improve the pupils' mental health.
International Journal of Science and Qualitative Analysis
Every individual aspire to live a healthy and prosperous life free of diseases and disorders. Living a healthy life implies not necessarily a physical state of well-being, but also it includes one's good mental health too. A person may be born with a predisposition to a mental health disorder or he or she may acquire disorders due to negative influences from environments during his or her lifetime. Therefore shaping someone's state of mind in a positive way, addressing mental, emotional or behavioral problems from a very early age is extremely important. Quite naturally, influence of schools in this regard is immense and a supportive, flourishing school environment act to a great extent to promote mental health of a child positively. Present studyaims to understand and highlight key aspects from the responses that come up as specific measures or activities taken by school or teachers for good mental health of the children and also to find out different measures/activities taken by a school or the teachers for promotion of positive and sustainable mental health among the students The method employed being the Interview method and the tool used being the Questionnaire designed by the researcher for interviewing teachers in a high school. Interviews of five assistant teachers of the school were conducted based on the questionnaire prepared and their responses were noted on the questionnaire. Qualitative analysis of the quantitative interpretation of the data collected were discussed to achieve in depth understanding of the role played by school in promoting sustainable mental health of a student.
Given the current time of covid, the incidence of mental illness has risen sharply and posed serious problem for the whole world. In such time, it has a serious effect on the children of adolescence. Mental health is essential for a children of adolescence and for their future success and well-being. The sample of the research consisted of 803 students of 11th standards of kendriya vidyalaya higher secondary schools of Gujarat state. In the present research, the survey research method was used. The kendriya vidyalaya higher secondary schools was selected through random sampling method and 11th standards students was selected through cluster sampling method. The result found that there is higher level of Mental health in High Academic achievement students than Low Academic achievement. This result is useful for the kendriya vidyalaya schools Principal, teacher, counselor to develop their student's future.
This article is all about a study of mental health and mental disorders and how they affect the different aspects of education of school students. The main endeavour has been to discuss several sides of maintaining good mental health and its impact on the academic sides of school students. This paper has pointed out with the vivid description how the absence of good mental health causes serious mental disorders such as Anxiety ,Alcoholism, Depression, Delinquency and Crime, and ADHD etc. This writing has shown how the study of mental health has helped school authorities and parents understand their roles and responsibilities in dealing with the emotional sides of school going children.
Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences, 2021
The importance of mental health is far more felt in recent years as illustrated by the inclusion of mental health in the sustainable development goals, than before. According to World Health Organisation data, around 20% of world children and adolescents have a mental health condition. Hence prioritising mental health of children should begin at school, starting with open discussions, removal of stigma associated, designing strong mental health programmes and their robust implementation. The key to improve wellbeing in school-going children should be taken very seriously and all stakeholdersthe school, parent, student, educators, counsellors and the community at large must invest time, resources and their capabilities so that young people live a more productive and fulfilling lives. This research paper perseveres to draw information from two Indian curriculum schoolsone limited-resourced school based in India and another high-resourced school based in UAE. Parallels are drawn between the efforts made by the schools to keep well-being a priority. The paper also suggests innovative models of comprehensive school mental health programmes, modifications required in the curriculum to incorporate wellbeing of students, ways through which intervention is more effective and finally monitoring and evaluating the efficacy of the program.
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