Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen - An Atypical Economist

2019, Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series


Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen is one of the most famous Romanian economists. From the point of view of the schools of economic thought, his writings are not part of the orthodox typology. An original and unconventional spirit, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen is at the same time an important representative of the mathematics economics and "a profoundly humane and wise philosopher" as Paul Samuelson described him. His work is so atypical especially given the way he analyses economic phenomena and processes seen in connection with the processes taking place in the immediate environment. The economic and philosophic concept of entropy, based upon the second law of thermodynamics, is indissolubly linked to Georgescu-Roegen's name, him thus becoming a paradigm creator. In his turn, the term of bio-economics rests upon Georgescu-Roegen's idea that there is an analogy between the biological and the economical worlds.