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2024, Karabük Üniversitesi
140 pages
1 file
Derg de yer alan yazı ve f k rlerden yazarları sorumludur. Papers and the op n ons n the journal are the respons b l ty of the authors. Haz ran ve Aralık aylarında, yılda k sayı olarak yayınlanan hakeml , açık er ş ml ve uluslararası b l msel b r derg d r. Th s s an nternat onal, scholarly, peer-rev ewed, open-access journal publ shed b annually, n June and December.
Journal of Turkish Studies, 2011
Karabük, Cumhuriyet döneminin ilk ağır sanayi kenti olmasının yanı sıra, basın hayatı nedeniyle de Türkiye'nin pek çok ilinden ileri durumdaydı. Karabük'te basın çalışmaları 1944 yılında Sadi Yaver Ataman tarafından yayımlanan ve 12 sayı süren Karabük adlı mecmuayla başlamıştır. Aylık olarak yayımlanan Karabük dergisi, zengin folklor ve kültüre sahip Karabük'ü tanıtmak amacını gütmüştür. Tarih başta olmak üzere şehrin folkloru, kültür ve edebiyatı ile ilgili bilgiler vermiştir.
Great breaking moments caused by wars have an important place in Turkish literature. The authors wrote the works of the wars period for reasons such as keeping the national consciousness alive, reinforcing the identity element, transforming the historical data into a memory element; they can give before, during and after the battle. We should evaluate the prewar works for propaganda purposes and, the postwar works as they wrote with the desire to create memory and to be an alternative to official history. The works written during the period of the war, on the other hand, have a more special meaning area. creating memory and being an alternative to official history. The works written during the period of the war, on the other hand, have a more special meaning area. These works, which are directly in the field of war literature, have many functions apart from their dramatic style and goals. The writer's witnessing of the war, who undertakes the duty of being the spokesperson of social life, makes these works directly into historical material. The author, who works during the war, has to remove the aesthetic distance in the narrative and increase the observation and sincerity. However, the target audience of the works written during the war is also an important issue. Works are created sometimes to encourage the soldiers at the front, and sometimes to instill morale among the people behind the front, sometimes to create an opinion for the states of the world, and sometimes to present a historical, cultural and communicative memory and space construction to future generations in case of a possible loss. If the author also participated in the war and took part in or behind the front, the purpose of his work may also be to convey war neuroses. For this reason, the concept of war literature should be evaluated within its historical and social conditions and its meaning area should be analyzed very accurately. War literature products, which constitute an important corpus in Turkish literature, are very valuable and suitable for holistic reading, especially at the point of creating a memory and history, starting from the modern literature. A special example among these is the novel Ateşten Gömlek, written by Halide Edip Adıvar while the war was still going on and the author was on duty at the front. This novel of the author, when the themes in it are followed, offers a reading in accordance with Freud's thought of war neuroses. In this paper, war neuroses, which is an important title of psychoanalysis, will be applied to the novel Ateşten Gömlek, which is accepted as the novel of the War of Sakarya.
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Çelebi Dergisi - 9. Sayı (Türk Arkeolojisi), 2022
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Çelebi Dergisi, 2023
Çelebi Dergisi, yılda üç defa olmak üzere Nisan, Ağustos ve Aralık aylarında yayımlanır. Dergideki yazılardan kaynak göstermeden alıntı yapılamaz.
Joseph Campbell masallardaki kahramanların evden çıkışını “Bu maceranın başlayabileceği yollardan biridir. Bir hata –görünüşte bir şans- beklenmedik bir dünyayı ortaya çıkarır ve birey pek iyi anlaşılmayan güçlerle bir ilişkiye sürüklenir” (Campbell, 2013, s. 65) sözü ile açıklar. Zümrad ve Kimmat ile Tak Tak Eden Kabacık masalında kahramanların evden ayrılması, bilinmeyen bir yerde bilinmeyen bir dişi otoriteler ile karşılaşmalarına ve onlarla iyi ilişkiler kurmalarına aracı olur. Bu dişi otoriteler C. Gustav Jung’ın “anne arketipi” ile ilgilidir.
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Çelebi Dergisi - 5. Sayı (Türk Devlet Geleneği), 2021
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Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Eğitim Bilimleri ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi Bildirileri 2016 Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Anısına (International Turkic World Educational Sciences and Social Sciences Congress held in memory of Hodja Ahmet Yesevi), 2016
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Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, 2001