Perceptions and Experiences of Workplace Violence and Harassment

2024, Perceptions and Experiences of Workplace Violence and Harassment


Workplace violence and harassment pose a significant obstacle to the implementation of all the International Labour Standards and is a threat to fundamental principles and right at work. Since its inception, the ILO has been working to prevent violence and harassment in the workplace through various labour standards. With the adoption of ILO Violence and Harassment Convention No. 190 in 2019, the struggle became more concrete. Today, Convention 190 serves as a powerful guide for states, workers, and employers’ organizations to establish zero-tolerance policies against violence and harassment. It provides realistic and actionable methods for preventing violence and harassment and supporting victims. It acknowledges that violence and harassment, including gender-based violence andharassment, exist in the workplaces and emphasizes the need to develop policies to address and prevent them in the workplaces as human rights violation. This research, carried out as part of the "More and Better Jobs for Women" programme funded by Sweden and conducted by the ILO Office for Türkiye in collaboration with Özyeğin University, is the first in Türkiye to cover such a broad scope in terms of both the sectors and types of violence. In addition to findings on perceptions and experiences related to physical, psychological, sexual, and economic violence and discrimination in the workplace, this quantitative research also examines referral and support mechanisms. Based on the guidance provided by the research findings, policy recommendations have been developed for all actors in the world of work.