The Emergence of Morality in the Second Year of Life


In a study of children's moral development, four toddlers and their mothers were observed at home approximately every three weeks when toddlers were 13-23 months of age. Six behavioral signs of children's awareness of standards were coded: (1) proud looks, achievement smiles, statements of accomplishment; (2) awareness of, interest in, and exclamations about flawed objects and discrepant events; (3) awareness of a violation; (4) awareness that something was potentially harmful; (5) use of moral vocabulary, use of labels such as "good," "bad," or "yucky," and questioning or reciting of a rule; and (6) saying "Uh-oh" in response to accidents or with no evident reference. Mothers' remarks related to achievement, discrepancy, transgression, and empathy were coded. All four children showed peaks in signs between 17 and 18 months, and first displayed empathy between 16 and 19 months. Patterns of maternal communications followed the changes in children's behaviors. A class of behavior that was a]most completely free of maternal input was interest in flawed objects and discrepant events. After 17 months, children were able to infer wrongdoing and another person's intentions. A major increase in use of internal state words occurred around the time of the peak in awareness of standards. Data suggest that early signs of moral concern may depend more on maturational than on socialization processes. About 90 references are cited. (RH)