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This study aims to investigate cultural content as well as to find out students' perceptions and interests in cultural content in English textbooks of grade 7 junior high school. The research method applied in this study is a qualitative method in which the researcher conducts research by means of book analysis and interviews. The results revealed that in the English textbook "English Starter Interactive Book" grade 7 junior high school there is cultural content in accordance with the grand theory used, namely the first theory by Cortazzi and Jin (1999) about a good textbook must have 3 characters, including Source Culture, Target Culture and International Culture. The second theory by Adaskou, Britten & Fahsi (1990) about cultural content materials can be represented by four cultural frameworks, namely Aesthetic Sense, Sociological Sense, Pragmatic Sense and Semantic Sense. The results of the study further revealed that with the positive perceptions by students about cultural content in the English textbook "English Starter Interactive Book" grade 7 junior high school, the researchers also concluded that students were interested in learning cultural content in the book.
When evaluating a textbook of English Language Teaching, especially from the cultural context, there are many challenges mostly because of the great impact that the quality of textbooks has in teaching process. The great importance of culture and the need to integrate culture into teaching, has been discussed and highlighted in many studies. Textbooks are an essential part of learning a language in classrooms. Today it seems very common that teachers forget the importance of target culture information and its impact on learning a language and developing the learner’s linguistic knowledge. The purpose of this study is to examine the cultural elements of three different English Language textbooks used in teaching foreign learners. The textbooks include Face2Face, New Matrix and English Plus, which is the textbook used at “Turgut Ozal Secondary School” where I completed my internship. Initially, we expand our knowledge on culture and culture awareness. Moreover, we notice the importance of cultural diversity and textbooks as authentic materials and their impact on the success and failure of teaching culture to second and foreign language students. We see closely some of the guidelines to evaluating cultural context in the two chosen textbooks and then present a survey questionnaire done only for the cultural section of English Plus course book to elicit the teacher’s perceptions. The results have indicated that the teachers of Turgut Ozal College were very satisfied with the English Plus textbook, which is currently part of the curriculum that they are following for the secondary school. The survey presents a clear picture of the cultural context of the textbooks, and indicates that it has been very helpful for the students in increasing their understanding and awareness regarding the culture in English speaking countries. Keywords: English textbooks, cultural context, language, teaching, students
This article aims at analyzing kinds of cultural content in English textbook of Curriculum 2013 used by the eleventh grade of Senior High School in Indonesia. This study employs a descriptive qualitative research design. The data of this study is English textbook which is published by the Ministry of Education in Indonesia as the new book in curriculum 2013. To analyze the data, theory of Adaskou, Britten, and Fahsi is used. The findings show that English textbook curriculum 2013 contains the culture. In the term of aesthetic sense, many culture contents are presented in the form of literature and art. The other culture contents are in the form of media and music. The other culture content in sociological sense is in the form of custom. Culture in the term of aesthetic sense is more than sociological sense. Moreover, from the analysis, it shows that many parts of culture content are represented in literature and media. However, there are two chapters that do not contain cultural content. Almost the cultural contents in the English textbook are represented in reading in each chapter, and the others are represented in music, poem and conversation. The findings of this study prove that the existing of a textbook always transforms a culture, from one language into another language since a language itself is a part of a culture.
Textbooks have an important role in English teaching and learning process. Culture is an important material in English textbook, because language and culture are related to each other. Some of English textbook such as English on sky used by teachers in Junior High School exposed more target cultures than local cultures. In Indonesian educational system, the changed of curriculum are very frequent, and the textbook also must be revised, including English textbook. Every book must have some advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the writer is interested to analyze the new revision of English textbook in kurikulum 2013. Hence, this study was conducted to analyze the categories of culture presented on English textbook entitled BRIGHT used by student of grade IX and to find out the categories of dominant cultures in English textbook entitled BRIGHT used by student of grade IX. The textbook was published by Erlangga in 2015 and designed based on the standard of Kurikulum 2013. Content a...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
The purpose of this study was to identify the embodiment of cultural values in English textbooks for junior high school students. This research used a qualitative approach with a content analysis method. The research data was in the form of a collection of discourse texts in the form of monologues, dialogues and exercises. The data were taken from two books entitled Scaffolding and In Focus, published by the Book Center of the Ministry of National Education. It is grade X. The data analysis procedure used in this research was qualitative content analysis. The process of validity was done through credibility, transferability, triangulation, dependability, and confirmability. The results showed that the dominant cultural value was the optimistic value of 43%. Then followed by the brotherhood value of 23.80%, the social value of 19% and the freedom value of 14%. Each cultural value found also describes some more specific values. The value of freedom contains character values, namely th...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
The purpose of teaching English as a foreign language is learners are able use it both in spoken and written language, as well as understand the culture of the target language. Cultural material is seen as important as a learning medium to improve language skills, cultural understanding, and appreciation for diversity. English textbooks carried two important missions, namely language and cultural learning media. This study explores cultural materials in two English textbooks in Kota Metro-Indonesia as a city of education. The research used qualitative approach with content analysis technique. The research object was seven English textbooks used in high schools. Data analysis is done descriptively used Miles and Huberman model. The findings as follow: (1) The cultural materials were divided into three types of source information. (2) The culture materials were mostly presented into text rather than audiovisual. (3) There were four elements of culture in English textbooks: products, persons practices, and perspectives. The cultural materials can create students who have character, moral values who then live and interact in multicultural society.
Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture
Cultural understanding is the core of language acquisition because language and culture can not be seperated with language. Culture can be understand through media either electronic or manual such internet, magazine, textbooks etc. Textbook is one of the media used most people in school. In textbooks, there are many cultural aspects presented for students. Therefore, this study aimed at presenting the cultural aspects, describing the frequency of cultural aspects and Indonesian cultural aspects in English textbooks of 2013 curriculum and describing the level of quality of English textbooks in terms of intercultural awareness. This study employed a qualitative research design. The data are the cultural aspects and Indonesian cultural aspects in English textbooks of 2013 curriculum grade X, XI and XII. The textbook of these grades has not analyzed by the other researchers. The results show that English textbooks grade X, XI and XII contained 490 cultural aspects consisting of 232 pro...
Textbooks are still considered as the most popular learning tool in school education. Since language and culture are inextricable, teachers are now challenged in defining the best textbook that enables students, especially who are in senior high school learn both the language and the culture. To know what cultural content is represented in the textbook it is necessary to analyse its content in the form of cultural themes. This content analysis research aimed to investigate the stated cultural themes of English textbook at senior high school learning in Indonesia. The researcher collected the data through a textbook analysis checklist made based on the criteria of cultural themes proposed by Chen. The results showed that some parts of the book have been engaging culture in small "c" and big "C". However, the amount is in a small number. In order to enrich cultural learning, students need more cultural themes of small "c" and big "C" to develop students' cultural knowledge and competence. Knowledge about cultures will build students' cultural competence and awareness. Thus, the inclusion of cultural should be the concern for the material developer of English textbook and English educators in the level of senior high school, especially in Indonesia.
Journal of Language and Cultural Education, 2014
In a broader context, the paper deals with content analysis as one of the most frequently applied research methods in the field of education; in a narrower sense it is concerned with the analysis of the cultural content in foreign language (FL) textbooks. The first part of the paper sheds light on the basic principles of content analysis. First of all, the meaning of the term is discussed through different definitions. This is followed by the comparison of the qualitative content analysis to its quantitative counterpart. In addition, considerable attention is paid to the process of content analysis. Furthermore, the issues of reliability and validity are discussed. Last, but not least, a summary of the theoretical background of FL textbook analysis and suggested checklists are provided. The second half of the paper provides the methodology, the description and analysis of ten studies that applied content analysis in the process of investigating the cultural content of FL textbooks. The summary outlines the basic features of the examined studies.
Journal of English Education and Teaching, 2019
This research aimed to find out how cultural dimensions were displayed, what culture was the most dominant, and the percentage of local culture in textbooks used at SMA IT IQRA" (Pathway to English) and SMK N1 Grade X (Bahasa Inggris by KEMENDIKBUD) Bengkulu. This research applied a content analysis study with descriptive qualitative analysis. The procedures used in data collection were document review and observation. In analyzing the data, the concept by Mile and Huberman was applied. The study revealed that from the two textbooks, there was a difference in terms of dominance in cultural types and dimensions. In Pathway to English, there was38 % items of aesthetic sense, 32% of pragmatic sense, and 26% of sociological sense. Semantic sense had the least representation which was only 4%. In cultural types, there was (50%) for target culture, 44% for local culture, and 6% for international culture. As for Bahasa Inggris by KEMENDIKBUD, there was 44% for aesthetic sense, 25% for sociological sense, 22% for aesthetic sense, and 8% for semantic sense. The local culture has most items to occur, which reached 47 percent, followed by the target culture, which was 41%. The last is international culture, with 11% of occurrence. It is highly recommendable that teachers apply books with more cultural dimensions and types to help students broaden their cultural knowledge and awareness.
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Concept : Community Concern for English Pedagogy and Teaching
Prosiding Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya (KOLITA)
ELT Echo : The Journal of English Language Teaching in Foreign Language Context, 2019
Investigating the Cultural Content in a British and an American English Textbook: The Visible and Hidden Elements, 2023
Studies in English Language and Education
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
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Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2012
An Evaluation of the Cultural Aspects in the University English Textbook, Well Read 1, 2018
Sains Humanika, 2022