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2025, Cum se construiește softul educațional
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Cum se construiește softul educațional? Cum realizam soft educational?
Psihologia. Revista științifico-practică = Psychology. Scientific-practical journal, 2021
The article highlights the development trends of preschool children, associated with the characteristics of modern socialization. Today, the process of including the child in culture has a number of specifi c features. An adult ceases to be a unique carrier of culture for the child, the eff ectiveness of traditional parenting and teaching practices becomes ambiguous, decreases the intensity of communication between a child with adults and other children. One of the reasons for these changes is the rapid introduction of digital technologies into the child’s daily life: the Internet, the computer, the tablet, the phone and other gadgets that a preschooler often masters better than his parents. Gadgets become not only a toy, but also a means of socializing. To defi ne and describe the new facet of the child’s socialization, the term „digital socialization” is used, which is characterized by the following: children’s use of an arsenal of high-tech digital technology, the duration of a c...
In ultimul timp au luat amploare cercetările cu referire la evaluarea formativă. Prezenţa constantă a evaluării formative in invăţământul universitar explică, fără indoială, locul central al acesteia in procesul instructiv-educativ. Evaluarea formativă apare ca o strategie nouă in educaţia postmodernă, care permite studenţilor să-si dezvolte competenţe pentru a deveni autonomi in invăţare. Evaluarea formativă prezintă valoare in invăţământul universitar, reiesind din caracterul ei de diagnoză, remediere si corecţie a procesului de predare–invăţare. Fiind axată pe invăţare, evaluarea formativă este importantă in invăţământul universitar datorită feedback-ului realizat intre profesori si studenţi; in rezultat, evaluarea formativă reprezintă, pe de o parte, remedierea procesului didactic pentru atenuarea dificultăţilor intâmpinate de către studenţi si, pe de altă parte, reglarea procesului de predare–invăţare. Evaluarea formativă in invăţământul universitar cuprinde in centrul său de ...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
În articol este descris cadrul formativ de facilitare a adaptării psihosociale la vârsta adolescenței, prin valorile experimentale comparate la etapele de test-retest, în cadrul experimentului formativ, pentru adaptarea psihosocială, adaptabilitatea psihosocială și componentele: acceptare de sine, acceptarea celorlalți, confort emoțional, internalitate, tendințe de dominare. Se prezintă scopul programului formativ "Facilitarea adaptării psihosociale a adolescentului", descrierea eșantionului, modul de selectare a adolescenților pentru grupul experimental și grupul de control, precum și unele detalii cu privire la ședințele realizate în cadrul trainingului (perioada, durata). Rezultatele incluse în lucrare demonstrează că aplicarea acţiunilor organizate în scopul facilitării și accelerării adaptării psihosociale a personalităţii adolescentului au adus la majorarea indicilor medii obținuți pentru adaptarea psihosocială și adaptabilitatea psihosocială, în grupul experimental, ceea ce a făcut să deducem confirmarea ipotezei, conform căreia am presupus că aplicând programe de intervenţie psihologică poate fi facilitată adaptarea psihosocială la vârsta adolescenței. Astfel, constatăm impactul pozitiv al programului cercetării asupra factorilor care reliefează dimensiunile: motivațională și valorică, a controlului, metacognitivă, emoționalreglatorie, de evaluare și autoevaluare. Cuvinte-cheie: adaptare psihosocială, adaptabilitate psihosocială, experiment formativ, program de intervenție psihologică, facilitarea adaptării psihosociale, vârsta adolescenței.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Reading is a means of language acquisition, communication, and exchanging information and ideas. In the present article, we recommend various teaching strategies: Text Map, Character Network, Review Skeleton, Interview on Reading, Story Pyramid, etc., used in the Reading Workshopan effective way to train reflective reading skills and abilities. The teacher, in the reading workshops, teaches the pupil to interact with the text, helps him to overcome the level of superficial reading, making him more responsible and stimulating his thinking processes.
The changes in the world at the economic, cultural, way of life, the development of information technologies influence people's attitude towards the training process and change society's requirements towards the level of training of adults. If traditionally a student was considered a person up to the age of 25, every year the age of people studying increases. Currently, studying is not a luxury, but a lifelong necessity in the conditions of an information society that tends towards globalization. Lifelong learning activities result in the improvement of knowledge, skills, competences and/or qualifications for personal, social and/or professional reasons. The project Toward the European university model of continuous learning in Moldova-COMPASS, ref. No. 597889-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, addresses the integration process of the inclusive and responsive continuous learning university model, as the one that requires immediate reactions at the national and institutional level and joint action in Moldova. A priority of this project implemented by SUPES is the development of the culture of lifelong learning through continuous professional training programs that meet the expectations of today's society and aims notonly to train specialists with higher education, but also to focus on the training needs of a much wider circle range of beneficiaries.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
This paper presents the relevance of artificial intelligence in the teaching of mathematics by using an Intelligent Support System made in Wolfram Mathematica. This system allows the design of an unlimited number of personalized items necessary for the training of students passionate about mathematics. Neuroscience research in collaboration with artificial intelligence can lead to deeper and faster personalized math learning, increasing the potential of every student.
John Chrysostom (347-407), the most famous preacher in the East, is John Chrysostom (347-407), the most famous preacher in the East, is a bishop who exerted an important in luence on the formation of family. The family a bishop who exerted an important in luence on the formation of family. The family has always been the place of the transmition of values, be it human, social, and reli-has always been the place of the transmition of values, be it human, social, and religious. gious. In his homilies he instructed fathers and mothers about their pedagogical tasks, In his homilies he instructed fathers and mothers about their pedagogical tasks, and spoke of religious upbringing of children, which was directly linked with the well and spoke of religious upbringing of children, which was directly linked with the well being of Christian family. His comments on the letters of St. Paul, his favourite biblical being of Christian family. His comments on the letters of St. Paul, his favourite biblical author, brought out the signi icant inspirations and ideas concerning topics connected author, brought out the signi icant inspirations and ideas concerning topics connected with family and raising children. with family and raising children.
Biblioteca Ştiinţifică USARB, 2017
On-line catalog, databases and networks are now common tools work for librarian Institution (SL USARB), specifically designed for document storage and dissemination of information. The high degree of interaction between the Library and users (teachers, students, researchers, etc.) is due to the policy of diversification of electronic services.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Constituirea carierei didactice a profesorului Alexandru V. Boldur. Culegere de documente 2 Aprobat spre publicare: Catedra Istorie și Teoria Educației a Facultății de Științe Umaniste și Pedagogice, proces-verbal nr. 10 din 22 februarie 2022. Comisia Metodico-Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu" din Cahul, proces-verbal nr. 01 din 23 februarie 2022. Recenzenţi: Ion Şişcanu, doctor habilitat în istorie, profesor universitar, Institutul de Istorie al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei.
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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Psihologie, 2019
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2020
Akademos : Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă, 2024
Argumentation, 2009
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2019
Journal of Pedagogy - Revista de Pedagogie, 2020
Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii, 2010
Revistă de Ştiinţe Socio-Umane = Journal of Social and Human Sciences, 2021
Revista română de terapia tulburărilor de limbaj şi comunicare, 2021