Post Pandemic Internationalization Behavior

2023, International Business Research

The purpose of this study is to explore the post-pandemic internationalization behavior of Paraguayan firms using a comparative multiple-case study design as research methodology. Data was collected through qualitative, in-depth interviews with senior managers of Paraguayan case study firms and other sources of evidence in 2022. The findings of this study suggest that the post-pandemic internationalization behavior differs from the pre-pandemic behavior. The data reveals that Paraguayan firms seem to have digitized their internationalization processes to connect with customers and distributors, to increase the productivity of internationalization, to manage internationalization cost, and to develop online distribution and marketing channels to acquire international customers directly. The "working from home" trend allows them to recruit more experts from abroad and with their global exporter business model, they may flexibly respond to business opportunities and to a growing geopolitical risk. The findings of this study have implications for practice and theory. Managers may use the results to improve their internationalization processes. Researchers may continue this research with quantitative research methods and in other countries to strengthen and verify the results.