Models and Modeling



In this workshop, we will continue to reflect on a models and modeling perspective to understand how students and teachers learn and reason about real life situations encountered in a mathematics and science classroom. We will discuss the idea of a model as a conceptual system that is expressed by using external representational media, and that is used to construct, describe, or explain the behaviors of other systems. We will consider the types of models that students and teachers develop (explicitly) to construct, describe, or explain mathematically significant systems that they encounter in their everyday experiences, as these models are elicited through the use of model-eliciting activities (Lesh, Hoover, Hole, Kelly, & . During the workshop we will continue to explore these aspects of learning, teaching, and research by continuing our work in smaller groups focusing in: Student Development, Teacher Development, Assessment, Curriculum Development, Problem Solving, and an emphasis on Research Design. (Author)