Erythema Multiforme Due to Carbamazepine

1999, Medical journal, Armed Forces India


W hile appreciating the concern of Lt Col PI Vincent for the Ambulance Assistants and his sentimental call for their remustering into the trade ofNursing Assistants, I would like to restrict my comments to my study which was confined to the para-medical and auxiliary staff of AMC in their present jobs. It was not directed towards finding out the medical skills of the auxiliary staff like the Ambulance Assistants whose medical skill is knowingly limited to giving universal first aid. My endeavour was to find out the following in general:--Why do people join Army Medical Corps. Letters to the Editor -Why do people continue in Army Medical Corps. -What are the motivating and hygienic factors. -What do they like and dislike the most in service. It is presumed that the above information if available may be utilised to harness the human resources in AMC. There may be many areas which the readers may feel that may require change. That is how we grow.