Taşra Elitlerinin Yükselişi Konya Örneği XVIII.-XIX. Yüzyıl

2024, 978-625-396-442-9


This study examines how the Ottoman political culture of the 18th century was localized in Konya. With an approach similar to previous studies conducted in Egypt, Mosul and Diyarbakır, the reflections of elite household organization at the provincial level and the effects of changes in the Ottoman administrative-fiscal system on Konya are examined. The comprehensive research conducted in the light of old documents reveals how the transformation in fiscal structure shaped the dynamics of center-provincial and city-rural relations. The identity of the operators of these mukataas, the popular regions and the effects of taxation-redistribution policies are analyzed in detail through the records of malikâne mukataa. The findings obtained in the study show that the state did not lose its fiscal control in Konya, but on the contrary, strengthened it by sharing authority with local elements. The dominance of military elites in the management of the malikâne, However, it is also observed that local elites (Çavuşzadeler, Abdülgaffarzadeler, Çelikpaşazadeler etc.) played an important role. The analysis of the governor and mütesellim appointments reveals that localization did not weaken the state's control, on the contrary, people who would meet the needs were appointed with a pragmatic approach. In addition, it is determined that there was a division of labor between the seyfiye and ilmiye families, and that the ilmiye families played a greater role in the management of the foundations. The analysis conducted using the Hurufat registers shows that the increase in the number of foundations in the 18th century was not for the purpose of protecting the wealth of the administrators, but to meet social needs. This situation proves that the restructuring process was also reflected in the field of education and that the understanding of leaving a permanent legacy became widespread. The example of Arapağazade Süleyman Ağa shows how the state cooperated with powerful families of provincial origin during times of emergency. It is concluded that this cooperation strengthened the center's control over the provinces. In conclusion, this study shows that the center-province relations in 18th century Konya had a complex and dynamic structure, and that the state acted in cooperation with local elites while maintaining its control. Emphasizing the flexibility and adaptability of the Ottoman administration, the study offers important contributions to the field of Ottoman historiography and center-province relations.