Embankment Resting on Problematic Soil A Critical Review

2024, International Journal of Civil Engineering

Rapid infrastructure expansion, including high-speed railroads, freight corridors, and highways, has led to extensive construction activities across both rural and urban regions. This growth poses a significant challenge for researchers and engineers worldwide, who continuously seek innovative solutions to enhance weak soils, ensuring they meet the demands of various engineering structures. The stability of embankment foundations, particularly when built on soft soil masses, is often compromised due to the inherent characteristics of such soils, including high compressibility, plasticity, sensitivity, low shear strength, and poor permeability. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the challenges encountered during the construction of embankments on soft ground and offers recommendations for effective remedial measures. This review highlights critical considerations such as settlement, slope stability, and soil bearing capacity by analyzing the various factors that influence embankment stability through a systematic approach that incorporates past experimental and numerical studies. Common ground improvement techniques have been identified as effective solutions, such as preloading combined with Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD) and using lightweight fill materials. The insights gained from this study can assist engineers and consultants in developing design strategies and innovative solutions to address the challenges posed by land scarcity and problematic soils.