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2012, International Journal of Computer Applications
The paper presents a novel allocation algorithm to allocate independent real time tasks on a processor in a way that improves the processor's throughput (Processor's throughput is the number of tasks the processor can accept for execution). The proposed approach allocates tasks' workloads (task's workload is the percentage of work required by the processor to execute the task) instead of their processing powers (Processing power assigned to a task is a percentage of the processor reserved to execute the task such that its deadline is satisfied). To achieve our objective a variable processing power is assigned to the task under consideration over its deadline to satisfy its timing requirements instead of rejecting it if a constant processing power cannot be guaranteed as in previous CPU reservation approaches. Simulation results revealed that the acceptance rate of the admitted tasks to a certain processor using the new approach is superior to that achieved using the traditional processing power reservation approach.
Efficient utilization of the computational resources is an urgent demand especially if real time constraints should be guaranteed. Moreover, an acceptable level of reliability should be provided due to the critical nature of some real time applications. This paper proposes a new approach for processing power reservations that efficiently utilizes all the available processing power to improve reliability and schedulability of independent real time tasks on a uniprocessor. The basic idea of the proposed approach is to use all of the available processing power in the time interval between the arrivals of two successive tasks or when an existing task departs. The advantages of this mechanism are: 1) it reduces the execution time required for each task and hence increases its reliability. 2) At the arrival of a new task; the processing power requirements for the executing tasks to meet their deadlines are smaller, which gives the new arriving tasks higher chances to be accommodated with the existing ones. 3) Efficient processing power utilization may reduce the power consumption in processors with dynamic voltage scaling. An illustration example and simulation experiments showed that our approach provides a more reliable scheduling scheme with higher acceptance rate compared to the traditional approach based on Rialto operating system.
A real-time system must respond fast enough that it can serve the task in a particular time interval. The key constraints in real-time systems are to meet timing bounds and for these systems it is necessary to complete all of their tasks in time. Due to increasing complexity of real-time applications, powerful processors are needed to accommodate computational starving applications. Multi-core processor is a solution to such applications. However, multi-core processor is still in its immaturity stage and there is need to address the multi-core partitioning issues with perspective that all cores are equally utilized. More powerful processors are required to execute such applications. Single core processor are not enough capable to meet the increasing complexity of real-time applications. Multiple single core processors in any system require more power consumption which is not tolerable. Multi-core processor provides the solution to complex and computational starving real-time applications. Multi-core processors can provide higher computational power at lower power consumption. Distribution of tasks deals with partitioning the given workload on all processing cores in such a way that all tasks must meet their deadlines. Advantage of multi-core processors can only be fully realized if all cores have equal workload. No workload partitioning technique has been proposed so far that ensures the distribution of workload on all cores equally. Recently, multi-core systems have presented a research challenge to real-time system designers form scheduling perspectives and a lot of attention is being devoted to this research area, however, to the best of our knowledge, no solution addresses real-time systems issues associated with scheduling. The aim of this research is to answer the scheduling problem for multi-core processors and an efficient workload partitioning technique that can fully utilize all the processing cores in multi-core system.
Iet Computers and Digital Techniques, 2019
One of the critical design issues in real-time systems is energy consumption, especially in battery-operated systems. Generally higher processor voltage generates higher throughput of the system while decreasing voltage can perform energy minimisation. Instead of lowering processor voltage, this paper presents an optimum energy efficient real-time scheduling to adjust voltage dynamically to achieve optimum throughput. Earlier research works have considered random new tasks, which have been divided into jobs using pfair scheduling to fit into idle times of different cores of the system. In this paper we consider each job has different power levels and execution time at each power level can be found using normalised execution time. Based on the power levels and their corresponding execution time, we find different combinations of energy signature of the system and derive the optimum state of the system using a weighted average of the energy of the system and corresponding throughput. We verify the proposed model using generated task sets and the results show that the model performs excellently in all the cases and significantly reduced the total energy consumption of the system with respect to some popular and relatively new scheduling schemes.
Science of Computer Programming, 2017
• Representative theoretical models of several hard real-time scheduling policies. • New application of well-known classical combinatorial optimization problem: MGAP. • Applicability on embedded systems with low power and hard real-time requirements; • Optimal workload partitioning on heterogeneous processors in project time; • Computational experiments on finding optimal solutions for the proposed models;
2014 Seventh International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2014
This paper presents a real time scheduling algorithm for mixed task set on homogeneous multi-core platform. Periodic tasks are scheduled using Partitioned Earliest Deadline First (P-EDF) technique. Aperiodic tasks are assigned globally to different processor cores and scheduled using Total Bandwidth Server (TBS) on each core. In the proposed algorithm, the excess processing capacity of the cores left unused by the periodic tasks can be utilized by assigning aperiodic task to each core. This improves the overall utilization of individual core. Work conserving nature of global assignment reduces response time of aperiodic task. The proposed algorithm is implemented using java based simulator and tested on large number of synthetic test data. Results show improvement in utilization of individual processing core and improvement in response time of aperiodic tasks. Keywords-multi-core processors, partitioned approach, mixed real time task set, Response Time etc. I.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2008
Multicore processors deliver a higher throughput at lower power consumption than unicore processors. In the near future, they will thus be widely used in mobile real-time systems. There have been many research on energy-efficient scheduling of real-time tasks using DVS. These approaches must be modified for multicore processors, however, since normally all the cores in a chip must run at the same performance level. Thus, blindly adopting existing DVS algorithms that do not consider the restriction will result in a waste of energy. This article suggests Dynamic Repartitioning algorithm based on existing partitioning approaches of multiprocessor systems. The algorithm dynamically balances the task loads of multiple cores to optimize power consumption during execution. We also suggest Dynamic Core Scaling algorithm, which adjusts the number of active cores to reduce leakage power consumption under low load conditions. Simulation results show that Dynamic Repartitioning can produce energy savings of about 8 percent even with the best energy-efficient partitioning algorithm. The results also show that Dynamic Core Scaling can reduce energy consumption by about 26 percent under low load conditions.
—The usage of heterogeneous multicore platforms is appealing for applications, e.g. hard real-time systems, due to the potential reduced energy consumption offered by such platforms. However, the power wall is still a barrier to improving the processor design process due to the power consumption of components. Hard real-time systems are part of life critical environments and reducing the energy consumption on such systems is an onerous and complex process. This paper assesses the problem of finding optimum allocations and frequency assignments of hard real-time tasks among heterogeneous processors targeting low power consumption but taking into account timing constraints. We also propose models based on a well-established formulation in the operational research literature of the Multilevel Generalized Assignment Problem (MGAP). We tackle the problem from the perspective of different integer programming mathematical formulations and their interplay on the search for optimal solutions for RM and EDF. Computational experiments show that providing upper bounds determined by a meta-heuristic based on genetic algorithm reduces the time to finding optimal solution from hours to milliseconds, enabling us to still pursue optimum in larger instances.
To my beloved husband, Abd Hadi, my loving childrens, Aizat and Ainaa, and my loving and supportive parents, Hj Chuprat and Hajjah Rabahya. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I thank ALLAH (SWT), the Lord Almighty, for giving me the health, strength, ability to complete this work and for blessing me with supportive supervisors, family and friends.
When executing different real-time applications on a single processor system, one problem is how to compose these applications and guarantee at the same time that their timing requirements are not violated. A possible way of composing applications is through the resource reservation approach. Each application is handled by a dedicated server that is assigned a fraction of the processor. Using this approach, the system can be seen as a two-level hierarchical scheduler. A considerable amount of work has been recently addressed to the analysis of this kind of hierarchical systems. However, a question is still unanswered: given a set of real-time tasks to be handled by a server, how to assign the server parameters so that the task set is feasible? In this paper, we answer to the previous question for the case of fixed priority local scheduler by presenting a methodology for computing the class of server parameters that make the task set feasible.
This paper introduces a maximal allowable workload task allocation problem (MAW) to address a class of distributed real-time systems that have unpredictable execution times due to varying workload. It is known that worst case execution time analysis is not well suited for these systems. This problem seeks to maximize the upper bound of permissible workload in an allocation so that
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, 2020
Proceedings 21st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
In this paper we propose a novel scheduling framework for a real-time environment that experiences dynamic changes. This framework is capable of adjusting the system workload in incremental steps under overloaded conditions such that the most critical tasks in the system are always scheduled and the total value of the system is m i m i z e d. Each task has an assigned criticality value and consists of two parts, a mandatory part and an optional part. A timely answer is available after the mandatory part completes execution and its value may be improved by executing the entire optional part. Optional parts can be discarded in overloaded conditions. The process of selecting optional parts to discard while maximizing the value of the system requires the exploration of a potentially large number of combinations. Since this process is too time consuming to be computed on-line, an approximate algorithm is executed incrementally whenever the processor would otherwise be idle, progressively rejning the quality of the solution. This criteria allows the scheduler to handle overloads with low cost while maximizing the use of the available resources and without jeopardizing the temporal constraints of the most critical tasks in the system. Simulation results show that few stages of the algorithm need to be executed for achieving a performance with near-optimal results.
High-performance microprocessors, e.g., multithreaded and multicore processors, are being implemented in embedded real-time systems because of the increasing computational requirements. These complex microprocessors have two major drawbacks when they are used for real-time purposes. First, their complexity difficults the calculation of the WCET (Worst Case Execution Time). Second, power consumption requirements are much larger, which is a major concern in these systems.
In real-time systems, it is required to complete all work on a timely basis. There are mainly two types of real time systems: hard real-time systems (HRT) and soft-real time (SRT) systems. In hard real-time systems, a missed deadline is considered a system failure; in soft real-time systems some deadlines may be missed. The aim of real-time scheduling analysis is to ensure a sequence of jobs meets their deadlines. Many real-time systems allow jobs to interrupt, or preempt, one another. In multiprocessor systems a preemption may result in a job migrating from one processor to another. Both preemptions and migrations cause scheduling overheads. In this dissertation, we present two approaches for reducing scheduling overheads. One approach reduces the number of preemptions and migrations by adjusting job priorities. Another approach incorporates genetic algorithms to classify HRT task sets, and uses heuristics to reduce the number of preemptions and migrations. Another type of overhead that this dissertation addresses is energy consumption. This dissertation presents an algorithm to use Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) processors for conserving energy. The proposed algorithm drastically reduces the power consumption of the systems by slowing down Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iv LIST OF FIGURES vi
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 2019
The shift from homogeneous multi-core to heterogeneous multi-core introduces challenges in scheduling the tasks to the appropriate cores maintaining the time deadline. This paper studies the existing scheduling schemes in heterogeneous multi-core system and finds an approach to enhance the homogeneous system model to heterogeneous scheduling architecture. The proposed model increases the overall system utilization by accommodating almost all the tasks (low power task and high power task) into appropriate cores (big high power and small low power). It further enhances the system performance by allocating rejected jobs from small cores into the big cores through dispatcher.
Computing Research Repository, 2011
An optimal solution to the problem of scheduling real-time tasks on a set of identical processors is derived. The described approach is based on solving an equivalent uniprocessor real-time scheduling problem. Although there are other scheduling algorithms that achieve optimality, they usually impose prohibitive preemption costs. Unlike these algorithms, it is observed through simulation that the proposed approach produces no more than three preemptions points per job.
Proceeding. 10th EUROMICRO Workshop on Real-Time Systems (Cat. No.98EX168), 1998
This paper introduces improvements in partitioning schemes for multiprocessor real-time systems which allow higher processor utilization and enhanced schedulability by using exact feasibility tests to evaluate the schedulability limit of a processor. The paper analyzes how to combine these tests with existing bin-packing algorithms for processor allocation and provides new variants which are exhaustively evaluated using two assumptions: variable and fixed number of processors. The problem of evaluating this algorithms is complex, since metrics are usually based on comparing the performance of a given algorithm to an optimal one, but determining optimals is often NP-hard on multiprocessors. This problem has been overcome by defining lower or upper bounds on the performance of an optimal algorithm and then defining metrics with respect this bounds. The evaluation has shown that the algorithms exhibit extremely good behaviors and they can be considered very close to the maximum achievable utilization. It is also shown that dynamic priority policies produces significantly better results than fixed priorities policies when task sets require high processor utilizations.
In a parallelizable task model, a task can be parallelized and the component tasks can be executed concurrently on multiple processors. We use this parallelism in tasks to meet their deadlines and also obtain better processor utilisation compared to non-parallelized tasks. Non-preemptive parallelizable task scheduling combines the advantages of higher schedulability and lower scheduling overhead o ered by the preemptive and non-preemptive task scheduling models, respectively. We propose a new approach to maximize the bene ts from task parallelization. It involves checking the schedulability of periodic tasks (if necessary, by parallelizing them) o-line and run-time scheduling of the schedulable periodic tasks together with dynamically arriving aperiodic tasks. To avoid the run-time anomaly that may occur when the actual computation time of a task is less than its worst case computation time, we propose e cient run-time mechanisms. We have carried out extensive simulation to study the e ectiveness of the proposed approach by comparing the schedulability o ered by it with that of dynamic scheduling using Earliest Deadline First (EDF), and by comparing its storage e ciency with that of the static table-driven approach. We found that the schedulability o ered by parallelizable task scheduling is always higher than that of the EDF algorithm for a wide variety of task parameters and the storage overhead incurred by it is less than 3.6% of the static table-driven approach even under heavy task loads.
Real-Time Technology and Applications - Proceedings, 2002
In this paper we propose a novel scheduling framework for a dynamic real-time environment with energy constraints. This framework dynamically adjusts the CPU voltage/frequency so that no task in the system misses its deadline and the total energy savings of the system are maximized. In this paper we consider only realistic, discrete-Ievel speeds. Each task in the system consumes a certain amount of energy, which depends on a speed chosen for execution. The process of selecting speeds for execution while maximizing the energy savings of the system requires the exploration of a large number of combinations, which is too time consuming to be computed on-line. Thus, we propose an integrated heuristic methodology which executes an optimization procedure in a low computation time. This scheme allows the scheduler to handle power-aware realtime tasks with low cost while maximizing the use of the available resources and without jeopardizing the temporal constraints of the system. Simulation results show that our heuristic methodology is able to generate power-aware scheduling solutions with near-optimal performance.
Most currently existing optimal real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithms follow the fairness rule, in which all tasks are forced to make progress in their executions proportional to their utilization, to ensure the optimality of the algorithm. However, obeying the fairness rule results in large number of task preemptions and migrations and these highly affect the practicability of the algorithm. In this paper, we present an efficient real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithm in which the fairness rule is completely relaxed and a semi-greedy algorithm is introduced. In the simulation, the proposed algorithm showed promising results in terms of number of task preemptions and migrations that are very few compared to the current state of the art real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithms. Although the algorithm can sometimes miss a very few deadlines, we assume that these deadline misses can be tolerated in view of the great reduction of task preemptions and migrations.
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