The irreplaceable presence of Prague in my life

2017, Philosophy & Social Criticism


Already during my undergraduate studies in South Africa (Stellenbosch 1982-4) I encountered the tradition of critical theory and the name of Ju ¨rgen Habermas. During my master studies in Pretoria (on philosophical hermeneutics and postmodernism) I touched upon the Habermas-Gadamer debate. Hereafter I had the wonderful opportunity to study for two semesters in Germany. In a magical summer semester (Frankfurt 1989), I did not only attend the lectures and seminars of Ju ¨rgen Habermas, Karl-Otto Apel and Hubert Dreyfus (guest professor), but also the seminar of the young Axel Honneth (Habermas' assistant) where I also met Rainer Forst. When I returned to South Africa to do my doctorate on Habermas' aesthetics in Port Elizabeth, I stayed in contact with Honneth and Forst. It was through their goodwill that I got my first invitation to Prague in April 1994. That first Prague conference is still vivid in my mind. The old city with its cobblestones, mysterious alleys, the Charles Bridge in all its splendor and the castle on the top of the hill was just emerging out of the cold war years. The metro took one among the beautiful people of Prague, with their soft Slavic tongue, to the different underground stations -with Hradcanska Station the one that leads you to the conference at the Villa Lana in the Bubenec ˇsuburb.