The Effect of Economic Factors on Crimes Rate


Crime, as an undesirable social phenomenon, has many economic and social causes, and due to the importance of the issue of crime in different countries, in recent years, extensive studies under the general title of criminology have been conducted to identify and explain the causes of its occurrence. It should be acknowledged that economic factors are the basic factor for all social structures and have significant effects on individual activities, including the occurrence of crime. Regarding the factors affecting the occurrence of crime, it should be said that often a set of factors together lead to the occurrence of crime, which include the personality and mental state, environment and society of the person, physical condition, etc. Regardless of the fact that the economic status of people, alone, can lead to positive or negative results; This article aims to explain the effect of economic factors on the occurrence of crimes and after mentioning an introduction in this regard, to express economic theories and the effect of economic concepts and factors on the occurrence of crime. Will the bad economic situation of people lead to committing a criminal act on their part? Does the bad or good economic status of a country affect the crime rate of that country? And such questions are tried to be answered in this article.