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In communities where there is a small population, exists multigrade schools that deliver education to learners who cannot attend monograde schools because of several challenges such as topography and distance such as in the Philippines with over 8,000 multigrade schools. There are only very few studies about it in the province of Region X, Philippines, specifically in Gingoog City where there are 23 multigrade schools. So, this study sought to determine if multigrade classrooms are viable alternative to monograde classrooms by comparing the reading comprehension of sixth graders in these two types of classrooms in Gingoog City. This study used descriptive and causal-comparative designs of research. There were 37 respondents in multigrade group using total sampling method, and 136 in monograde group using proportionate stratified random technique with Raosoft sample size calculator. The instrument used in this study was a 40-item reading comprehension adapted from PHIL-IRI 2018, deemed reliable (0.70) through Kuder-Richardson 20. Frequency and percentage were used to measure students' reading comprehension in the two groups, and an independent t-test was used to establish whether there was a significant difference between the two groups' reading comprehension. Results revealed that there is no significant difference in the reading comprehension between the sixth graders of multigrade and monograde classrooms. This implies that multigrade education is a good alternative to monograde education and is therefore recommended to be continued. However, the study revealed that the majority of the respondents are frustration readers, so further research is needed to explore further their reading comprehension.
Journal of Tertiary Education and Learning
In the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Philippines ranked the lowest among the 79 countries participating in the assessment. This study aimed to determine the proficiency of the grade 10 students at Aloran Trade High School and the difficulty of reading comprehension. The instruments used in this study were adapted reading materials from PISA assessments with questions needing subjective answers, categorized according to the different comprehensions proposed in Barrett’s Taxonomy. The researchers collected data from 40 grade 10 students who were selected randomly using a random sampling technique. Item analysis (item difficulty and item discrimination) and descriptive analysis (mean and standard deviation) were used to analyze the data. After tabulating the data gathered, the researchers determined that the students have low proficiency in reading comprehension. Furthermore, no comprehension has an easy difficulty with the proficiency of grade 10 studen...
International Journal on Integrated Education, 2019
This study probed on factors affecting the reading comprehension among 264 Grade Six learners in the three selected schools in the District of Tanza Cavite for the academic year 2018-2019. The researcher aptly considered the descriptive method of research using Phil-IRI Test and a researcher- made questionnaire as data gathering instruments. The gathered data were analyzed through percentage, mean, arbitrary scale with its corresponding adjectival interpretation, and the Pearson product moment of correlation. The singular hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that majority of the Grade VI learners comprised the instructional level of reading comprehension; the parent, home, teacher and learner factors all have moderate extent of association to the learners’ level of reading comprehension; and that the parent factor had a weak association with learners’ level of reading comprehension, while home, teacher and learner factors have had a negligible assoc...
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal , 2023
Before the pandemic, education leaders had been concerned about Filipino students' low reading comprehension, as reflected in the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), wherein the Philippines scored the lowest among the 79 participating countries. Now that we have had two years of no face-to-face classes, their reading comprehension has been more seriously impacted. This study sought to measure Solano High School Gr. 8 students' reading comprehension levels during the pandemic and investigate factors related to their performance. A quantitative research approach was used in determining the reading comprehension level of student-respondents through the Group Screening Test of Phil-IRI, a reading inventory composed of graded passages. Moreover, the study used a descriptive survey and a correlational methodology to determine the significant relationship between the respondents' reading performance and their profile variables. The study revealed that 98.7% of the respondents fall under "Frustration," the lowest level, in which readers find reading materials so difficult that they cannot successfully respond to them. Findings also showed that a student whose parents have higher educational attainment, sufficient family income, access to multimedia resources, and superior academic performance might perform better in reading comprehension. Moreover, gender, ethnic affiliation, parental involvement in their reading activities, and length of one's exposure to multimedia materials were found to have no significant relationship with the respondents' reading comprehension level. Following the results, a reading program was designed that shall raise awareness among all stakeholders on the student's reading performance and the factors that influence it to meet readers' needs and abilities; equip teachers with the knowledge and skills in producing both digital and print reading materials that integrate content across learning areas and promote an inclusive reading environment that stimulates students to learn through reading.
Education 3-13, 2018
The study determined the reading comprehension levels in English of Grade 7 students of Caraga State University, Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte. It also described the profile of the participants and the perceived factors which determine the participants' reading comprehension levels in terms of availability of literary reading materials at home, adequacy of reading instruction in reading, availability of reading materials in school, and reading habits. The study made use of the descriptive research design using survey technique and a researcher-made questionnaire. There were 132 participants involved in the study. The statistical tools used were Frequency count and Percentage distribution, the Mean and Standard Deviation (SD), t-test, and analysis of variance. It was found out that there was no significant relationship between the participants' profile and factors of reading toward their reading comprehension level. It gave way to deal with some of the levels of reading comprehensions that were weak, namely interpretative, critical, and application that requires desirable intervention program.
This study aimed to test the effectiveness of an experiment with regard to developing the reading literacy among Grade I learners in the District of Candelaria. This research is quantitative in nature which utilized an experimental design where the experimental group, 99 pupisl-participants from public elementary schools in Candelaria, were selected as the study subjects and involved one group pre-test post-test design. The researcher utilized the following literacy strategies: Read-Aloud, K-W-L Charts, Graphic Organizers, Vocabulary Instruction, Writing to Learn, Structured Note-taking, and Reciprocal Teaching and engaged the pupil-participants in multiple readings of the texts over the course of eight weeks. The data gathered is analyzed using frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics, specifically, T-test and One Way Analysis of Variance. The findings revealed that there is a significant difference in the performance of Grade I pupils in their reading competence based on the pre-test and post-test evaluation thus, utilizing a proper intervention can be instrumental in improving pupils' reading comprehension skill. Additionally, the study found out that there is no significant difference in the effectiveness of reading competence strategies before and after the activity.
This paper aims to assess the reading comprehension skills of Grade V pupils of Conde Elementary School in terms of critical, integrative, interpretative and literal level of reading. Students encounter trouble in decoding and recognizing words in the text. Several factors which greatly affect reading comprehension include the readers' knowledge of the topic, knowledge of language structures, knowledge of text structures and genre, knowledge of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, their reasoning abilities, their motivation and their level of engagement. The researchers utilized the descriptive type of research by using the validated questionnaire as a tool in gathering data. The findings revealed that, the pupil-respondents found difficulties in interpretative, critical analysis and integrative level of reading comprehension. Different reading activities and exercises could be employed to teach students explicit reading strategies and promote higher level of thinking skills.
The study was sought to determine the reading level of Grade II Pupils scaffolding for reading program of Eastern Schools in Botolan District. A reading program was devised to Grade II pupils to enhance their reading ability. Descriptive research design and quantitative in its analysis was employed by the researcher. The reading level of Grade II pupils in terms of word recognition/ oral reading, silent reading comprehension, listening comprehension is frustration. The difficulties in reading level in terms of silent reading comprehension, listening comprehension was described as difficult. The proposed reading program on reading ability of Grade II pupils addresses the identified frustration level on oral reading, silent reading comprehension, listening comprehension, and their difficulties. The evaluation of the reading program by the teachers in terms of content and usefulness was of strongly agree. The Grade II pupils may encourage and motivate to develop a reading habit in school and at home. The Grade II pupils may be exposed to varied techniques, strategies, exercises in executing reading activities for them to be able to achieve the highest level of reading according to standards set by Department of Education. The teacher may provide additional reading materials like books, magazines, encyclopaedias or short story books to improve their reading level in oral reading and comprehension. The Reading Skills Enhancement Program (RSEP) may be proposed to the Department of Education, Division of Zambales for implementation in the Eastern Schools of Botolan, Philippines.
Asian Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Researches, 2024
The ongoing debate about the interdependency of reading comprehension between the first language (L1) and the second language (L2) has been a significant topic since reading is believed to be a fundamental skill crucial for learning and academic success. The difference between the reading comprehension in L1 and L2 among Grade 6 pupils was examined in this study to assess the relationship between their abilities in both languages using the PHIL-IRI reading materials. It has been discovered that no significant difference was found between their L1 and L2 reading comprehension based on their post-test scores: L1 (M=65.167, SD=10.787, n=120) and L2 (M=66.208, SD=12.178, n=120) at the .05 level of significance (t=-0.841, df=124, p=0.402), further signifying that the pupils' reading comprehension in L1 and L2 is comparable but does not significantly differ. L1 can positively influence L2 reading skills, thus highlighting the importance of strengthening L1 reading comprehension to enhance L2 reading skills, as identified in the significant correlation between L1 and L2 reading comprehension. Addressing the disparities in learning outcomes by promoting inclusive and equitable quality education aligns with Sustainable Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 10 (Reduced Inequality) and increasing exposure to L1 is essential for developing better L2 reading skills. Addressing these challenges in bilingual education reflects the broader educational strategy, especially in ASEAN countries, including the Philippines, which helps to improve reading comprehension to ensure learning and academic success.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2023
This study aimed to determine the 200 Grade Six learners' difficulty in reading comprehension and writing in the Division of Cagayan de Oro City during school year 2020-2021. Specifically, this study sought to: a) describe the profile of the respondents, b) identify the respondents' difficulty level in terms of their reading comprehension and writing, c) determine the significant difference in the respondents' level of difficulty in reading comprehension and writing when grouped according to their profile; d) the extent do the following variables explain the respondents' difficulty in reading comprehension and writing; e) the result of the in-depth interview conducted to the learners. A descriptive research design was used in this study. Mean, standard deviation, percentage, frequency, t-test, and F-Test were used to describe the variables in the study. Findings show that the respondents' available reading materials at home, as well as their attitude towards reading comprehension and writing characteristics, had a significant extent on their difficulty in reading, while the respondents profile showed no significant extent on their levels of difficulty in writing. Hence, learners who are not exposed to reading materials have difficulty in reading comprehension and writing, and that affects their attitude. Parents and teachers should find ways to support and assist their children by providing them with reading resources so that they can have access to them. Moreover, parents should follow up and monitor their children's progress in school so that their children would be guided. An intervention plan was designed to help teachers and parents in finding solutions in the difficulty level of the students.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Reading comprehension of texts is a basic competency in the Indonesian Subject Curriculum. The observation results show that reading comprehension is still low, especially reading comprehension of the meaning of the text and the context of a text. From these problems, it is necessary to conduct research on the level of reading comprehension of grade VII students of SMP Negeri 06, Rejang Lebong. This research aimed at describing the level of reading comprehension ability and the causes of students' misunderstanding in grade VII of SMP Negeri 06 Rejang Lebong on reading text material. This research belongs to mixed method design. The subjects of this study were 28 students of class VII from SMP Negeri 06, Rejang Lebong. Data were collected using tests, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Data validity test is done by member checking, which is assisted by language validator and triangulation. The results showed that students were not accustomed to reading texts and there were still those who were not fluent in reading.
Davao Research Journal
The aim of this study is to explore the factors that affect the reading performance of Grade 3 pupils. This study was administered in a classroom with a total of 76 respondents using a researcher-made survey questionnaire that underwent a validity and reliability test. The result determined the level of reading performance of Grade 3 pupils from the data given by the advisers, which is remarked as "reader without comprehension." Moreover, this study determined the level of practice of the factors presented, the significant difference between paired factors, and the factors that best predict reading performance. Among the factors presented, this study revealed that vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge, teacher, and parental involvement best predict the reading performance of Grade 3 pupils at Boston Central Elementary School.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal , 2023
This study aimed to investigate the reading comprehension difficulties experienced by Grade VI learners and their impact on academic performance during the school year 2022-2023. Specifically, it sought to identify the level of reading comprehension among the respondents in terms of literal, inferential, and evaluative understanding, assess their academic performance in core subjects such as English, Science, and Mathematics, and determine the significant relationship between their reading comprehension difficulties and academic performance. A descriptive research design was utilized, and the sample consisted of 139 respondents selected from schools in the Montevista District. Data was collected using a survey questionnaire, and the analysis involved Pearson's correlation coefficient. The study's findings underscore the importance of a supportive household environment for a child's overall growth and development, with implications for school administrators, division superintendents, teachers, and parents.
Poverty is one of the important factors related to the level of literacy. PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) research shows that the socioeconomic status of families has a statistically significant impact on the academic achievement of pupils living in poverty (Babuder, & Kavkler, 2014). It is on this premise that this study was conducted. The Philippine government system has poured billions of pesos to improve its quality of education. The 4Ps (Pantawid Pampamilyang Pilipino Program) has been institutionalized. But after almost 8 years of 4Ps implementation, how did it go along with students' academic performances. This study aimed to find out whether socioeconomic characteristics of students would affect their performances in reading comprehension and depth of vocabulary knowledge tests. Specifically, the study determined to uncover whether significant differences existed on students' reading comprehension and depth of vocabulary knowledge when these students are grouped according to their socioeconomic characteristics. It made use of descriptive correlation research design involving 3035 secondary students. Three research instruments were utilized. The data gathered were treated using Pearson product moment correlation and analysis of variance. Results revealed that those students' whose monthly income is quite low, whose parents are professionals, or who have earned units in college, and have less number of siblings in the family performed better in the two tests. Future researcher should replicate this study improving the statistical treatment or using other research design to uncover the findings' departure from existing body of knowledge that the more affluent the family is the better is their children's academic performance.
Metodika Casopis Za Teoriju I Praksu Metodika U Predskolskom Odgoju Skolskoj I Visokoskolskoj Izobrazbi, 2007
The aim of the study was to determine any possible differences in reading skill achievement with regard to the number of English lessons per week, fi nal school grade in English, learning English outside school, learning other foreign languages and using the Internet. Reading comprehension was tested in the eighth grade of primary school (on a sample of 1254 learners) and in the fourth grade of secondary school (on a sample of 656 learners). Results have shown that the number of English lessons per week has a positive infl uence on the reading skill achievement scores for secondary school learners, while no such trend is observable for primary school learners. There was a mild to moderate correlation between the overall English grade and the achievement on the reading comprehension test. Learning English outside school had a positive infl uence on the reading comprehension achievement score in primary school, which was not the case for secondary school learners. Finally, using the Internet was positively correlated with the reading skill in primary school learners.
In many years of improving the quality of education many researchers mainly focused on how to facilitate student learning process. The interest of other researches was on reading fluency of students as one of the key to be good reader and a requirement for a very good reading comprehension. This research on oral and silent reading fluency among third grade students used the correlational method a kind of research that is not experimental procedures in a quantitative research. The respondents were the students at Darong Elementary School, Sta. Cruz davao del sur. Result show, that reading rate of the students are higher in silent reading as compare to the oral reading. In addition, reading comprehension, silent reading is got higher average compared to the oral reading comprehension of the students.
PREMISE JOURNAL:ISSN online: 2442-482x, ISSN printed: 2089-3345
This study is aimed to: (1) find out the differences on reading comprehension between students of junior high school in city and rural area, (2) to find out factors that causes differences on reading comprehension between students in city and rural area. This resarch was carried out in SMPN 1 Serang, SMPN 1 Cilegon, SMPN 1 Picung and SMPN 1 Banjarsari. The method used was quantitative method in the form of comparative study. The writer used Ex Post Facto Design in this research. The population of the research was all the third year students of those four schools. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The writer took 80 students for the sample. The instruments for collecting data were questionnaire, interview, test and also unstructured observation. The technique used to analyze data was T-Test separated variance and polled variance. The result of the study showed that there was a significant difference of students reading comprehension between students in city and rural are...
The Normal Lights, 2016
This descriptive-correlation study assessed the comprehension level of selected Grade 4 pupils by subjecting them to three types of test (informal reading inventory, cloze test, and retelling) in two kinds of texts (narrative and expository). The results revealed that the pupils had the same comprehension levels for each test type no matter the genre of texts although of varying levels: frustration in cloze test, instructional in informal reading inventory, and independent in retelling. Overall, the comprehension levels showed slight correlation between text types, where an increase in narrative comprehension level slightly increased the comprehension level in expository texts. Meanwhile, a negative negligible correlation was observed between comprehension levels and test types using informal reading inventory and cloze test while high positive correlation was observed between comprehension level and test types using retelling. Results suggested that comprehension l...
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Differentiated instruction has been a buzz word in Philippine education for many years. Educators utilize differentiated approach in teaching to maximize and meet the expected learning outcomes. Previous study pointed out that students vary in terms of learning style and understanding the concept. This study aims to identify the role of differentiated instruction in teaching reading and promoting comprehension in basic education. This paper looked at four differentiated instructional strategies for teaching guided reading: Noting details, sequencing events, getting the main idea and predicting outcomes. Moreover, it seeks to determine the multiple intelligence profile and the performance in reading comprehension of the students. It also determines whether a significant correlation exists between the profile and the performance of the students. Data were generated using adapted multiple intelligences inventory instruments and written passages, prescribed curriculum by the Department ...
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2020
The research was conducted in the identified Elementary Schools of Toledo City Division, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines as a bases for the development of Reading Intervention for the Graders. The descriptive method was utilized in this study to determine the status of reading instruction among graders of the identified elementary public schools of Toledo City Division, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines during the school year 2019-2020. Respondents of the study were 38 teachers, and 141 graders who were enrolled in the identified elementary public schools of Toledo City Division, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines during the school year 2019-2020. Gathered data were treated using the weighted mean, the chi-square and the p-value. The identified profile, and the perceptions of teachers and the status of reading instruction among graders of the identified elementary public schools of Toledo City Division, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines during the school year 2019-2020 are not significantly correlated. Among the identified profiles of the graders, only the number of siblings, family monthly income, and multimedia available at home were significantly correlated with the status of reading instruction among graders of the identified Elementary Schools of Toledo City Division, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines during the school year 2019-2020. The school officials should encourage teachers to always exhibit positive teaching behavior to further learning of students and maintain flexible program to cater the diverse students learning needs and interest.
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