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2020, The Journal of Education, Culture, and Society
15 pages
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Aim: The paper aims at highlighting philosophical roots of the relation issue between nature and education in the process of socialization. Method: For the purpose of the research critical philosophical analysis and comparison of Thomas Hobbes’ and Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s texts has been used. Concept: The first part of the paper clarifies the concept of nature and explains changes in understanding of this concept thorough the history of philosophy, with the special emphasis on transformation that happened in transition from medieval to modern period. Since both Hobbes and Rousseau are representatives of modern philosophy, the second section of the paper shows how modern concept of nature manifests in the works of the two philosophers and compares, in a more detailed way, their understanding of human nature or natural state of mankind, focusing on comparison of their concepts of human natural unsociability. The third part examines more closely the role of education in transformation ...
This paper offers a historical contribution for understanding of the relationship between nature and culture, based on an analysis of a highly influential text of the European philosophical tradition, About the Ends of Goods and Evils of Cicero. Human morality has three different roots on the Ciceronian pages: 1) a human can be an animal – a part of the live nature – in the concept of oikeiōsis; 2) a human has obligations as a cosmopolitēs, a part of the cosmos; and 3) social obligations rooted in human rationality, in other words – human being is a part of the society. Analyzing these three roots of the Stoic ethics in a Roman interpretation, we can understand their contradictory consequences. By the analysis of the relevant texts it will be demonstrated that the Stoic philosophers and their interpreters were unconscious of the ambiguity of the roots of human morality offered by them. A tension in our anthropological thinking about the human nature as a natural or a social phenomen...
This article intends to reexamine Rousseau's educational theory in the context of the nature/ culture opposition. In contemporary discussions on the nature/culture dualism, it has been often stated that his educational theory is based on the assumption that a child is a natural being. However, the author demonstrates that Rousseau was instead committed to a duality of human nature; this influences his educational theory. In his model, human nature consists of a natural and a social side; these two parts are in conflict which seems unsolvable due to the present state of society. A child is regarded as a figure which is open to the future reconciliation of nature and culture. Thus, Rousseau's model of education is presented not from the standpoint of the present state of society, but from the standpoint of an ideal state which might be built in the future. In addition, the examination of human duality allows one to show that Rousseau's ideas on civil and private education are closely interrelated.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 2015
The personality and creativity of Jean-Jacques Rousseau are multifaceted, sometimes difficult to structure and observe in modern humanistic theorizations, although the idea of a special social function of personal sovereignty and the idea of history as a meaningful synthesis of historical facts have not lost their relevance today, if we find the necessary range of review and ways of implementation. Another example – the idea of education as a system, which should be the very nature – the nature of the pupil, the “nature-loving” educator, and the natural educational process itself. If we consider the idea of following the natural pupil so as to create conditions for detection, disclosure, and facilitating the full deployment of the individual capacities of the pupil, this idea is at least highly relevant. This is an aspect of the modern psychological, pedagogical, and even – political – mainstream, the focus of what is most concerned about contemporary human society and its various i...
Filosofija. Sociologija, 2019
In this study, we will try to show that human nature can be handled with a political determination in Rousseau. Human nature has always been a controversial subject of political philosophy in the historical process. So much so that in these discussions we can see that human nature, especially with Rousseau, is now treated as something that is shaped and changed separately for each of various processes of history. Therefore we will first focus on how human nature is defined in Rousseau in the state of nature to show that human nature has been subjected to political influence in the historical process. Then we will examine how the human nature takes shape with the civilization leading to the end of the state of nature. Finally, through social contracting, we will focus on how human nature is transformed into a political thing by gaining a new dimension.
RESUMO No texto a seguir, pretendemos apresentar uma proposta de interpretação da obra de Hobbes a partir de sociobiologia. Apesar de poder chocar alguns em primeiro lugar como um anacronismo ou errado, ler o filósofo da Mamelsbury a partir de uma perspectiva sociobiológica pode lançar luz sobre alguns aspectos particulares do seu argumento, em especial os referentes à construção da natureza humana e sua influência sobre a modulação do estado de natureza e sobre a justificação da autoridade e obrigação política. Portanto, Hobbes procede como um sociobiólogo, já que ele nos oferece um conto sobre o surgimento da moralidade de onde ela não existia antes e se move de lá para uma compreensão específica da autoridade política. ABSTRACT In the following text we aim to present a proposal of interpretation of Hobbes's work from sociobiology viewpoint. Despite the fact it may strike some at first as an anachronism or straightforward wrong, reading the philosopher of Mamelsbury from a sociobiological perspective, can shed light on some particular aspects of his argument, particularly those referring kriterion,
Dialogue and Universalism, 2017
The aim of this contribution is to critically explore the understanding, the goals and the meaning of education in the philosophy of education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In his educational novel Emile: or On Education [Emile ou De l'éducation] (1762) he depicts his account of the natural education. Rousseau argues that all humans share one and the same development process which is independent of their social background. He regards education as an active process of perfection which is curiosity-driven and intrinsic to each child. Rousseau's educational goals are autarky, happiness and freedom.
Bilim, olay ve olguları tarihsel bir süreç içinde incelerken, olay ve olguları değişime zorlayan dinamikleri bulup, onları bütün ile ilişkilendirme çabası içindedir. Bu makalenin amacı, bilimin bu çabasından yola çıkarak, insanın doğada var olma ve bir arada yaşama ihtiyacının / zorunluluğunun araçlarından biri olan eğitimin, ilk insandan bugüne hangi dinamiklerle nasıl evrildiğini ortaya koymaktır. Ayrıca bu evrilmenin yönünün nasıl masumane yaşamı sürdürme ihtiyacından, egemen güçlerin, geniş halk kitlelerinin bilincini şekillendirerek, yeryüzü kaynaklarına el koyma aracına dönüştüğünün de kısa öyküsünü anlatmaktır.Science has had an effort to relate the events and the facts with the whole by finding the dynamics which forces the events and the facts to change, while it has been examining the events and the facts in a historical process. The aim of this article is to introduce how education, which is a kind of a medium of people being in the nature and his need to live together with the nature, has been evolved by means of which dynamics from the first man in the world. Moreover , the article also denotes the short story of how the scope of this evolution made education turned out to be an intermeddling item for the earth resources shaping the consciousness of public mass by the sovereign power
Journal of Christian Scholarship, 2021
After almost three hundred years, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s influence in various fields of science is clearly visible. One field of science in which Rousseau is particularly indispensable is in education. A key concept within Rousseau’s ideas on education is his concept of natural inclination. In this article, Rousseau’s concept of natural inclination is assessed from a Reformed worldview perspective. Rousseau’s anthropological view of man being naturally good makes his use of the term ‘natural inclination’ different from that of Reformed thinkers, which is grounded in the Reformed confession of man’s sinful nature. This further has the effect that the conceptualisation of the different aspects of education takes a different form than the framework presented by Rousseau. As a result, educators working within a Reformed worldview cannot be uncritical towards Rousseau’s use of the concept of ‘natural inclination’.
The base premise behind Adam Smith's idea of Capitalism was man's self-interest. That behind modern political philosophy of was also, similarly, the notion of Thomas Hobbes that, by nature, life (hence, human nature) was 'brutish,nasty and short'. Hobbes thought, to set the society in order,a power-state was the only remedy. This paper attempts to seek evidences to show that, human nature is NOT rooted on 'self-interest',but it is basically 'self-rooted'.
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